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PolarDB:Enable and use the cold data tiered storage feature

Last Updated:Aug 16, 2024

This topic describes how to enable and use the cold data tiered storage feature.


  • The cold data tiered storage feature is supported only for PolarDB for PostgreSQL and later.

  • After you enable the cold data tiered storage feature, you cannot disable it. You can delete cold data. If no cold data is stored, you are not charged for the cold data tiered storage feature.

  • You cannot enable the cold data tiered storage feature for PolarDB for PostgreSQL clusters for which hot standby is enabled.


    If you want to enable the cold data tiered storage feature in the preceding scenarios, contact us.

  • After you enable the cold data tiered storage feature for a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster cluster for which hot standby is enabled, you cannot change the primary zone of the cluster.


    If you want to change the primary zone in the preceding scenarios, contact us.

  • The following DDL statements are not supported:

    • CREATE DATABASE dbname TABLESPACE OSS: creates a database in an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket.

    • ALTER DATABASE dbname SET TABLESPACE OSS: dumps an existing database into an OSS bucket.

Enable cold data tiered storage

  1. After you purchase a pay-as-you-go or subscription cluster, log on to the PolarDB console. For information about how to purchase pay-as-you-go and subscription clusters, see Purchase a pay-as-you-go cluster and Purchase a subscription cluster.

  2. Click the ID of the cluster that you want to manage to go to the Basic Information page.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Settings and Management > Cold Data Tiered Storage to go to the Cold Data Tiered Storage page.

  4. Click Enable to go to the Archive List page.


  5. On the Archive List page, view the Basic Information and Archive List sections. In the Archive List section, view the Full Table Archive List and Partitioned Table Archive List tabs.

  • If no cold data is stored, no data is displayed in the Archive List section.

  • By default, data is stored in the high-speed storage medium of the integrated cloud drive after the cold data tiered storage feature is enabled. Data can be dumped into OSS after simple processing. For more information, see Cold storage modes.

Cold storage modes

Cold storage refers to dumping of data tables, indexes, or materialized views into OSS. After the dumping, the tables, indexes, or materialized views do not occupy disk space or occupy only a small amount of disk space, which significantly reduces storage costs. You can execute SQL statements to manage data in cold storage in the same manner that you manage data in regular storage.

Cold storage for data tables, indexes, or materialized views

  • Dump existing data tables, indexes, or materialized views into OSS.

    ALTER Materialized View mvname SET TABLESPACE OSS;

    By default, when you execute the ALTER TABLE tblname SET TABLESPACE OSS statement on a table, only the data in the table is dumped into OSS. To dump indexes in the table into OSS, execute the ALTER INDEX statement on the table.

  • Create data tables, indexes, or materialized views in an OSS bucket. The following methods are supported:

    • Method 1: Add the TABLESPACE OSS clause in the CREATE statement.

      CREATE TABLE tblname (...) TABLESPACE OSS;
      CREATE TABLE tblname(...) TABLESPACE OSS as SELECT ...;
      CREATE INDEX idxname ON tblname(columnname) TABLESPACE OSS;
      CREAE INDEX idxname ON tblename USING GiST(columnname) TABLESPACE OSS;
    • Method 2: Set the default tablespace to an OSS bucket.

      SET default_tablespace = 'oss';
      CREATE  TABLE  tblname  (...) ;
      CREATE  INDEX  idxname ON  tblname(columnname);
      CREAE  INDEX  idxname  ON tblename USING GiST(columnname);
      CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW  table_name  AS query [ WITH [ NO ] DATA ];

      After you use this method, data tables, indexes, or materialized views are created in OSS. If you do not want to create cold data objects, you must reset the default tablespace.

      RESET default_tablespace;

Individual cold storage for large object (LOB) fields

LOB fields are of the blob, text, json, jsonb, array, or spatio-temporal data type in PolarDB for PostgreSQL. A single LOB field is large in size, occupies a large amount of storage space, and is not frequently updated. For information about spatio-temporal data, see Overview. To reduce the storage costs of LOB fields, the cold data tiered storage feature of PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports individual cold storage for LOB fields and retains other fields in database disks. You can execute the following statements to dump LOB fields into OSS:

-- Create a table that contains LOB fields.
CREATE TABLE  test_large_object(id serial, val text);

-- Implement cold storage for LOB fields only.
ALTER TABLE test_large_object alter column val set (storage_type='oss');

-- Insert LOB data into the table. The data is stored in OSS.
INSERT INTO test_large_object(val) VALUES((SELECT string_agg(random()::text, ':') FROM generate_series(1, 10000)));

You must specify that LOB fields are stored in OSS in advance. After you complete the configurations, subsequently written data is stored in OSS.

Cold storage for partitioned tables

In most cases, cold storage is used for partitioned tables.

  • Cold storage for all partitioned tables

    • Method 1: Dump existing child partitioned tables in a parent partitioned table into OSS in sequence.

      -- prt1 is a partitioned table (parent table).
      -- prt1_p1 is a child table of the prt1 table.
      -- prt2_p2 is another child table of the prt1 table.
      -- Execute the ALTER statement on the prt1_p1 and prt2_p2 tables.
    • Method 2: Create a parent partitioned table in an OSS bucket.

      -- By default, all child tables inherit the attributes of the parent table and are created in the OSS bucket.
      CREATE TABLE prt1_p1 PARTITION OF prt1 FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (250);
      CREATE TABLE prt1_p2 PARTITION OF prt1 FOR VALUES FROM (250) TO (500);
    • Method 3: Set the default tablespace to an OSS bucket before creating a partitioned table.

      SET default_tablespace = 'oss';
      CREATE  TABLE  prt1 (a int, b int) PARTITION BY RANGE(a);
      CREATE TABLE prt1_p1 PARTITION OF prt1 FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (250);
      CREATE TABLE prt1_p2 PARTITION OF prt1 FOR VALUES FROM (250) TO (500);
  • Cold storage for some partitioned tables

    If you want to dump only child partitioned tables that are expired and infrequently accessed into OSS, you can change the tablespace of the child tables. Child partitioned tables that are not expired and are frequently accessed remain stored in database disks. This does not affect the access performance of partitioned tables and reduces storage costs.

    -- prt1 is a partitioned table (parent table).
    -- prt1_p1 is an unexpired child table of the prt1 table.
    -- prt2_p2 is an expired child table of the prt1 table.
    -- Execute the ALTER statement on the prt2_p2 table.

Tiered storage for cold and hot data

Materialized cache for cold data

You can modify the value of the polar_smgrcache_size parameter to specify the materialized cache size of cold data. Perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the PolarDB console.

  2. Click the ID of the cluster that you want to manage to go to the Basic Information page.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Settings and Management > Parameters. Then, find the polar_smgrcache_size parameter and click Modify Parameter.

  4. Configure the polar_smgrcache_size parameter. The following table describes the valid values of the parameter.


    Cache size


    0 GB (Materialized caching is disabled for cold data.)


    1 GB


    2 GB


    128 GB (maximum value)

  5. Click Submit Changes in the upper-left corner. Then, click OK in the Save Changes message. After you modify the parameter value, the cluster is restarted.

  • After you enable the cold data tiered storage feature in a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster, a small amount of materialized cache space is created on database disks to store metadata and I/O merging. If you require higher performance, you can change the materialized cache size of cold data in the PolarDB console based on the data volume and scenarios. You must restart the database to allow the change to take effect.

  • After you enable and use the cold data tiered storage feature, if the new value of the polar_smgrcache_size parameter is 0, materialized caching is disabled for cold data. In this case, recovery from failures may be slow and the parameter may be unavailable during restart. You can contact technical support to re-enable materialized caching for cold data for faster recovery from a failure.

After you enable materialized caching for cold data, you can execute the following statements to query cache usage:

-- Install the polar_monitor extension.
CREATE extension polar_monitor;

-- Query the materialized cache usage.
SELECT * FROM polar_smgrcaches;

-- Field description:
  -- smgrcache: the ID of the cache.
  -- relfilenode: the table file corresponding to the cache.
  -- relchunknumber: the location of the cache in the table file.
  -- nblocks: the size of the cache.
  -- dirty: whether the cache contains dirty blocks.
  -- usagecount: the number of times that the cache is accessed or utilized.
  -- pinning_backends: the number of backend processes tied to or dependent on the cache for their operations.

-- Forcibly flush the materialized cache to OSS.
SELECT polar_flush_smgrcache(); 

-- Forcibly eliminate the materialized cache.
SELECT polar_evict_smgrcache(); 

Access to cold data

Add, delete, modify, and query cold data

You can execute SQL statements to add, delete, modify, and query cold data in the same manner that you manage data in regular storage. No additional modifications are required.

Restore cold data

Data that is dumped into OSS is compressed. If you want to restore data stored in OSS to cloud disks, make sure that the cloud disks have sufficient storage space. In most cases, the required storage space is approximately 1.4 to 4 times the size of the OSS storage space.

Clear cold data

You can execute SQL statements to delete cold tables, indexes, or materialized views in the same manner that you delete the same objects in regular storage.

DELETE  FROM tblname WHERE ...;
DROP  TABLE  tblname;