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Object Storage Service:Delete objects by using OSS SDK for iOS

Last Updated:Aug 28, 2024

This topic describes how to delete a single object and multiple objects at a time.


Deleted objects cannot be recovered. Exercise caution when you delete objects.

Usage notes

  • Before you run the sample code in this topic, you must create an OSSClient instance by using methods such as using a custom domain name or Security Token Service (STS). For more information, see Initialization.

  • To delete an object, you must have the write permissions on the bucket in which the object is stored.

Delete a single object

The following sample code provides an example on how to delete an object named exampleobject.txt from a bucket named examplebucket:

OSSDeleteObjectRequest * delete = [OSSDeleteObjectRequest new];
// Specify the name of the bucket. Example: examplebucket.
delete.bucketName = @"examplebucket";
// Specify the full path of the object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: exampleobject.txt. 
delete.objectKey = @"exampleobject.txt";

OSSTask * deleteTask = [client deleteObject:delete];

[deleteTask continueWithBlock:^id(OSSTask *task) {
    if (!task.error) {
        // ...
    return nil;
// Implement synchronous blocking to wait for the task to complete. 
// [deleteTask waitUntilFinished];

Delete multiple objects at a time

You can delete up to 1,000 objects at a time.

The result can be returned in one of the following modes:

  • verbose: If quiet is set to NO, a list of all deleted objects are returned.

  • quiet: If quiet is not specified or is set to YES, a list of objects that failed to be deleted are returned.

The following sample code provides an example on how to delete multiple specified objects from a bucket named examplebucket and return the result in quiet mode:

OSSDeleteMultipleObjectsRequest *request = [OSSDeleteMultipleObjectsRequest new];
// Specify the name of the bucket. Example: examplebucket. 
request.bucketName = @"examplebucket";
// Specify the full paths of objects to be deleted. Do not include the bucket name in the full paths of objects. 
request.keys = @[@"exampleobject.txt", @"testfolder/sampleobject.txt"];
// Set quiet to YES to return only a list of objects that failed to be deleted. 
request.quiet = YES;

OSSTask * deleteMultipleObjectsTask = [client deleteMultipleObjects:request];
[deleteMultipleObjectsTask continueWithBlock:^id(OSSTask *task) {
    if (!task.error) {
        OSSDeleteMultipleObjectsResult *result = task.result;
        NSLog(@"delete objects: %@", result.deletedObjects);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"delete objects failed, error: %@", task.error);
    return nil;
// Implement synchronous blocking to wait for the task to complete. 
// [deleteTask waitUntilFinished];


  • Delete a single object

    For more information about the API operation that you can call to delete a single object, see DeleteObject.

  • Delete multiple objects at a time

    For information about the API operation that you can call to delete multiple objects, see DeleteMultipleObjects.

  • For more information about how to initialize an OSSClient instance, see Initialization.