
Updated at: 2023-08-11 08:27

This topic describes the terms relevant to the Optimization Solver console and SDKs.

Terms relevant to the Optimization Solver console

Mathematical Programming Solver

Mathematical Programming Solver is a type of optimization solver. It can be used to solve linear programming (LP) problems. The variable values of LP problems are linear continuous, and the objective functions and constraints are linearly dependent on variables. Mathematical Programming Solution can also be used to solve problems of other types such as mixed integer programming (MIP) and nonlinear programming (NLP). In addition to Mathematical Programming Solution, Optimization Solver provides the Simulation Optimization solver and Online Optimization solver. If you want to use the two solvers, feel free to contact us.

Local Version

Optimization Solver of the Local Version runs on your own computer and is connected to the Alibaba Cloud authentication service over the network to obtain the running permission. You do not need to upload problems to be solved to the cloud. This reduces the network transmission time of data. The SDK provided in the Local Edition is of a stand-alone edition. Take note that you can specify memory configuration parameters of your computer based on the number of problems.

Optimization Solver also offers the Tianchi C/S Edition. The online free trial edition that we introduce in learning cases is of the Tianchi C/S Edition. The Tianchi C/S Edition uses the same computing kernel as the Local Edition. However, if you use Optimization Solver of the Tianchi C/S Edition, you need to upload problems to the computing server for queuing and solving, and you can share the same computing server with other users. In addition, if you use Optimization Solver of the Tianchi C/S Edition, you need to configure the service address of the computing server, upload problems to be solved to the server, and asynchronously obtain solving results.

Cloud-based authentication

When you run Optimization Solver, you need to use the license file fl_client.ini for online authentication. The fl_client.ini file is used for authentication only. You do not need to upload the data to be solved.

Another authentication scheme uses the mindopt.lic file that is bound to your computer ID. The two files can exist at the same time, and the mindopt.lic file takes precedence over the fl_client.ini file.

Max Concurrency

When you purchase the service, you can specify the maximum number of solving tasks that are allowed to run concurrently. After you purchase the service, you can click the Change button on the Overview page of the Optimization Solver console to change the value of Max Concurrency.


After you purchase the service, you can view its license key on the Available Service List page of the Optimization Solver console. The license key is a character string that needs to be filled in the configuration file for software authentication. The configuration file is stored in the computer where the Solver software is installed. For information about how to use the license key, see Activate and use the Solver.


Solver SDK

The Solver SDK is the software package of Optimization Solver.

Console SDK

You can use the console SDK to query the information displayed in the Optimization Solver console.

  • On this page (0, O)
  • Terms relevant to the Optimization Solver console
  • Mathematical Programming Solver
  • Local Version
  • Cloud-based authentication
  • Max Concurrency
  • LicenseKey
  • SDK
  • Solver SDK
  • Console SDK