Updated at: 2025-03-12 09:58

This topic provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about using CloudOps Orchestration Service (OOS).

What do I do if the "User has no permission to do the action: (ListTemplates)" error message appears when I use OOS as a RAM user?

  • Possible cause: The RAM user does not have the permissions to call the operation.

  • Solution: Log on to the RAM console with an Alibaba Cloud account or an administrator account. Authorize the RAM user to call the specified API action or all API actions of OOS. For example, configure "Action": "oos:*" to authorize the RAM user to call all API actions of OOS. For more information, see Access control.

      "Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": "oos:*",
              "Resource": "*"
      "Version": "1"

What do I do if the "User has no permission to do the action: (PassRole)" error message appears when I use OOS as a RAM user?

  • Possible cause: The RAM user does not have the PassRole permission to call the CloudOps Orchestration Service operation.

  • Solution: Log on to the RAM console with an Alibaba Cloud account or an administrator account. Grant the PassRole permission to the RAM user. For more information, see Access control.

      "Version": "1",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": "ram:PassRole",
          "Resource": "*"

Why is the following error returned when I use a template: Assumes role failed. Code: EntityNotExist.Role, msg: The role not exists: acs:ram::111111:role/OOSServiceRole?

  • Possible cause: You have not created a default RAM role for your OOS service to access your Alibaba Cloud resources.

  • Solution: Log on to the RAM console with an Alibaba Cloud account or an administrator account. Create the default RAM role OOSServiceRole for your OOS service. For more information, see Grant RAM permissions to OOS.

Why is the following error returned when I execute a template: Assumes role failed. Code: NoPermission, msg: You are not authorized to do this action. You should be authorized by RAM?

  • Possible cause: You have not attached the required trust policy to the RAM role OOSServiceRole for your OOS service.

  • Solution: Log on to the RAM console by using an Alibaba Cloud account or an administrator account and add the OOSServiceRole RAM role. For more information, see Set RAM permissions for OOS.

    1. Log on to the RAM console and search OOSServiceName.

    2. Click Trust Policy.

    3. Modify the policy.

      Use the following content for the policy:

        "Statement": [
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "Service": [
        "Version": "1"

Why is the following error returned when I use a template: Code: Forbidden.RAM, Message: User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM?

Why is the following error returned when I perform a temporary bandwidth upgrade: code: InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalance message: Your account does not have enough balance?

  • Possible cause: The temporary bandwidth upgrade task fails to be created due to an insufficient account balance.

  • Solution: Top up your account and try again.

Why is the following error returned when I perform a temporary bandwidth upgrade: code: InvalidBandwidth.ValueNotSupported message: Instance upgrade bandwidth of temporary not allow less then existed?

  • Possible cause: The bandwidth specified in the temporary bandwidth upgrade task is lower than the current bandwidth.

  • Solution:

    1. On the Overview page of the OOS console, search for temporary bandwidth upgrade tasks based on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance ID. Check whether a duplicate upgrade task exists.image

    2. If a duplicate upgrade task exists, delete the task.

    3. If such a duplicate upgrade task does not exist, go to the ECS console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances. On the Instance page, click the name or ID of the instance that you want to query. View the upgrade logs on the Operation Records tab.image

What do I do if the "code: OperationDenied.UnpaidOrder message: The specified instance has unpaid order" error message appears when I perform a temporary bandwidth upgrade?

  • Possible cause: The ECS instance that you want to manage has one or more unpaid bills.

  • Solution: Complete the payments for the orders.

What do I do if the "runCommand loop task fail because failures exceeded MaxErrors -> runCommand execution failed, checkInvocationResult Invocation.InvocationResults.InvocationResult[].ExitCode expect in [0] but is 1" error message appears when I run a command?

  • Possible cause: The exit code of the Cloud Assistant command is not 0.

  • Solution: Troubleshoot the error by viewing the output and logs of the child execution. For more information, see View the details of an execution.image

What do I do if I create an execution but I cannot find it?

  • Possible cause: The execution is in another region.

  • Solution: View the executions in all regions on the Overview page.image

How do I troubleshoot command errors?

Solution: Check execution results and troubleshoot common issues.

What do I do if I failed to build and deploy an application from the Git code repository?

  • Possible cause: Code errors and dependency installation failures. You can view logs to obtain the causes of application build and deployment failures.

  • Solution:

    • Build failures


      If you fail to build an application from the Git code repository, no ECS instances are created and you are not charged.

      1. View logs to obtain error messages about build failures.


      2. Modify the code or add a configuration file.

        Modify the code or add a configuration file based on the programming language of your code repository, and submit it to the code repository. For more information, see Configure applications based on specific programming languages.

      3. Delete the application group that fails to be built and create a new application group.

    • Deployment failures

      1. View logs to obtain error messages about deployment failures.

      2. Fix the problem and deploy the application again.


    • Unable to access the service after application deployment is successful

      1. Exclude the startup delay of the application.

        After the application is deployed, wait for a while to access the application again. If you still cannot access the service, proceed to the next step.

      2. Log on to the ECS instance and run the following command to check whether the application service is started.

        sudo systemctl status aliyun-applicationmanager
        • If the service is started, proceed to the next step.

        • If the service is not started, run the docker run command to check the failure causes.

      3. View container logs

        # Find the Docker container.
        sudo docker ps -a | grep applicationmanager
        # View container logs
        sudo docker logs applicationmanager

        If the Docker container is not started, modify the code or add configuration files based on the programming language of the code repository, and submit the code to the code repository. For more information, see Configure applications based on specific programming languages.

      4. In the Quick Actions section of the Overview tab, click Update Application. Then, use the updated code to deploy the application again.

    • Common scenarios

      • To build and deploy applications quickly and successfully, we recommend that you debug the Buildpacks build on an on-premises machine. For more information, see Debug Buildpacks.

      • If you still cannot solve the problem by using the above methods, submit a ticket or join the DingTalk group (10880003624) to report the problem.

  • On this page (1, T)
  • What do I do if the "User has no permission to do the action: (ListTemplates)" error message appears when I use OOS as a RAM user?
  • What do I do if the "User has no permission to do the action: (PassRole)" error message appears when I use OOS as a RAM user?
  • Why is the following error returned when I use a template: Assumes role failed. Code: EntityNotExist.Role, msg: The role not exists: acs:ram::111111:role/OOSServiceRole?
  • Why is the following error returned when I execute a template: Assumes role failed. Code: NoPermission, msg: You are not authorized to do this action. You should be authorized by RAM?
  • Why is the following error returned when I use a template: Code: Forbidden.RAM, Message: User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM?
  • Why is the following error returned when I perform a temporary bandwidth upgrade: code: InvalidAccountStatus.NotEnoughBalance message: Your account does not have enough balance?
  • Why is the following error returned when I perform a temporary bandwidth upgrade: code: InvalidBandwidth.ValueNotSupported message: Instance upgrade bandwidth of temporary not allow less then existed?
  • What do I do if the "code: OperationDenied.UnpaidOrder message: The specified instance has unpaid order" error message appears when I perform a temporary bandwidth upgrade?
  • What do I do if the "runCommand loop task fail because failures exceeded MaxErrors -> runCommand execution failed, checkInvocationResult Invocation.InvocationResults.InvocationResult[].ExitCode expect in [0] but is 1" error message appears when I run a command?
  • What do I do if I create an execution but I cannot find it?
  • How do I troubleshoot command errors?
  • What do I do if I failed to build and deploy an application from the Git code repository?
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