This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
Open service
API | Title | Description |
OpenNASService | OpenNASService | Activates File Storage NAS. |
API | Title | Description |
DescribeZones | DescribeZones | Queries all zones in a region and the file system types that are supported in each zone. |
DescribeRegions | DescribeRegions | Queries the regions in which File Storage NAS is available. |
File systems
API | Title | Description |
CreateFileSystem | CreateFileSystem | Creates a file system. |
DeleteFileSystem | DeleteFileSystem | Deletes a file system. |
ModifyFileSystem | ModifyFileSystem | Modifies the description of a file system. |
DescribeFileSystems | DescribeFileSystems | Queries file systems. |
UpgradeFileSystem | UpgradeFileSystem | Scales up an Extreme NAS file system or a Cloud Parallel File Storage (CPFS) file system. |
Mount targets
API | Title | Description |
CreateMountTarget | CreateMountTarget | Creates a mount target. |
DeleteMountTarget | DeleteMountTarget | Deletes a mount target. |
ModifyMountTarget | ModifyMountTarget | Modifies a mount target. |
DescribeMountTargets | DescribeMountTargets | Queries mount targets. |
DescribeMountedClients | DescribeMountedClients | Queries the clients on which a file system is mounted. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateAccessPoint | CreateAccessPoint | Creates an access point. |
ModifyAccessPoint | ModifyAccessPoint | Modifies the information about an access point. |
DescribeAccessPoints | DescribeAccessPoints | Queries the information about an access point. |
DescribeAccessPoint | DescribeAccessPoint | Queries the details of an access point. |
DeleteAccessPoint | DeleteAccessPoint | Deletes an access point. |
CreateDir | CreateDir | Creates a directory in a file system. |
Permission groups
API | Title | Description |
CreateAccessGroup | CreateAccessGroup | Creates a permission group. |
DeleteAccessGroup | DeleteAccessGroup | Deletes a permission group. |
ModifyAccessGroup | ModifyAccessGroup | Modifies a permission group. |
DescribeAccessGroups | DescribeAccessGroups | Queries permission groups. |
CreateAccessRule | CreateAccessRule | Creates a rule for a permission group. |
DeleteAccessRule | DeleteAccessRule | Deletes a rule from a permission group. |
ModifyAccessRule | ModifyAccessRule | Modifies a rule in a permission group. |
DescribeAccessRules | DescribeAccessRules | Queries the information about rules in a permission group. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateSnapshot | CreateSnapshot | Creates a snapshot. |
DeleteSnapshot | DeleteSnapshot | Deletes a snapshot or cancels a snapshot that is being created. |
DescribeSnapshots | DescribeSnapshots | Queries the information about one or more snapshots of a file system. |
CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy | CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy | Creates an automatic snapshot policy. |
DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicy | DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicy | Deletes an automatic snapshot policy. |
ModifyAutoSnapshotPolicy | ModifyAutoSnapshotPolicy | An automatic snapshot policy is modified. After you modify an automatic snapshot policy that is applied to a file system, the modification immediately applies to subsequent snapshots that are created for the file system. |
ApplyAutoSnapshotPolicy | ApplyAutoSnapshotPolicy | Applies an automatic snapshot policy to one or more file systems. |
CancelAutoSnapshotPolicy | CancelAutoSnapshotPolicy | Removes automatic snapshot policies from one or more file systems. |
DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies | DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies | Queries automatic snapshot policies. |
DescribeAutoSnapshotTasks | DescribeAutoSnapshotTasks | Queries automatic snapshot tasks. |
ResetFileSystem | ResetFileSystem | Rolls back a file system to a snapshot of the file system. |
API | Title | Description |
TagResources | TagResources | Creates tags and binds the tags to file systems. |
UntagResources | UntagResources | Removes tags from a file system. |
ListTagResources | ListTagResources | Queries tags. |
API | Title | Description |
SetDirQuota | SetDirQuota | Creates a directory quota for a file system. |
CancelDirQuota | CancelDirQuota | Cancels the directory quota of a file system. |
DescribeDirQuotas | DescribeDirQuotas | Queries the directory quotas of a file system. |
Lifecycle management
API | Title | Description |
CreateLifecyclePolicy | CreateLifecyclePolicy | Creates a lifecycle policy. |
DeleteLifecyclePolicy | DeleteLifecyclePolicy | Deletes a lifecycle policy. |
ModifyLifecyclePolicy | ModifyLifecyclePolicy | Modifies a lifecycle policy. |
GetDirectoryOrFileProperties | GetDirectoryOrFileProperties | Queries whether a directory contains files that are stored in the Infrequent Access (IA) or Archive storage class, or whether a file is stored in the IA or Archive storage class. |
DescribeLifecyclePolicies | DescribeLifecyclePolicies | Queries lifecycle policies. |
CreateLifecycleRetrieveJob | CreateLifecycleRetrieveJob | Creates a data retrieval task. |
CancelLifecycleRetrieveJob | CancelLifecycleRetrieveJob | Cancels a running data retrieval task. |
RetryLifecycleRetrieveJob | RetryLifecycleRetrieveJob | Retries failed a data retrieval task. |
ListLifecycleRetrieveJobs | ListLifecycleRetrieveJobs | Queries data retrieval tasks. |
ListDirectoriesAndFiles | ListDirectoriesAndFiles | Queries the infrequently-accessed files in a specified directory of a General-purpose NAS file system and the subdirectories that contain the files. |
Recycle bin
API | Title | Description |
EnableRecycleBin | EnableRecycleBin | Enables the recycle bin feature for a file system. |
DisableAndCleanRecycleBin | DisableAndCleanRecycleBin | Disables and empties the recycle bin of a General-purpose NAS file system. |
UpdateRecycleBinAttribute | UpdateRecycleBinAttribute | Modifies the retention period of data in the recycle bin of a file system. |
GetRecycleBinAttribute | GetRecycleBinAttribute | Queries the recycle bin configurations of a General-purpose NAS file system. |
CreateRecycleBinRestoreJob | CreateRecycleBinRestoreJob | Restores a file or directory from the recycle bin. |
CreateRecycleBinDeleteJob | CreateRecycleBinDeleteJob | Creates a job to permanently delete a file or directory from the recycle bin. |
CancelRecycleBinJob | CancelRecycleBinJob | Cancels a running job of the recycle bin. |
ListRecycleBinJobs | ListRecycleBinJobs | Queries the jobs of the recycle bin. |
ListRecentlyRecycledDirectories | ListRecentlyRecycledDirectories | Queries the directories that are recently deleted. |
ListRecycledDirectoriesAndFiles | ListRecycledDirectoriesAndFiles | Queries deleted files or directories. |
API | Title | Description |
EnableSmbAcl | EnableSmbAcl | Enables the access control list (ACL) feature for a Server Message Block (SMB) file system that resides in an Active Directory (AD) domain. |
DisableSmbAcl | DisableSmbAcl | Disables the access control list (ACL) feature for a Server Message Block (SMB) file system that resides in an Active Directory (AD) domain. |
ModifySmbAcl | ModifySmbAcl | Updates the information about the access control list (ACL) feature of a Server Message Block (SMB) file system that resides in an Active Directory (AD) domain. |
DescribeSmbAcl | DescribeSmbAcl | Queries the information about the access control list (ACL) feature of a Server Message Block (SMB) file system that resides in an Active Directory (AD) domain. |
CreateFile | CreateFile | Creates a directory or file. |
API | Title | Description |
EnableNfsAcl | EnableNfsAcl | Enables the NFS ACL feature for a file system. |
DisableNfsAcl | DisableNfsAcl | Disables the NFS ACL feature for a file system. |
DescribeNfsAcl | DescribeNfsAcl | Queries whether the NFS ACL feature is enabled for a file system. |
Log management
API | Title | Description |
CreateLogAnalysis | CreateLogAnalysis | Dumps the logs of a General-purpose NAS file system to Simple Log Service. |
DeleteLogAnalysis | DeleteLogAnalysis | Disables log dumping for a General-purpose NAS file system. |
DescribeLogAnalysis | DescribeLogAnalysis | Queries the log dump information configured in log analysis. |
API | Title | Description |
ChangeResourceGroup | ChangeResourceGroup | Changes the resource group to which a file system belongs. |