This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
Media information analysis
API | Title | Description |
SubmitMediaInfoJob | SubmitMediaInfoJob | Submits a media information analysis job. |
QueryMediaInfoJobList | QueryMediaInfoJobList | Queries the results of media information analysis jobs. |
Transcoding job management
API | Title | Description |
SubmitJobs | SubmitJobs | Submits transcoding jobs. If the transcoding jobs and workflows created in the ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) console cannot meet your business requirements, you can call the SubmitJobs operation to submit transcoding jobs. Specify transcoding parameters as required when you call the SubmitJobs operation. |
CancelJob | CancelJob | Cancels a transcoding job. |
QueryJobList | QueryJobList | Queries transcoding jobs at a time by job ID. |
ListJob | ListJob | Traverses transcoding jobs |
Intelligent preset template recommendation
API | Title | Description |
SubmitAnalysisJob | SubmitAnalysisJob | Submits a preset template analysis job. |
QueryAnalysisJobList | QueryAnalysisJobList | Queries the template analysis job and returns a list of available preset templates when the template analysis job is complete. |
Custom transcoding template management
API | Title | Description |
AddTemplate | AddTemplate | Creates a custom transcoding template. You need to configure the information such as the container format, video stream settings, and audio stream settings. |
UpdateTemplate | UpdateTemplate | |
QueryTemplateList | QueryTemplateList | You can call this operation to query up to 10 transcoding templates at a time. |
SearchTemplate | SearchTemplate | You can call this operation to query custom transcoding templates in the specified state. |
DeleteTemplate | DeleteTemplate | Deletes a custom transcoding template. |
Watermark template management
API | Title | Description |
AddWaterMarkTemplate | AddWaterMarkTemplate | Creates a watermark template. |
DeleteWaterMarkTemplate | DeleteWaterMarkTemplate | Deletes a watermark template. |
UpdateWaterMarkTemplate | UpdateWaterMarkTemplate | Updates the name and configurations of the specified watermark template. |
SearchWaterMarkTemplate | SearchWaterMarkTemplate | Searches for watermark templates. |
QueryWaterMarkTemplateList | QueryWaterMarkTemplateList | Queries watermark templates. |
Video snapshot job management
API | Title | Description |
SubmitSnapshotJob | SubmitSnapshotJob | Submits a snapshot job. |
QuerySnapshotJobList | QuerySnapshotJobList | Queries snapshot jobs. |
MPS queue management
API | Title | Description |
UpdatePipeline | UpdatePipeline | Updates an ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) queue. |
QueryPipelineList | QueryPipelineList | Queries an ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) queue by using the ID of the queue. |
SearchPipeline | SearchPipeline | Searches for ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) queues in the specified state. |
AddPipeline | AddPipeline | Adds an ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) queue. |
DeletePipeline | DeletePipeline | Deletes an ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) queue. |
Media workflow management
API | Title | Description |
AddMediaWorkflow | AddMediaWorkflow | Creates a media workflow. |
ActivateMediaWorkflow | ActivateMediaWorkflow | Activates a media workflow. |
DeactivateMediaWorkflow | DeactivateMediaWorkflow | Disables a media workflow. |
DeleteMediaWorkflow | DeleteMediaWorkflow | Deletes a media workflow. |
UpdateMediaWorkflow | UpdateMediaWorkflow | Updates the topology of a media workflow. |
QueryMediaWorkflowList | QueryMediaWorkflowList | Queries registered media workflows. |
SearchMediaWorkflow | SearchMediaWorkflow | Queries media workflows in the specified state. |
UpdateMediaWorkflowTriggerMode | UpdateMediaWorkflowTriggerMode | Updates the trigger mode of a media workflow. |
Media workflow execution instance management
API | Title | Description |
QueryMediaWorkflowExecutionList | QueryMediaWorkflowExecutionList | Queries media workflow execution instances. |
ListMediaWorkflowExecutions | ListMediaWorkflowExecutions | Queries the execution instances of a media workflow. |
Media bucket management
API | Title | Description |
BindInputBucket | BindInputBucket | Binds an input media bucket. Media buckets are Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets that are used by ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) to store media resources. After you bind an OSS bucket to MPS as an input media bucket or output media bucket, MPS has the permissions to listen to the messages of the bucket, which indicate that files are uploaded to the bucket. This way, MPS can trigger workflows and return files that are processed. |
BindOutputBucket | BindOutputBucket | Binds an output media bucket to the media library. |
UnbindInputBucket | UnbindInputBucket | Unbinds an input media bucket. |
UnbindOutputBucket | UnbindOutputBucket | Unbinds an output media bucket from the media library. |
ListAllMediaBucket | ListAllMediaBucket | Queries all media buckets bound to the media library. |
Media management
API | Title | Description |
AddMedia | AddMedia | Adds a media file. |
DeleteMedia | DeleteMedia | Deletes media files from ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS). |
UpdateMedia | UpdateMedia | Updates the basic information about a media file. |
UpdateMediaCategory | UpdateMediaCategory | Updates the category to which a media file belongs. |
UpdateMediaCover | UpdateMediaCover | Updates the thumbnail of a media file. |
AddMediaTag | AddMediaTag | Adds a tag to a media file. |
DeleteMediaTag | DeleteMediaTag | Removes a tag for a media file. |
UpdateMediaPublishState | UpdateMediaPublishState | Updates the publishing status of a media file. |
QueryMediaList | QueryMediaList | Queries media files based on the IDs of media files. |
QueryMediaListByURL | QueryMediaListByURL | Queries media files based on the Object Storage Service (OSS) URLs of media files. |
Media review
API | Title | Description |
SubmitMediaCensorJob | SubmitMediaCensorJob | Submits a content moderation job. |
QueryMediaCensorJobDetail | QueryMediaCensorJobDetail | Queries the information about a content moderation job. |
QueryMediaCensorJobList | QueryMediaCensorJobList | Queries content moderation jobs. |
Media fingerprint analysis
API | Title | Description |
SubmitFpShotJob | SubmitFpShotJob | Submits a media fingerprint analysis job to query the media fingerprint repository for a media file with the identical or similar fingerprint as the input file. |
QueryFpShotJobList | QueryFpShotJobList | Queries media fingerprint analysis jobs. You can call this operation to query video fingerprint analysis jobs and text fingerprint analysis jobs. |
CreateFpShotDB | CreateFpShotDB | Submits a job of creating a media fingerprint library. |
ListFpShotDB | ListFpShotDB | Queries media fingerprint libraries. |
SubmitFpFileDeleteJob | SubmitFpFileDeleteJob | Submits a job of deleting media files from a media fingerprint library. |
QueryFpFileDeleteJobList | QueryFpFileDeleteJobList | Queries jobs of deleting media files from a media fingerprint library. |
SubmitFpDBDeleteJob | SubmitFpDBDeleteJob | Submits a job of clearing or deleting a media fingerprint library. |
QueryFpDBDeleteJobList | QueryFpDBDeleteJobList | Queries the jobs of clearing or deleting a media fingerprint library. |