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MaxCompute:Use a PyODPS node to pass parameters

Last Updated:Feb 25, 2025

This topic explains how to pass parameters by using a PyODPS node in DataWorks.




This example uses the basic mode of DataWorks. When creating a workspace, by default, Participate in Public Preview of Data Studio is not enabled, and this example does not apply to workspaces participating in the Data Studio public preview.

  1. Prepare test data.

    1. Create a table and upload data. For more information, see Create tables and upload data.

      In this example, use the following table creation statements and source data:

      • The following statement creates the partitioned table user_detail:

        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_detail
        userid    BIGINT COMMENT 'User ID',
        job       STRING COMMENT 'Job type',
        education STRING COMMENT 'Education level'
        ) COMMENT 'User information table'
      • The following statement creates the source data table user_detail_ods:

        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_detail_ods
          userid    BIGINT COMMENT 'User ID',
          job       STRING COMMENT 'Job type',
          education STRING COMMENT 'Education level',
          dt STRING COMMENT 'Date',
          region STRING COMMENT 'Region'
      • Save the test data as the user_detail.txt file. Upload this file to the user_detail_ods table:

        0002,Education,junior college,20190716,beijing
    2. Write data from the source data table user_detail_ods to the partitioned table user_detail.

      1. Log on to the DataWorks console.

      2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Workspace.

      3. Find the target workspace, choose Shorcuts > Data Development in the Actions column.

      4. Right-click the business flow and choose Create Node > ODPS SQL.

      5. Enter a node name and click Confirm.

      6. Enter the following code in the ODPS SQL node:

        INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE user_detail PARTITION (dt, region) 
        SELECT userid, job, education, dt, region FROM user_detail_ods;
      7. Click Run to complete the data writing.

  2. Use PyODPS to pass parameters.

    1. Log on to the DataWorks console.

    2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Workspace.

    3. Find the target workspace, choose Shorcuts > Data Development in the Actions column.

    4. On the Data Development page, right-click the created business flow and select Create Node > PyODPS 2.

    5. Enter a node name and click Confirm.

    6. Enter the following code in the PyODPS 2 node to pass parameters:

      import sys
      print('dt=' + args['dt'])
      # Change the default encoding format to UTF-8.
      # Obtain the user_detail table.
      t = o.get_table('user_detail')
      # Receive the partition field that is passed.
      with t.open_reader(partition='dt=' + args['dt'] + ',region=beijing') as reader1:
          count = reader1.count
      print("Query data in the partitioned table:")
      for record in reader1:
          print record[0],record[1],record[2]
    7. Click Run with Parameters.

    8. In the Parameters dialog box, configure the parameters and click Run.

      Configure the following parameters:

      • Resource Group Name: Select Default Resource Group.

      • dt: Set to dt=20190715.


    9. View the operation results in the Operation Log.运行日志