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ApsaraVideo Live:Overview

Last Updated:Sep 02, 2024

Developer Guide describes how to implement and use the features of ApsaraVideo Live. This topic introduces the contents of Developer Guide.

ApsaraVideo Live provides various features, such as permission management, basic capabilities, live stream acceleration, live streaming security, live stream latency control, HTTP configuration, media processing for live streams, live stream management, statistics, and log management.

Permission management



Operating channel


RAM user management

You can create Resource Access Management (RAM) users and use system policies or custom policies to grant permissions to RAM users.

RAM console

Permission management overview

Basic capabilities



Operating channel


Domain name management

You can add, delete, enable, or disable domain names.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Domain names

Domain name configuration

You can configure CNAME records, associate streaming domains with ingest domains, and bind sub-streaming domains to main streaming domains.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Domain names

URL management

You can view and generate ingest and streaming URLs.

ApsaraVideo Live console

Generate ingest and streaming URLs

Stream ingest, stream pulling, and streaming

You can ingest and distribute live streams. Third-party live streams are supported.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • Third-party stream ingest tools and players

Stream ingest, stream pulling, and streaming

Live stream acceleration



Operating channel


Edge ingest

In edge ingest mode, ApsaraVideo Live ingests streams to Alibaba Cloud points of presence (POPs) that are nearest to users. This ensures that users access the optimal uplink networks.


Edge ingest

Live streaming security



Operating channel


Permission management

You can create RAM users and grant permissions to RAM users.

RAM console

Permission management overview

Secure acceleration

You can enable HTTPS secure acceleration.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Secure acceleration

Access control

You can configure the Referer-based hotlink protection, User-Agent blacklist or whitelist, and IP address blacklist or whitelist.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

  • To configure a User-Agent blacklist or whitelist, submit a ticket.


    For more information about how to submit a ticket, see Contact us.

Access control

URL signing

You can use signed URLs to implement authentication.

ApsaraVideo Live console

URL signing

URL signing examples

You can view the URL signing examples to understand how to implement URL signing in different programming languages.


URL signing examples

Alibaba Cloud proprietary cryptography

You can encrypt video data.

  • API

  • Submit a ticket.


    For more information about how to submit a ticket, see Contact us.

Alibaba Cloud proprietary cryptography

Live streaming latency



Operating channel


Latency configuration

You can configure the live streaming latency based on the streaming protocol.

ApsaraVideo Live console

Configure the live streaming latency


Real-Time Streaming (RTS) is an easy-to-access live streaming service for audio and video communication. RTS can deliver highly concurrent streams with low latency, providing users with smooth, high-definition streams.


RTS overview

HTTP configuration



Operating channel


HTTP request headers

You can configure HTTP request headers.

ApsaraVideo Live console

HTTP configuration

Media processing for live streams



Operating channel


Live stream transcoding

You can configure default transcoding, custom transcoding, and RTS transcoding.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Live stream transcoding

Time shifting

ApsaraVideo Live supports time shifting of live streams in the last 30 days.

ApsaraVideo Live console

Time shifting

Live stream recording

You can record live streams and store the recordings in Object Storage Service (OSS) or ApsaraVideo VOD.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Live stream recording

Live stream snapshots

You can capture real-time snapshots of live streams.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Live stream snapshots

Live stream encapsulation

ApsaraVideo Live provides the live stream encapsulation feature that supports segment formats such as Common Media Application Format (CMAF) and streaming protocols such as Low-Latency HTTP Live Streaming (LL-HLS).

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Live stream encapsulation

Live stream management



Operating channel


Stream management

  • You can view active streams and historical streams. You can also disable or interrupt active streams.

  • You can query the monitoring information at the stream level. You can also search for specific streams.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Manage live streams

Callback management

ApsaraVideo Live supports callbacks for stream ingest status, live stream recording (including on-demand recording), snapshot capture, and content moderation.

Manage callbacks

File management

  • You can index, edit, and manage recordings.

  • You can preview recordings.

  • You can view the captured snapshots in real time.

ApsaraVideo Live console

Manage files




Operating channel


Resource monitoring

You can query the statistics on traffic and HTTP status codes.

  • ApsaraVideo Live console

  • API

Data statistics

Real-time monitoring

You can monitor an ingested stream in real time.


You can query the statistics on visits.


You can query the usage statistics about traffic, bandwidth, recording, snapshot capture, and transcoding.

Log management



Operating channel


Log download

You can download the logs of traffic usage and transcoding usage.

ApsaraVideo Live console

Log management