Errors that occur when you use Lindorm SQL to access LindormTable or LindormTSDB are reported to developers as error codes. You can search for an error code in the tables provided in this topic to quickly identify the error message corresponding to the error code and suggestions on handling the error.
Common errors
The error codes in the following table are compatible with some server-side error codes in MySQL. You can handle exceptions based on your experience in developing MySQL applications. If you encounter an error that you cannot handle, contact the Lindorm technical support (DingTalk ID: s0s3eg3).
The values in the SQLSTATE column of the following table indicate the error categories defined by SQL92. These categories are used by applications to classify exceptions.
Error code | SQLSTATE | Error message format | Suggestion |
1005 | HY000 | Can't create table '%s' | The table cannot be created. Check whether the statement that is used to create the table is correct based on the returned error message. |
1006 | HY000 | Can't create database '%s' (errno: %d - %s) | The database cannot be created. Check whether the input parameters are valid based on the returned error message. |
1007 | HY000 | Can't create database '%s'; database exists | The database that you want to create already exists. Change the name of the database that you want to create. |
1008 | HY000 | Can't drop database '%s'; database doesn't exist | The database that you want to delete does not exist. Make sure that the database name is correct. |
1009 | HY000 | Error dropping database (can't delete '%s', errno: %d - %s) | The database failed to be deleted. Check the cause of the failure based on the returned error message. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
1030 | HY000 | Got error %s from storage engine: %s | An error that cannot be categorized is returned by LindormDFS. Keep the information indicated by the placeholders in the error message and contact the Lindorm technical support. |
1040 | 08004 | Too many connections (current limit: %d) | The number of connections on a single node reaches the limit. By default, up to 1,000 connections can be established on a single node. You can try to create the connection again. However, if the number of connections on each node of the instance reaches the limit, we recommend that you first review the using method of connection in your business code. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
1045 | 28000 | Access denied for '%s' | The authentication failed. Make sure that the authentication information is correct and enter the information again. |
1043 | 28000 | Bad handshake: %s | The connection over MySQL fails to be initialized. We recommend that you identify the cause of the failure based on the detailed error message. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
1046 | 3D000 | No database selected | No data is specified in the connection operation. Check the connection settings and explicitly specify a database. |
1049 | 42000 | Unknown database '%s' | An unknown database is specified. Specify the actual database that you want to access. |
1050 | 42S01 | Table '%s' already exists | The table name is already used. Use a different table name. |
1054 | 42S22 | Unknown column '%s' | The operation is performed on a column whose name cannot be recognized. Make sure that the column names that you explicitly specified in your SQL statement exist. |
1060 | 42S21 | Duplicate column name '%s' | Duplicate column names are specified in the statement. Make sure that the column names that are explicitly specified in the SQL statements are not duplicated. |
1064 | 42000 | You have an error in your SQL syntax; %s | The SQL statement contains grammatical errors. Refer to the SQL syntax to resolve the error. For more information about the SQL syntaxes supported by Lindorm, see SQL reference. |
1082 | 42S12 | Table '%s' has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX; recreate the table | The table does not have indexes that are similar to those specified in the CREATE INDEX statement. We recommend that you create the table again. |
1146 | 42S02 | Table '%s.%s' doesn't exist | The table does not exist. Check whether the table name is valid. |
1170 | 42000 | BINARY/CHAR column '%s' used in column specification without a key length | The length of some data types is not specified. Check the statement that is used to create table and explicitly specify the length of data types such as BINARY or CHAR. |
1211 | 42000 | '%s'@'%s' is not allowed to create new users; %s | The current user does not have permissions to create new users. Grant required permissions to the current user in advance. |
1227 | 42501 | Access denied: %s | Check the permissions of the user and make sure that the user has permissions on the object that you want to access. |
1243 | HY000 | Unknown prepared statement id (%d) | The required prepared statement is not found. This error occurs in scenarios where the statement is prepared first before dynamic parameters are specified. We recommend that you prepare the statement again. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
1251 | 08004 | Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client | The driver of the client used to connect to Lindorm over MySQL does not support the authentication method required by the server. We recommend that you explicitly specify the authentication methods required by the server or upgrade the client driver based on the documentation related to the MySQL compatibility feature of Lindorm. |
1295 | HY000 | This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet | You cannot specify multiple statements at the same time when you prepare statements. We recommend that you modify the method for specifying prepared statements. |
1461 | 42000 | The number of prepared statements configured for a single node reaches the limit. By default, up to 10,000 prepared statements can be configured for a single node. We recommend that you check your application and modify the logic of preparing SQL statements to avoid this issue. | |
1470 | HY000 | String '%s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d) | The specified object name exceeds the limit. We recommend that you modify the name of the data object that you want to create based on the length indicated in the error message. |
1815 | HY000 | Internal error: %s | An internal error that cannot be categorized occurred. Contact the Lindorm technical support. |
Extended errors
The errors in the following table may occur when you use Lindorm. You can handle the errors in your business based on the suggestions and the SQLSTATE value provided in the table. If you encounter an error that you cannot handle, contact the Lindorm technical support (DingTalk ID: s0s3eg3).
Error code | SQLSTATE | Error message format | Suggestion |
1973 | 42000 | Can't create user '%s'; it already exists | The user that you try to create already exists. We recommend that you check all existing users. |
1974 | 42000 | Can't drop user '%s'; it doesn't exist | The user that you try to delete does not exist. We recommend that you check all existing users. |
1975 | 42000 | Can't alter user '%s'; it doesn't exist | The user that you try to modify does not exist. We recommend that you check all existing users. |
1976 | 42000 | Can't alter user '%s'; %s | The specified user cannot be modified. We recommend that you identify the cause of this issue based on the returned error message. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
3002 | 42L01 | Inconsistent usage of database '%s' and '%s' | The database that you want to manage is not the database that is currently connected. We recommend that you modify connection settings and use the USE syntax to change the current database. |
3024 | HY000 | Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceeded | The query timed out. Try again. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
3025 | HY000 | Query execution was canceled | The query involved in the current results is canceled. We recommend that you perform the query again. |
3163 | HY000 | %s | The user already exists. We recommend that you check all existing users. |
8000 | HY000 | Can't alter database '%s' (errno: %d - %s) | The database cannot be modified. Check whether the input parameters are valid based on the returned error message. |
8001 | HY000 | Can't create continuous query '%s' (errno: %d - %s) | The continuous query failed to be created. Check whether the input parameters are valid based on the returned error message. |
8002 | HY000 | Can't create continuous query '%s'; continuous query exists | The name of the continuous query is already used by an existing query. Use a different name. |
8004 | HY000 | Continuous query '%s.%s' doesn't exist | The specified continuous query does not exist. Check whether the query name is valid. |
8005 | HY000 | Table '%s' not found | The table does not exist. Check whether the table name is valid. |
8006 | HY000 | Query failed; %s | The query failed. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
8007 | HY000 | Insert failed; %s | The write operation failed. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
8008 | HY000 | Quota exceeded; %s | The used resources exceed the limit. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. If this error occurs when you query data, narrow down the time range of the query or specify query conditions in the WHERE clause to reduce the amount of data that to be queried. If this error occurs when you write data, make sure that the TPS of the writing operation does not exceed the limit. |
8009 | HY000 | Can't drop predownsample; %s | The specified pre-downsampling rule cannot be deleted. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
8010 | HY000 | Can't show predownsample; %s | The specified pre-downsampling rule cannot be viewed. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
8011 | 42000 | Unknown data type: %s | The data type cannot be recognized. The actual data type in data reading or writing is inconsistent with the expected data type. Handle the error based on the causes contained in the returned error message. If the problem persists, contact the Lindorm technical support. |
8012 | 42000 | Illegal operation: %s | The SQL statement is incorrectly used or the data specified in the statement is incorrect. We recommend that you check the SQL statement based on the syntax documentation. |
8013 | 42000 | Cannot grant privilege '%s' to: %s; %s | Failed to grant the permission to the object. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. |
8014 | 42000 | Cannot revoke privilege '%s' to: %s; %s | Failed to revoke the permission from the object. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. |
8015 | HY000 | Failed to alter parameter; %s | Failed to modify the system configuration. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. |
8016 | HY000 | Failed to show parameter; %s | Failed to display the system configuration. Identify the causes of the failure based on the returned error message. |
8017 | 42611 | Column name "%s" conflicts with a system column name | The column name specified in the DDL statement is the same as the name of a system hidden column. We recommend that you change the column name in the statement based on the causes indicated in the returned error message. |
8018 | 42000 | DECIMAL column '%s' type should be specified with precision and scale | The precision and scale is not specified when you use DECIMAL data in the SQL statement. We recommend that you check the SQL statement based on the syntax documentation. |
8100 | 08003 | The connection does not exist; %s | The connection session that you try to reuse is released by the server. We recommend that you establish a new connection. |
9000 | HY000 | Server internal error; %s | Contact the Lindorm technical support. |
9001 | 0A000 | UNSUPPORTED: %s | The syntax is not supported. We recommend that you check the SQL statement based on the syntax documentation and do not use SQL syntaxes that are not supported. |
9002 | HY000 | Function %s can only be used in domain-specific dialect (Time-series, etc.) | The specified function is supported only in specific syntax dialects, such as dialects for LindormTSDB. We recommend that you check the SQL statement based on the syntax documentation. |
9003 | 28000 | The authentication method %s cannot apply to the old-fashion user, please consider to use another method. | The authentication method that is used to establish the connection is not applicable to users created on the earlier versions of the engine. For more information, see Usage notes for application development by using MySQL. We recommend that you explicitly specify the authentication methods required by the server or upgrade the client driver based on the documentation related to the MySQL compatibility feature of Lindorm. |
9004 | 08004 | The authentication method %s not available for the current deployment, please consider to use another method. | The authentication method that is used to establish the connection is not applicable to the deployment method of the current instance. We recommend that you explicitly specify the authentication methods required by the server or upgrade the client driver based on the documentation related to the MySQL compatibility feature of Lindorm. |
9006 | HY000 | Analytical processing error; %s | An error occurred during the execution of an analytical query. Keep the information indicated by the placeholders in the error message and contact the Lindorm technical support. |
9010 | XX000 | The storage engine request illegal: %s | The internal request of LindormDFS is invalid. Keep the information indicated by the placeholders in the error message and contact the Lindorm technical support. |
9011 | HY000 | Database protocol error: %s | A MySQL protocol message error occurred. Keep the information indicated by the placeholders in the error message and contact the Lindorm technical support. |