You can use the data forwarding feature of the rules engine in IoT Platform to send messages of JT/T 808 gateway devices to your servers. The messages are related to device registration, device deregistration, and data submission. Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) server-side subscriptions are used to send data submission messages to your servers. This topic describes how to use the rules engine to forward messages. This topic also provides instructions on the required topics and data types.
Usage notes
When you configure data forwarding rules, take note of the following items:
You can use only the new version of the data forwarding feature to configure data forwarding rules for gateway devices. For more information, see Configure a data forwarding parser.
Devices that are added to JT/T 808 cloud gateways cannot subscribe to topics. You cannot forward data of JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices to a topic.
If you want to use data forwarding for JT/T 808 cloud gateway devices, you can add topics of the following types as the data source: Custom, Device Status Change Notification, and Device Changes Throughout Lifecycle. If you want to add a custom topic as the data source, you must specify the manufacturer ID, device model, and device ID in the topic name. For more information, see Create a data source.
You can use server-side subscriptions to push data of only the Device Upstream Notification, Device Status Change Notification, and Device Changes Throughout Lifecycle types. For more information, see Configure an AMQP server-side subscription.
Device registration
Topic: /sys/${productKey}/${deviceName}/device/identity/register
payload: {
"createTime": 1669968170000,
"deviceId": "device05",
"deviceModel": "model1",
"deviceName": "manufactor_model1_device05",
"instanceId": "iotx-o****",
"iotId": "PkhDL********00101",
"licensePlateColour": "1",
"licensePlateNumber": "Zhe A****",
"manufacturer": "manufactor",
"productKey": "a16h****",
"status": "register",
"tenantId": "58CAC7******37C956"
Parameter | Type | Description |
payload | Object | The content of the device registration message. |
createTime | Long | The start time of device registration. |
deviceId | String | The device ID that was registered by the user. |
deviceModel | String | The device model that was registered by the user. |
deviceName | String | The DeviceName. Format: ${manufacturer}_${deviceModel}_${deviceId} . |
instanceId | String | The ID of the instance to which the device belongs. |
iotId | String | The unique identifier of the device in IoT Platform. |
licensePlateColour | String | The license plate color. The value must meet the requirements of the JT/T 808 protocol. For more information, see JT/T 808-2019. |
licensePlateNumber | String | The license plate number. |
manufacturer | String | The ID of the device manufacturer. |
productKey | String | The unique identifier of the product to which the device belongs. |
status | String | The status of the device. Set the value to register , which indicates that the device is registered. |
tenantId | String | The ID of the user to which the device belongs. |
Submit device status
Topic: /sys/${productKey}/${deviceName}/device/status/notify
Parameter | Type | Description |
protocol | String | If you use a JT/T 808 cloud gateway, set the value to jt808 . |
status | String | The status of the device. Valid values: |
iotId | String | The unique identifier of the device in IoT Platform. |
offlineReasonCode | Integer | The error code that is returned when the device goes offline. For more information, see Error codes that are related to device behaviors. |
productKey | String | The unique identifier of the product to which the device belongs. |
deviceName | String | The DeviceName of the device. |
lastTime | String | These parameters are no longer valid. |
utcLastTime | String |
time | String | The time when the device was online or offline. The returned messages are not sorted by time. You need to manually sort the messages. For example, you received the following messages in sequence: Online time: 2018-08-31 10:02:28.195 Offline time: 2018-08-31 10:01:28.195 Offline time: 2018-08-31 10:03:28.195
The preceding messages indicate that the device was disconnected, reconnected, and then disconnected again. |
utcTime | String | The time when the device went online or offline. The time is in the UTC format. |
clientIp | String | The public IP address of the device. |
Device data submission
Topic: /sys/${productKey}/${deviceName}/device/message/uplink
payload: {
type: 65
Parameter | Type | Description |
payload | Object | The message that is submitted by the device. The message includes the header and body parameters. The content of the message can be pass-through data, location statistics, or GPS data. |
header | Object | The header that is submitted by the device. messageId: the message ID. version: the protocol version. phone: the phone number. serialNumber: the serial number of the message. Valid values: 0 to 65535. The device increases the serial number by one for each message that is submitted by the device.
The values of the messageId, version, and phone parameters must meet the requirements of the JT/T 808 protocol. For more information, see JT/T 808-2019. |
body | Object | The message body that is submitted by the device. data: the content of the message. The content is encoded in Base64. type: the type of the pass-through message. In this example, 65 represents 0x41 , which indicates that Serial Port 1 is used to pass through data.
The message body must meet the requirements of the JT/T 808 protocol. For more information, see JT/T 808-2019. |
Device deregistration
Topic: /sys/${productKey}/${deviceName}/device/identity/unregister
payload: {
"createTime": 1669968170000,
"deviceId": "device05",
"deviceModel": "model1",
"deviceName": "manufactor_model1_device05",
"instanceId": "iotx-o****",
"iotId": "PkhDL********00101",
"licensePlateColour": "1",
"licensePlateNumber": "Zhe A****",
"manufacturer": "manufactor",
"productKey": "a16h****",
"status": "register",
"tenantId": "58CAC7******37C956"
Parameter | Type | Description |
payload | Object | The content of the device deregistration message. |
createTime | Long | The start time of the device deregistration. |
deviceId | String | The device ID. |
deviceModel | String | The model of the device. |
deviceName | String | The DeviceName. Format: ${manufacturer}_${deviceModel}_${deviceId} . |
instanceId | String | The ID of the instance to which the device belongs. |
iotId | String | The unique identifier of the device in IoT Platform. |
licensePlateColour | String | The license plate color. The value must meet the requirements of the JT/T 808 protocol. For more information, see JT/T 808-2019. |
licensePlateNumber | String | The license plate number. |
manufacturer | String | The ID of the device manufacturer. |
productKey | String | The unique identifier of the product to which the device belongs. |
status | String | The status of the device. Set the value to unregister , which indicates that the device is deregistered. |
tenantId | String | The ID of the user to which the device belongs. |