This topic describes how to associate one or more elastic IP addresses (EIPs) with an Internet Shared Bandwidth instance. This allows you to reuse the bandwidth provided by the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.
Make sure that the EIPs meet the following requirements:
The EIPs are billed on a pay-as-you-go basis.
The EIP and the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance belong to the same region.
The line types of the EIPs are the same as the line type of the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.
For more information, see Create an EIP.
Background information
After you associate EIPs with an Internet Shared Bandwidth instance:
Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances, and NAT gateways with which the EIPs are associated share the bandwidth of the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.
The previous maximum bandwidth of the EIPs becomes invalid. The maximum bandwidth of the EIPs equals the maximum bandwidth of the associated Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.
The previous billing method of the EIPs becomes invalid. You are no longer charged data transfer fees for the EIPs.
The configuration fees for the EIPs remain unchanged. For more information about the configuration fee, see Billing overview.
You can associate at most 100 EIPs with each Internet Shared Bandwidth. To associate more EIPs, request a quota increase. For more information, see Manage Internet Shared Bandwidth quotas.
Log on to the Internet Shared Bandwidth console.
In the top navigation bar, select the region where the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance resides.
On the Internet Shared Bandwidth page, find the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance and click Add IP in the Actions column.
In the Add IP panel, add EIPs based on the following requirements and click OK.
If no EIP is available in the current region, click Buy EIP and add to Bandwidth Package and specify the number of EIPs to be purchased.
The system automatically creates the specified number of EIPs that are charged on a pay-as-you-go basis, and associates them with the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance. You can purchase up to 50 EIPs at a time.
If EIPs are available in the current region, click Select from EIP List and select the EIPs that you want to add.
AddCommonBandwidthPackageIp: Associates an EIP with an Internet Shared Bandwidth instance.
How do I replace the Internet Shared Bandwidth instance that is associated with an EIP?