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Identity as a Service:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Dec 17, 2024
This product(Eiam/2021-12-01) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


ListRegionsListRegionsQueries a list of supported Alibaba Cloud regions.


CreateInstanceCreateInstanceCreates an instance based on which all capabilities of Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Enterprise Identity and Access Management (EIAM) are provided.
DeleteInstanceDeleteInstanceDeletes an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS) that you do not need.
UpdateInstanceDescriptionUpdateInstanceDescriptionModifies the description of an Enterprise Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
ListInstancesListInstancesQueries the information about one or more Enterprise Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instances of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
GetInstanceGetInstanceQueries the information of an Enterprise Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).


CreateApplicationCreateApplicationAdds an application to an Enterprise Identity Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
DeleteApplicationDeleteApplicationDeletes an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
UpdateApplicationDescriptionUpdateApplicationDescriptionModifies the description of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
EnableApplicationEnableApplicationEnables a disabled Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
DisableApplicationDisableApplicationDisables an enabled Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application. All features of the EIAM application cannot be used if you disable the EIAM application.
GetApplicationGetApplicationQueries the details of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
ListApplicationsListApplicationsQueries the information about one or multiple Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) applications by page.
SetApplicationSsoConfigSetApplicationSsoConfigSpecifies the single sign-on (SSO) configuration attributes of an application in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee IAM (EIAM).
GetApplicationSsoConfigGetApplicationSsoConfigQueries the single sign-on (SSO) configuration attributes of an application in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee IAM (EIAM).
AuthorizeApplicationToUsersAuthorizeApplicationToUsersGrants the access permissions on an application to multiple Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) accounts at a time.
AuthorizeApplicationToOrganizationalUnitsAuthorizeApplicationToOrganizationalUnitsGrants the access permissions on an application to multiple Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) organizations at a time.
AuthorizeApplicationToGroupsAuthorizeApplicationToGroupsGrants the permissions to access an application to multiple account groups at a time in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
RevokeApplicationFromUsersRevokeApplicationFromUsersRevokes the permissions to access an application from multiple Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) accounts at a time.
RevokeApplicationFromOrganizationalUnitsRevokeApplicationFromOrganizationalUnitsRevokes the permissions to access an application from multiple Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) organizations at a time.
RevokeApplicationFromGroupsRevokeApplicationFromGroupsRevokes the permissions to access an application from multiple account groups at a time in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
UpdateApplicationAuthorizationTypeUpdateApplicationAuthorizationTypeModifies the authorization type of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
ListUsersForApplicationListUsersForApplicationQueries the accounts that are allowed to access an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application. The return results include the IDs of the accounts. If you need to obtain the details of the accounts, call the GetUser operation.
ListOrganizationalUnitsForApplicationListOrganizationalUnitsForApplicationQueries the organizations that are allowed to access an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application by page. The return result includes the IDs of the organizations. If you want to obtain the details of the organizations, call the GetOrganizationalUnit operation.
ListGroupsForApplicationListGroupsForApplicationQueries the account groups that are granted permissions to access an application and displays the results by page. The IDs of the account groups are returned. To query the detailed information about the account groups, call the GetGroup operation.
ListApplicationsForUserListApplicationsForUserQueries the applications that an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account can access. The return result includes the IDs of the applications. If you want to obtain the details of the applications, call the GetApplication operation.
ListApplicationsForOrganizationalUnitListApplicationsForOrganizationalUnitQueries the applications that an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) organization can access. The return result includes the IDs of the applications. If you want to obtain the details of the applications, call the GetApplication operation.
Client SecretClient Secret
CreateApplicationClientSecretCreateApplicationClientSecretCreates a client key for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application. An EIAM application can have up to two client keys.
DeleteApplicationClientSecretDeleteApplicationClientSecretDeletes a client key for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
DisableApplicationClientSecretDisableApplicationClientSecretDisables a client key of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
EnableApplicationClientSecretEnableApplicationClientSecretEnables the client key of an application in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
ListApplicationClientSecretsListApplicationClientSecretsQueries all client keys of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application. The returned key secret is not masked. If you want to query the key secret that is masked, call the ObtainApplicationClientSecret operation.
ObtainApplicationClientSecretObtainApplicationClientSecretQueries a client key of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application. The returned key secret is masked. If you want to query the key secret that is not masked, call the ListApplicationClientSecrets operation.
EnableApplicationApiInvokeEnableApplicationApiInvokeEnables the Developer API feature for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
DisableApplicationApiInvokeDisableApplicationApiInvokeDisables the Developer API feature for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
SetApplicationGrantScopeSetApplicationGrantScopeConfigures the permissions of the Developer API feature of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
GetApplicationGrantScopeGetApplicationGrantScopeQueries the permissions of the Developer API feature for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) application.
DisableApplicationProvisioningDisableApplicationProvisioningDisables the account synchronization feature for an application in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
EnableApplicationProvisioningEnableApplicationProvisioningEnables the account synchronization feature for an application in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
SetApplicationProvisioningConfigSetApplicationProvisioningConfigConfigures the account synchronization feature for an application in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
SetApplicationProvisioningScopeSetApplicationProvisioningScopeSets the account synchronization scope of applications in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee IAM (EIAM). This scope is the same as the scope within which developers can call the DeveloperAPI to query and manage accounts.
GetApplicationProvisioningConfigGetApplicationProvisioningConfigQueries the configuration of the account synchronization feature for an application in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
GetApplicationProvisioningScopeGetApplicationProvisioningScopeQueries the account synchronization scope of applications in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee IAM (EIAM). This scope is the same as the scope within which developers can call the DeveloperAPI to query and manage accounts.


CreateUserCreateUserCreates an account in an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Enterprise Identity Access Management (EIAM) instance.
AddUserToOrganizationalUnitsAddUserToOrganizationalUnitsAdds an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account to multiple EIAM organizations of Identity as a Service (IDaaS). If the account already exists in the organizational unit, the system directly returns a success response.
DeleteUserDeleteUserDeletes an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account of Identity as a Service (IDaaS). The information related to the account is cleared.
RemoveUserFromOrganizationalUnitsRemoveUserFromOrganizationalUnitsRemoves an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account from multiple EIAM organizations of Identity as a Service (IDaaS). You cannot remove an account from a primary organization.
UpdateUserUpdateUserUpdates the basic information about an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
UpdateUserPasswordUpdateUserPasswordUpdates the password information of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account of Identity as a Service (IDaaS). The password must meet the requirements of the password policies that are configured in the IDaaS console.
UpdateUserDescriptionUpdateUserDescriptionModifies the description of an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account.
DisableUserDisableUserDisables an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account. If the account is disabled, a success message is returned.
EnableUserEnableUserEnables an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
UnlockUserUnlockUserUnlocks an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account of Identity as a Service (IDaaS) that is locked.
SetUserPrimaryOrganizationalUnitSetUserPrimaryOrganizationalUnitUpdates the primary organizational unit to which an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account belongs. This account will be removed from the previous primary organizational unit and added to the new primary organization.
GetUserGetUserQueries the details of an account in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee IAM (EIAM).
ListUsersListUsersQueries the details of accounts in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee IAM (EIAM) by page.

Organizational Unit

CreateOrganizationalUnitCreateOrganizationalUnitCreates an organization in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
DeleteOrganizationalUnitDeleteOrganizationalUnitDeletes an organization in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM). If the organization has EIAM accounts or child organizations, the delete operation fails.
DeleteOrganizationalUnitChildrenDeleteOrganizationalUnitChildrenDeletes information about an organization and forcefully deletes all accounts and sub-organizations in the organization.
UpdateOrganizationalUnitUpdateOrganizationalUnitUpdates the basic information about an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) organization. The basic information about the organization is not updated by default if no parameter is specified.
UpdateOrganizationalUnitDescriptionUpdateOrganizationalUnitDescriptionModifies the description of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) organization.
UpdateOrganizationalUnitParentIdUpdateOrganizationalUnitParentIdUpdates the parent organization ID of an organization in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM). In this case, the organization is moved from a parent node to a new node.
GetRootOrganizationalUnitGetRootOrganizationalUnitQueries the information about the root organizational unit in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
GetOrganizationalUnitGetOrganizationalUnitQueries the information about an organizational unit in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee IAM (EIAM).
ListOrganizationalUnitsListOrganizationalUnitsQueries the information about organizational units in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee IAM (EIAM) by page.


CreateGroupCreateGroupCreates an account group in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
AddUsersToGroupAddUsersToGroupAdds Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) accounts to an EIAM group of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
DeleteGroupDeleteGroupDeletes the information of an account group in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
RemoveUsersFromGroupRemoveUsersFromGroupRemoves Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) accounts from an EIAM group of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
UpdateGroupUpdateGroupUpdates the information about an account group in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM). If the information is empty, the information is not updated by default.
UpdateGroupDescriptionUpdateGroupDescriptionUpdates the description of an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account group.
GetGroupGetGroupQueries the information of an account group in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
ListGroupsListGroupsQueries a list of account groups in Identity as a Service (IDaaS) Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM).
ListUsersForGroupListUsersForGroupQueries the information of accounts in an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) group of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
ListGroupsForUserListGroupsForUserQueries a list of account groups to which an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) account of Identity as a Service (IDaaS) belongs.

Password Policy

SetForgetPasswordConfigurationSetForgetPasswordConfigurationConfigures a forgot password policy for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
SetPasswordInitializationConfigurationSetPasswordInitializationConfigurationSets the password initialization configurations for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
SetPasswordHistoryConfigurationSetPasswordHistoryConfigurationConfigures a password history policy for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
SetPasswordExpirationConfigurationSetPasswordExpirationConfigurationConfigures a password expiration policy for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
SetPasswordComplexityConfigurationSetPasswordComplexityConfigurationConfigures a password complexity policy for an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
GetForgetPasswordConfigurationGetForgetPasswordConfigurationQueries the forgot password configurations of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
GetPasswordInitializationConfigurationGetPasswordInitializationConfigurationQueries the password initialization configurations of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
GetPasswordHistoryConfigurationGetPasswordHistoryConfigurationQueries the password history configurations of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
GetPasswordExpirationConfigurationGetPasswordExpirationConfigurationQueries the password expiration configurations of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).
GetPasswordComplexityConfigurationGetPasswordComplexityConfigurationQueries the password complexity configurations of an Employee Identity and Access Management (EIAM) instance of Identity as a Service (IDaaS).