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Add and manage acceleration areas

Updated at: 2024-11-12 02:38

An acceleration area is an area that requires accelerated access to your services. You can select the region where clients are located or the region nearest to the clients as the acceleration region of a Global Accelerator (GA) instance.

Background information

If you specify Elastic IP Address (EIP) as the type of accelerated IP address, you must specify an acceleration area for a Global Accelerator (GA) instance. If you specify Anycast EIP as the type of accelerated IP address, you do not need to specify an acceleration area for a Global Accelerator instance. For more information about the types of accelerated IP addresses, see Accelerated IP addresses.


Add an acceleration area

  1. Log on to the GA console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the GA instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the instance details page, click the Acceleration Areas tab. Then, click Add Acceleration Area.

  4. In the Add Acceleration Area dialog box, configure the parameters and click OK. The following table describes the parameters.





    Select Acceleration Region

    Select one or more acceleration regions from the drop-down list, and click Add.

    For more information about the acceleration areas and regions, see Overview.


    The number of acceleration regions that can be added to a subscription Global Accelerator instance is determined by the maximum bandwidth of the bandwidth plan and the specification of the GA instance. For more information about the number of acceleration regions that are supported by each instance specification, see Overview of standard GA instances.

    Assign Bandwidth

    Select a bandwidth allocation method. This parameter is available for Global Accelerator instances that support multiple acceleration regions.

    • Allocate Bandwidth by Region: This method is ideal for scenarios in which you want to allocate different bandwidths for different acceleration regions.

    • Allocate Bandwidth: This method is ideal for scenarios in which you want to allocate the same bandwidth for different acceleration regions. You need to only configure the bandwidth for one acceleration region.


    Specify the bandwidth of the acceleration region. Unit: Mbit/s.

    • For pay-as-you-go Global Accelerator instances, each acceleration region supports a bandwidth range of 2 Mbit/s to 10,000 Mbit/s.

    • For subscription Global Accelerator instances, the sum of the bandwidths of all acceleration regions cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth of the subscription basic bandwidth plan that is associated with the GA instance.


    For a subscription Global Accelerator instance, we recommend that the sum of the bandwidths of all acceleration regions does not exceed the maximum bandwidth that is supported by the Global Accelerator instance.

    For more information about the limits and examples of bandwidth allocation, see the Bandwidth of acceleration regions section of the Overview topic.

    IP Protocol

    Select the IP version that is used to connect to Global Accelerator.

    • IPv4: assigns IPv4 addresses. The IPv4 addresses are used to accelerate IPv4 services for IPv4 clients.

    • IPv6: assigns IPv6 addresses. The IPv6 addresses are used to accelerate IPv4 services for IPv6 clients.

    • Dual Stack: assigns IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. This allows IPv4 and IPv6 clients to connect to GA at the same time.

      • IPv6 clients in the following regions can access Global Accelerator: China (Qingdao), China (Beijing), China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Shenzhen), China (Heyuan), China (Guangzhou), China (Chengdu), China (Hong Kong), Singapore, US (Virginia), Germany (Frankfurt), and Thailand (Bangkok). IPv6 clients in the Thailand (Bangkok) region can access only pay-as-you-go Global Accelerator instances.

      • Before you select dual-stack for an acceleration region, take note of the following limits:

        • The GA instance must be a pay-as-you-go standard GA instance.

        • The acceleration region must support IPv6.

        • The ISP line type must be BGP (Multi-ISP).

        • The listener must be an intelligent routing listener.

    ISP Line Type

    Select an Internet service provider (ISP) line type for the Global Accelerator instance. This parameter is available only for pay-as-you-go Global Accelerator instances.

    • BGP (Multi-ISP): provides premium BGP lines across the globe. This is the default line type. BGP lines from different ISPs can be used. The optimal BGP line is automatically selected to ensure network stability.

      All acceleration regions support BGP (Multi-ISP).

    • BGP Pro: BGP (Multi-ISP) Pro lines optimize data transmission to the Chinese mainland and improve connection quality for international services. Cross-border connections are established by using Chinese mainland ISP services when BGP (Multi-ISP) Pro lines provide services to users in the Chinese mainland (except data centers). This reduces network latency.

      BGP (Multi-ISP) Pro is available only in the China (Hong Kong) and Japan (Tokyo) regions.

    Cross-border Acceleration Settings

    Read Compliance Commitments Regarding Cross-border Data Transfers and select Agree to the Preceding Compliance Agreement.

    This parameter is required only when cross-border acceleration is disabled for your GA instance but your service requires cross-border acceleration between the Chinese mainland and regions outside the Chinese mainland or between different countries and regions.

    If the information about an acceleration region is displayed in the list of acceleration regions, the acceleration region is added.

    For pay-as-you-go standard Global Accelerator instances, two accelerated IP addresses of the EIP type are allocated to each acceleration region. Both accelerated IP addresses can receive client traffic at the same time to ensure high availability of the acceleration area.


    An acceleration area takes effect about 2 minutes after it is added.

Modify an acceleration area

You can modify the bandwidth of an acceleration area for a standard Global Accelerator instance.

  1. Log on to the GA console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the GA instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the Acceleration Areas tab, click Edit Bandwidth.

  4. In the Modify Bandwidth dialog box, change the bandwidth allocation method and the bandwidth of the acceleration region that you want to manage, and then click OK.

Delete an acceleration area

You can delete an acceleration area. After you delete the acceleration area, Global Accelerator no longer provides acceleration services for the area.

  1. Log on to the GA console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the GA instance that you want to manage.

  3. On the Acceleration Areas tab, find the acceleration area and acceleration region that you want to delete and click Actions in the Delete column.

  4. In the Delete Accelerated IP Address message, click OK.


  • CreateIpSets: creates an acceleration region for a standard GA instance.

  • UpdateIpSet: modifies an acceleration region in an acceleration area of a standard GA instance.

  • UpdateIpSets: modifies multiple acceleration regions in an acceleration area of a standard GA instance.

  • DeleteIpSet: deletes an acceleration region from a standard GA instance.

  • DeleteIpSets: deletes multiple acceleration regions from a standard GA instance.

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Background information
  • Prerequisites
  • Add an acceleration area
  • Modify an acceleration area
  • Delete an acceleration area
  • References
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