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Function Compute:FAQ about billing

Last Updated:Aug 29, 2024

When you use Function Compute, you may encounter billing issues, such as overdue payments, unexpected fees, and resource plans. This topic provides answers to some commonly asked questions about billing of Function Compute, you can refer to this topic for troubleshooting.

How do I release Function Compute instances or stop Function Compute?

You can directly delete functions. For more information, see Manage functions.

  • When the system detects that a function is deleted, the system reclaims all running instances that are associated with the function. Proceed with caution when you delete a function.

  • If you use provisioned instances, you must manually release provisioned instances of a function before you delete the function. For more information, see Configure provisioned instances and auto scaling rules.

Can I switch between elastic instances and GPU-accelerated instances?

No, you cannot switch between elastic instances and GPU-accelerated instances.

When does a resource plan expire?

The validity period of each type of resource plan of Function Compute is 12 months. After you purchase a resource plan, the plan expires at 00:00:00 a year later from the purchase date. For example, you purchase a resource plan at 15:00:00 on August 14, 2022. The plan expires at 00:00:00 on August 15, 2023. The lifecycle of the resource plan is 365 days and 9 hours.

You can log on to the Function Compute console, go to the Resource Plan section on the right side of the Overview page, and then view the expiration time of your resource plans.

Can I use my resource plan to offset fees across regions?

Yes, you can use your resource plan to offset fees across regions. However, you can offset only fees that are generated in regions on the China site ( You cannot offset fees that are generated in regions across the China and the International sites ( For example, if you purchase a resource plan in the China (Hangzhou) region on the China site, you cannot use the plan to offset fees that are generated in the China (Hangzhou) region on the International site.

How do I unsubscribe from Function Compute or settle overdue payments when I have overdue payments?

If you no longer want to use Function Compute, you can delete your services and functions. For more information, see How do I release Function Compute instances or stop Function Compute?

You can log on to Expenses and Costs and view Current Amount on the Account Overview page. If the value is less than 0, your account has an overdue payment. You can click Pay Now to settle the overdue payment.

Why am I still charged after I stop services in Function Compute?

Bills of Function Compute are generated on an hourly basis. For example, you invoked a function from 13:00 to 14:00, and you stopped the service at 14:00. In this case, bills for the preceding period are generated around 15:00. Bills that you receive summarize the resources that you consumed one hour before the point in time when the bills are generated.

You can also view the billing details to check whether bills are generated by other Alibaba Cloud services that are associated with Function Compute. If bills are generated by other Alibaba Cloud services, check whether the instances or resources of the cloud services are required. If the instances or resources are no longer required, you can delete them in the corresponding consoles.

Why are fees continuously generated even when my function does not process requests?

If billing continues when your function does not process requests, check whether provisioned instances are configured for your function. The billing of provisioned instances starts from the time when Function Compute allocates the instances and ends when you release the instances. If you no longer use provisioned instances, delete the instances at the earliest opportunity. For more information, see Configure provisioned instances and auto scaling rules.

You can also check whether the instances of other Alibaba Cloud services within your account generate fees. You can log on to Expenses and Costs to view the bill details and check whether bills of other Alibaba Cloud services exist. For more information, see View bills.

Why am I still charged after I purchase a resource plan?

You are charged on a pay-as-you-go basis when quotas in your resource plans are exhausted. For information about how to view the remaining quota of a resource plan, see Manage resource plans.

Function Compute resource plans cannot be used to offset fees of disk usage. You are charged based on the pay-as-you-go billing method for disk sizes that are above 512 MB.

Can I switch between different types of resource plans?

No, you cannot switch between different types of resource plans. Each resource plan can be used to offset only the fees of a specific billable item.

Can Function Compute automatically renew resource plans? If yes, can I disable auto-renewal for resource plans?

No. Resource plans of Function Compute do not support auto renewal. You can buy new resource plans when existing resource plans expire.

Can I add or remove recipients that receive text messages or emails containing subscription notifications?

Yes. To change a recipient, you can log on to the Alibaba Cloud portal and click Console in the upper-right corner. In the Alibaba Cloud Management Console, click the avatar to go to the account center. In the left-side navigation pane, click Address and Contact. Then, add or remove recipients as prompted.

Am I charged after I purchase a free trial plan?

Function Compute provides free trial quotas for new users of Function Compute. You are charged for resource usage that is not covered by the free trial quotas, such as outbound Internet data transfers, disk usage (exceeding 512 MB), and excess resource usage. For more information, see Trial quotas.

The free trial quota is valid for three months. If you do not purchase other resource plans after the validity period ends, you are charged for all resources based on the pay-as-you-go billing method.

How do I view overdue payments and why do overdue payments occur?

Overdue payments may occur because your resource usage exceeds the free quota in the trial plan or you do not purchase resource plans for other Alibaba Cloud services that you use. If you purchase a trial plan, you are charged for resource usage that exceeds the free quota in the plan, including outbound Internet traffic, disk usage that exceeds 512 MB, and other excess resource usage.

If your account has an overdue payment, log on to Expenses and Costs to view the details. For more information, see View overdue payments. You can view the billing details to check the fees of billable items. For more information, see View bills.

What billable items are included in GPU-accelerated instances when I run functions?

If you configured GPU-accelerated instances, the following resources are billed when you run functions: vCPU usage, memory usage, GPU usage, and disk usage. The number of function invocations are also billed. If Internet access is required, you are charged for outbound Internet data transfers. For more information, see Overview.

CPU resources are also required for GPU-accelerated instances. The following figure shows the specifications of GPU-accelerated instances.
