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Energy Expert:Carbon emission analysis

Last Updated:Feb 20, 2025

This topic describes the online analysis feature for carbon accounting results, including analysis by emission category, analysis by emission scope, and electricity composition analysis. Energy Expert allows you to download a carbon accounting report and carbon accounting related data.

On the Emission Analysis page, you can view the carbon accounting results at the organization or site level. The results analysis include the total carbon emissions, carbon emission details, carbon emission proportions, and electricity composition analysis.


Carbon emission details by category

Click the Carbon Emission Details (by category) tab to view the analysis results of carbon emissions in the following six categories: Category 1: Direct GHG emissions and removals. Category 2: Indirect GHG emissions from imported energy. Category 3: Indirect GHG emissions from transportation. Category 4: Indirect GHG emissions from products used by an organization. Category 5: Indirect GHG emissions associated with the use of products from the organization. Category 6: Indirect GHG emissions from other sources.

  • Click Total or a category to view the carbon emission details. The information includes the total carbon emissions, proportions of emission categories or sub-categories, proportions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and monthly emission trend chart.


  • In the Carbon Emissions Breakdown section, you can view the emission composition details. The information includes the emissions and proportions of emission facilities or activities, emission categories and emission sub-categories, and the emissions of different GHG types emitted by each emission facility or activity. You can show or hide an emission category or sub-category.


  • If you go to the Emission Analysis page of an organization, the Emissions by organization section appears. In this section, you can view and compare the carbon emissions of different organizations and sites.


Carbon emission details by scope

ISO 14064-1: 2006 divides GHG emissions into three scopes. Scope 1 refers to the direct emissions arising from emission sources directly controlled or owned by an enterprise within the scope of its control. Scope 2 refers to the indirect emissions generated by an enterprise due to purchased energy, including steam, heating, and cooling. Scope 3 refers to the indirect emissions of an enterprise outside Scope 2, including all emissions that may be generated in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain or value chain of the enterprise, such as the extraction, production, and transportation of raw materials, and the use of products and services by consumers. Therefore, Scope 1 corresponds to Category 1, Scope 2 corresponds to Category 2, and Scope 3 corresponds to Categories 3 to 6.

Energy Expert analyzes the carbon accounting results from three scopes. Click the Carbon Emission Details (by scope) tab to view the analysis details. The analysis information is similar to that on the Carbon Emission Details (by category) tab.


Electricity composition analysis

To show the Electricity Composition Analysis tab, you must select an emission source in the By Electricity Property category in the Facility/activity configuration panel when you configure a carbon accounting template for the following sub-category of Category 2: Indirect emissions from imported electricity. For more information, see Configure emission facilities or activities. After you complete the settings, click the Electricity Composition Analysis tab on the Emission Analysis page. Then, you can view the electricity consumption, proportion, and monthly trend chart of different electricity properties.




Download a carbon accounting report and carbon accounting data

Click the View Carbon Accounting Report icon in the upper-right corner of the Emission Analysis page. The generated carbon accounting report can be downloaded in the Word format. If the carbon accounting data is updated, click Regenerate the Carbon Accounting Report to download the report again.


Click the Download data icon in the upper-right corner of the Emission Analysis page. The carbon accounting data can be downloaded in the Excel format. The downloaded data includes the emission sources, emission factors, activity data, and carbon emission calculation results.
