You can call DescribeClusterV2 operation to query the basic information of a cluster, such as billing, ECS Machine overview, and E-MapReduce service list.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. You can use OpenAPI Explorer to search for API operations, call API operations, and dynamically generate SDK sample code.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeClusterV2

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeClusterV2.

Id String Yes C-E331B8AC12BF****

The ID of the cluster. You can call ListClusters You can call this operation to view the ID of a cluster.

RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The region ID of the instance. You can call DescribeRegions To view the latest list of Alibaba Cloud regions.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
ClusterInfo Struct

The details about the cluster.

AccessInfo Struct

The cluster connection information.

ZKLinks Array of ZKLink

The ZooKeeper connection information.

Link String emr-worker-1,emr-header-2,emr-header-1

The endpoint of ZooKeeper.

Port String 2181

The port that is used to access ZooKeeper.

AutoScalingAllowed Boolean false

Indicates whether elastic scaling is allowed. Valid values:

  • true: enables the system to automatically copy snapshots across regions.
  • false: disables the system to automatically copy snapshots across regions.
AutoScalingByLoadAllowed Boolean true

Indicates whether scaling by load is allowed. Valid values:

  • true: enables the system to automatically copy snapshots across regions.
  • false: disables the system to automatically copy snapshots across regions.
AutoScalingEnable Boolean false

Whether to enable elastic expansion:

  • true: Dynamic indexing is enabled.
  • false: Dynamic indexing is disabled.
AutoScalingSpotWithLimitAllowed Boolean false

Whether to allow auto scaling spot instances:

  • true: enables the system to automatically copy snapshots across regions.
  • false: disables the system to automatically copy snapshots across regions.
AutoScalingVersion String N/A

A reserved parameter.

AutoScalingWithGraceAllowed Boolean false

A reserved parameter.

BootstrapActionList Array of BootstrapAction

The list of bootstrap actions.

Arg String --a

The argument that you passed into the bootstrap action.

Name String action_name

The name of the bootstrap action.

Path String oss://bucket/path

The path where the bootstrap action script is stored.

BootstrapFailed Boolean false

Indicates whether the bootstrap action fails.

ChargeType String PostPaid

The billing method of the instance. Default value: Postpaid. Valid values:

  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go clusters
  • PrePaid: subscription cluster
Configurations String []

A reserved parameter.

CoreNodeInService Integer 3

The number of core nodes that are in use.

CoreNodeTotal Integer 3

The total number of core nodes.

CreateResource String ECM_EMR

The label that is automatically added to the created EMR cluster.

CreateType String MANUAL

The method of creating the cluster.

  • MANUAL: manually created
DepositType String HALF_MANAGED

The hosting type of the cluster. Valid values:

  • HALF_MANAGED: Semi-managed
EasEnable Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster is a high-security cluster. Valid values:

  • true: A high-security cluster is created.
  • false: The cluster is not a high-security cluster.
ExpiredTime Long 1544076205000

The validity period of the subscription cluster.

ExtraInfo String -None-

The additional information about the Stack.

FailReason Struct

The reason why the cluster failed to be created.

ErrorCode String InvalidImageId.NotFound

The error code for the creation failure.

ErrorMsg String The specified ImageId does not exist.

The error message for the creation failure.

RequestId String B8DC3A91-3953-4444-92BB-DBC29C47EC1A

The ID of the request for creating a cluster.

GatewayClusterIds String C-D7958B72E59B****

The IDs of the included gateway clusters.

GatewayClusterInfoList Array of GatewayClusterInfo

The information of the gateway clusters.

ClusterId String C-D7958B72E59B****

The ID of the gateway cluster.

ClusterName String gateway-name

The name of the gateway cluster.

Status String IDLE

The status of the cluster. Valid values:

  • CREATING: the cluster is being created.
  • CREATE_FAILED: the cluster fails to be created.
  • IDLE: the cluster is IDLE.
  • RELEASING: the cluster is being released.
  • RELEASE_FAILED: the cluster fails to be released.
  • RELEASED: the cluster has been RELEASED.
  • WAIT_FOR_PAY: to be paid
  • ABNORMAL: the cluster status is ABNORMAL.
HighAvailabilityEnable Boolean true

Indicates whether the cluster is a high-availability cluster. Valid values:

  • true: the cluster has high availability.
  • false: The cluster is not a high-availability cluster.
HostGroupList Array of HostGroup

The list of host groups.

BandWidth String 10

The bandwidth value,

ChargeType String PostPaid

The billing method of the instance. Default value: Postpaid. Valid values:

  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go clusters
  • PrePaid: subscription cluster
CpuCore Integer 16

The number of CPU cores.

DiskCapacity Integer 120

The capacity of each data disk.

DiskCount Integer 4

The number of data disks.

DiskType String CLOUD_SSD

System disk type:

  • CLOUD: basic CLOUD disk
  • CLOUD_EFFICIENCY: Ultra disk
  • CLOUD_SSD: Cloud SSD
HostGroupChangeStatus String N/A

A reserved parameter.

HostGroupChangeType String RESIZE_DISK

Machine Group the current operation type.

  • RESIZE_DISK: resizes the disk.
  • MODIFY_INSTANCE_TYPE: to change the instance type
  • RESTART_HOST_GROUP: restart the machine Group
HostGroupId String G-9D08642FB8CE****

The ID of the host group.

HostGroupName String Master instance group

The name of the host group.

HostGroupSubType String 0

A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.

HostGroupType String CORE

The role of the host in the cluster:

  • MASTER: The MASTER instance node.
  • CORE: CORE instance node
  • TASK: compute instance node
InstanceType String ecs.n4.2xlarge

Machine Group instances.

LockReason String 0

A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.

LockType String 0

A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.

MemoryCapacity Integer 16

The amount of memory.

NodeCount Integer 4

The number of nodes in the host group.

Nodes Array of Node

A list of nodes.

CreateTime String 1543804242000

The time when the node was created.

DaemonInfos Array of DaemonInfo

A reserved parameter.

Name String 0

A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.

DiskInfos Array of DiskInfo

The information of disks.

Device String /dev/xvdb

The name of the disk.

DiskId String d-bp15vg2nr3x2t0f37ko9

The ID of the disk.

DiskName String disk1

The name of the disk.

Size Integer 80

The capacity of the disk. Unit: GB.

Type String data

The type of the disk.

EmrExpiredTime String 2099-12-31T15:59Z

The time when the EMR cluster expires.

ExpiredTime String 2099-12-31T15:59Z

The time when the node expires.

InnerIp String

The private IP address.

InstanceId String i-bp1ftve3lzvpm16hp7lo

The ID of the instance.

PubIp String 47.99. ***. ***

The public IP address.

Status String NORMAL

The status of the node.

SupportIpV6 Boolean false

Indicates whether the IPv6 protocol is supported.

ZoneId String cn-hangzhou-e

The zone ID.

Period String 30

The length of the subscription. Unit: days.

HostPoolInfo Struct

The information of the host pool.

HpBizId String id

The ID of the host pool.

HpName String name

The name of the host pool.

Id String C-E331B8AC12BF****

The ID of the cluster.

ImageId String m-bp118knl07yk88y8s6cj

The ID of the image that is used to create the cluster.

InstanceGeneration String ecs-3

The generation of the ECS instance.

IoOptimized Boolean true

Whether I/O optimization:

  • true
  • false: Do not optimize
K8sClusterId String N/A

A reserved parameter.

LocalMetaDb Boolean true

Indicates whether the local Hive metadatabase is used.

LogEnable Boolean true

Whether to open the cluster OSS log:

  • true: Open
  • false: Do not open
LogPath String oss://bucketname/path

The path of logs that are stored in the OSS bucket.

MachineType String ECS

The instance type of the cluster. Currently, ECS instances are used by default.

MasterNodeInService Integer 2

The number of master nodes that are in use.

MasterNodeTotal Integer 2

The total number of master nodes.

MetaStoreType String LOCAL

Metadata type:

  • LOCAL: internal metadata of the cluster
  • UNIFIED: UNIFIED metadata
  • USER_RDS: User-created RDS
Name String cluster_name

The name of the cluster.

NetType String vpc

The network type of the cluster.

Period Integer 36

The validity period of the subscription host group. Unit: months. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, and 36.

RegionId String cn-hangzhou

The region ID of the instance.

RelateClusterId String C-D7958B72E59****

The ID of the EMR cluster that is associated with the gateway cluster.

RelateClusterInfo Struct

The information of the EMR cluster that is associated with the gateway cluster.

ClusterId String C-D7958B72E59B****

The ID of the EMR cluster.

ClusterName String main

The name of the EMR cluster.

ClusterType String HADOOP

The type of ACK cluster. Valid values:

Status String SUCCESS

The status of the action.

ResizeDiskEnable Boolean true

Indicates whether disk expansion is allowed. Valid values:

  • true: resizes the disk.
  • false: does not expand the disk
RunningTime Integer 1102

The runtime. Unit: seconds.

SecurityGroupId String sg-bp1bvompzxgx7q0****

The ID of the security group.

SecurityGroupName String emr-default-securitygroup

The name of the security group.

ShowSoftwareInterface Boolean true

Indicates whether to display the shortcut links page. Valid values:

  • true: the shortcut links page is displayed.
  • false: the shortcut links page is not displayed.
SoftwareInfo Struct

The information of services.

ClusterType String HADOOP

Cluster Type:

EmrVer String EMR-3.16.0

The version number of the E-MapReduce.

Softwares Array of Software

The list of services.

DisplayName String Hive

The name of the service.

Name String HIVE

The internal name of the service.

OnlyDisplay Boolean false

Indicates whether the service name is displayed.

StartTpe Integer 1

The startup type.

Version String 2.3.3

The version of the service.

StartTime Long 1543804234000

The time when the cluster was started. The value is a timestamp.

Status String IDLE

Cluster status. The values are as follows:

  • CREATING: initializing
  • CREATE_FAILED: The instance fails to be created.
  • RELEASING: being released
  • RELEASE_FAILED: release failed
  • ABNORMAL: The status is ABNORMAL.
StopTime Long 1543804234000

The time when the cluster stops.

TaskNodeInService Integer 2

The number of task nodes that are in use.

TaskNodeTotal Integer 2

The total number of task nodes.

UserDefinedEmrEcsRole String AliyunEmrEcsDefaultRole

The RAM role that you assigned to the EMR service.

UserId String 125046002175****

The ID of the user.

VSwitchId String vsw-bp11qjbyggil4pow0****

The ID of the vSwitch to which the instance is connected.

VpcId String vpc-bp1l4urd87xlh7i4****

The ID of the VPC to which the instance belongs.

ZoneId String cn-hangzhou-b

The ID of the zone.

RequestId String 14E9C045-9B8D-4D1E-8D23-FC0027B6D947

The ID of the request.


Sample requests

&<common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

            <HostGroupName>Master instance group</HostGroupName>
            <HostGroupName>Core instance group</HostGroupName>

JSON Syntax

    "ClusterInfo": {
        "AutoScalingAllowed": true,
        "AutoScalingEnable": false,
        "AutoScalingSpotWithLimitAllowed": true,
        "BootstrapActionList": {
            "BootstrapAction": []
        "BootstrapFailed": false,
        "ChargeType": "PostPaid",
        "Configurations": "",
        "CoreNodeInService": 2,
        "CoreNodeTotal": 2,
        "CreateResource": "ECM_EMR",
        "CreateType": "MANUAL",
        "EasEnable": true,
        "GatewayClusterInfoList": {
            "GatewayClusterInfo": []
        "HighAvailabilityEnable": true,
        "HostGroupList": {
            "HostGroup": [
                    "ChargeType": "PostPaid",
                    "CpuCore": 8,
                    "DiskCapacity": 80,
                    "DiskCount": 1,
                    "DiskType": "CLOUD_SSD",
                    "HostGroupId": "G-79AA94922DFB****",
                    "HostGroupName": "Master instance group",
                    "HostGroupType": "MASTER",
                    "InstanceType": "ecs.n4.2xlarge",
                    "MemoryCapacity": 16,
                    "NodeCount": 2,
                    "Nodes": {
                        "Node": [
                                "CreateTime": "1543804242000",
                                "DaemonInfos": {
                                    "DaemonInfo": []
                                "DiskInfos": {
                                    "DiskInfo": [
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvdb",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp15vg2nr3x2t0f37ko9",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvda",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp16c7qipsxtrq97mybg",
                                            "Size": 120,
                                            "Type": "system"
                                "EmrExpiredTime": "null",
                                "ExpiredTime": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
                                "InnerIp": "192.168.*.*",
                                "InstanceId": "i-bp16c7qipsxtrq99****",
                                "PubIp": "47.97.*.*",
                                "Status": "NORMAL",
                                "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
                                "CreateTime": "1543804242000",
                                "DaemonInfos": {
                                    "DaemonInfo": []
                                "DiskInfos": {
                                    "DiskInfo": [
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvdb",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp1568nnv4ev81672qe6",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvda",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp16z8pr0y2vgfkghuba",
                                            "Size": 120,
                                            "Type": "system"
                                "EmrExpiredTime": "null",
                                "ExpiredTime": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
                                "InnerIp": "192.168.*.*",
                                "InstanceId": "i-bp1ftve3lzvpm16h****",
                                "PubIp": "47.99.*.*",
                                "Status": "NORMAL",
                                "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
                    "ChargeType": "PostPaid",
                    "CpuCore": 8,
                    "DiskCapacity": 80,
                    "DiskCount": 4,
                    "DiskType": "CLOUD_SSD",
                    "HostGroupId": "G-9D08642FB8CE****",
                    "HostGroupName": "Core instance group",
                    "HostGroupType": "CORE",
                    "InstanceType": "ecs.n4.2xlarge",
                    "MemoryCapacity": 16,
                    "NodeCount": 2,
                    "Nodes": {
                        "Node": [
                                "CreateTime": "1543804244000",
                                "DaemonInfos": {
                                    "DaemonInfo": []
                                "DiskInfos": {
                                    "DiskInfo": [
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvde",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp1568nnv4ev81672qe5",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvdd",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp1967p3xp86y3wiudgq",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvdc",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp11qsh4zwrwup8jm9rr",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvdb",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp1d1juyl8z8aeuza9co",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvda",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp1ftve3lzvpm16i37y1",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "system"
                                "EmrExpiredTime": "null",
                                "ExpiredTime": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
                                "InnerIp": "192.168.*.*",
                                "InstanceId": "i-bp1gyhphkjplgljr****",
                                "PubIp": "",
                                "Status": "NORMAL",
                                "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
                                "CreateTime": "1543804247000",
                                "DaemonInfos": {
                                    "DaemonInfo": []
                                "DiskInfos": {
                                    "DiskInfo": [
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvde",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp12zhcmd96101qhz8ko",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvdd",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp13rttoh3l1gj84gcas",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvdc",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp1cnruigppe54k6fx18",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvdb",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp1967p3xp86y3wiudgr",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "data"
                                            "Device": "/dev/xvda",
                                            "DiskId": "d-bp1ik6bdp8fpsr8zsebj",
                                            "Size": 80,
                                            "Type": "system"
                                "EmrExpiredTime": "null",
                                "ExpiredTime": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
                                "InnerIp": "192.168*.*",
                                "InstanceId": "i-bp1ftve3lzvpm16h****",
                                "PubIp": "",
                                "Status": "NORMAL",
                                "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
        "Id": "C-E331B8AC12BF****",
        "ImageId": "m-bp118knl07yk88y8s6cj",
        "IoOptimized": true,
        "LocalMetaDb": true,
        "MasterNodeInService": 2,
        "MasterNodeTotal": 0,
        "Name": "df-test-safe",
        "NetType": "vpc",
        "RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
        "ResizeDiskEnable": true,
        "RunningTime": 1102,
        "SecurityGroupId": "sg-bp1bvompzxgx7q0l****",
        "SecurityGroupName": "emr-default-securitygroup",
        "ShowSoftwareInterface": false,
        "SoftwareInfo": {
            "ClusterType": "HADOOP",
            "EmrVer": "EMR-3.16.0_pre",
            "Softwares": {
                "Software": [
                        "DisplayName": "HDFS",
                        "Name": "HDFS",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "2.7.2-1.3.2"
                        "DisplayName": "YARN",
                        "Name": "YARN",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "2.7.2-1.3.2"
                        "DisplayName": "Hive",
                        "Name": "HIVE",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "2.3.3-1.0.3"
                        "DisplayName": "Ganglia",
                        "Name": "GANGLIA",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "3.7.2"
                        "DisplayName": "Zookeeper",
                        "Name": "ZOOKEEPER",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "3.4.13"
                        "DisplayName": "Spark",
                        "Name": "SPARK",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "2.3.2-1.0.1"
                        "DisplayName": "HBase",
                        "Name": "HBASE",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "1.1.1-1.0.2"
                        "DisplayName": "HUE",
                        "Name": "HUE",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "4.1.0"
                        "DisplayName": "Zeppelin",
                        "Name": "ZEPPELIN",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "0.8.0"
                        "DisplayName": "Tez",
                        "Name": "TEZ",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "0.9.1-1.0.2"
                        "DisplayName": "Presto",
                        "Name": "PRESTO",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "0.208"
                        "DisplayName": "Sqoop",
                        "Name": "SQOOP",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "1.4.7-1.0.0"
                        "DisplayName": "Pig",
                        "Name": "PIG",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "0.14.0"
                        "DisplayName": "ApacheDS",
                        "Name": "APACHEDS",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "2.0.0"
                        "DisplayName": "HAS",
                        "Name": "HAS",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "1.1.1"
                        "DisplayName": "Knox",
                        "Name": "KNOX",
                        "OnlyDisplay": false,
                        "StartTpe": 1,
                        "Version": "0.13.0-0.0.3"
        "StartTime": 1543804234000,
        "Status": "IDLE",
        "TaskNodeInService": 0,
        "TaskNodeTotal": 0,
        "UserDefinedEmrEcsRole": "AliyunEmrEcsDefaultRole",
        "UserId": "125046002175****",
        "VSwitchId": "vsw-bp11qjbyggil4pow0****",
        "VpcId": "vpc-bp1l4urd87xlh7i4b****",
        "ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
    "requestId": "14E9C045-9B8D-4D1E-8D23-FC0027B6D947"