You can call DescribeClusterV2 operation to query the basic information of a cluster, such as billing, ECS Machine overview, and E-MapReduce service list.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeClusterV2 |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeClusterV2. |
Id | String | Yes | C-E331B8AC12BF**** |
The ID of the cluster. You can call ListClusters You can call this operation to view the ID of a cluster. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou |
The region ID of the instance. You can call DescribeRegions To view the latest list of Alibaba Cloud regions. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
ClusterInfo | Struct |
The details about the cluster. |
AccessInfo | Struct |
The cluster connection information. |
ZKLinks | Array of ZKLink |
The ZooKeeper connection information. |
ZKLink | |||
Link | String | emr-worker-1,emr-header-2,emr-header-1 |
The endpoint of ZooKeeper. |
Port | String | 2181 |
The port that is used to access ZooKeeper. |
AutoScalingAllowed | Boolean | false |
Indicates whether elastic scaling is allowed. Valid values:
AutoScalingByLoadAllowed | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether scaling by load is allowed. Valid values:
AutoScalingEnable | Boolean | false |
Whether to enable elastic expansion:
AutoScalingSpotWithLimitAllowed | Boolean | false |
Whether to allow auto scaling spot instances:
AutoScalingVersion | String | N/A |
A reserved parameter. |
AutoScalingWithGraceAllowed | Boolean | false |
A reserved parameter. |
BootstrapActionList | Array of BootstrapAction |
The list of bootstrap actions. |
BootstrapAction | |||
Arg | String | --a |
The argument that you passed into the bootstrap action. |
Name | String | action_name |
The name of the bootstrap action. |
Path | String | oss://bucket/path |
The path where the bootstrap action script is stored. |
BootstrapFailed | Boolean | false |
Indicates whether the bootstrap action fails. |
ChargeType | String | PostPaid |
The billing method of the instance. Default value: Postpaid. Valid values:
Configurations | String | [] |
A reserved parameter. |
CoreNodeInService | Integer | 3 |
The number of core nodes that are in use. |
CoreNodeTotal | Integer | 3 |
The total number of core nodes. |
CreateResource | String | ECM_EMR |
The label that is automatically added to the created EMR cluster. |
CreateType | String | MANUAL |
The method of creating the cluster.
DepositType | String | HALF_MANAGED |
The hosting type of the cluster. Valid values:
EasEnable | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the cluster is a high-security cluster. Valid values:
ExpiredTime | Long | 1544076205000 |
The validity period of the subscription cluster. |
ExtraInfo | String | -None- |
The additional information about the Stack. |
FailReason | Struct |
The reason why the cluster failed to be created. |
ErrorCode | String | InvalidImageId.NotFound |
The error code for the creation failure. |
ErrorMsg | String | The specified ImageId does not exist. |
The error message for the creation failure. |
RequestId | String | B8DC3A91-3953-4444-92BB-DBC29C47EC1A |
The ID of the request for creating a cluster. |
GatewayClusterIds | String | C-D7958B72E59B**** |
The IDs of the included gateway clusters. |
GatewayClusterInfoList | Array of GatewayClusterInfo |
The information of the gateway clusters. |
GatewayClusterInfo | |||
ClusterId | String | C-D7958B72E59B**** |
The ID of the gateway cluster. |
ClusterName | String | gateway-name |
The name of the gateway cluster. |
Status | String | IDLE |
The status of the cluster. Valid values:
HighAvailabilityEnable | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the cluster is a high-availability cluster. Valid values:
HostGroupList | Array of HostGroup |
The list of host groups. |
HostGroup | |||
BandWidth | String | 10 |
The bandwidth value, |
ChargeType | String | PostPaid |
The billing method of the instance. Default value: Postpaid. Valid values:
CpuCore | Integer | 16 |
The number of CPU cores. |
DiskCapacity | Integer | 120 |
The capacity of each data disk. |
DiskCount | Integer | 4 |
The number of data disks. |
DiskType | String | CLOUD_SSD |
System disk type:
HostGroupChangeStatus | String | N/A |
A reserved parameter. |
HostGroupChangeType | String | RESIZE_DISK |
Machine Group the current operation type.
HostGroupId | String | G-9D08642FB8CE**** |
The ID of the host group. |
HostGroupName | String | Master instance group |
The name of the host group. |
HostGroupSubType | String | 0 |
A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter. |
HostGroupType | String | CORE |
The role of the host in the cluster:
InstanceType | String | ecs.n4.2xlarge |
Machine Group instances. |
LockReason | String | 0 |
A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter. |
LockType | String | 0 |
A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter. |
MemoryCapacity | Integer | 16 |
The amount of memory. |
NodeCount | Integer | 4 |
The number of nodes in the host group. |
Nodes | Array of Node |
A list of nodes. |
Node | |||
CreateTime | String | 1543804242000 |
The time when the node was created. |
DaemonInfos | Array of DaemonInfo |
A reserved parameter. |
DaemonInfo | |||
Name | String | 0 |
A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter. |
DiskInfos | Array of DiskInfo |
The information of disks. |
DiskInfo | |||
Device | String | /dev/xvdb |
The name of the disk. |
DiskId | String | d-bp15vg2nr3x2t0f37ko9 |
The ID of the disk. |
DiskName | String | disk1 |
The name of the disk. |
Size | Integer | 80 |
The capacity of the disk. Unit: GB. |
Type | String | data |
The type of the disk. |
EmrExpiredTime | String | 2099-12-31T15:59Z |
The time when the EMR cluster expires. |
ExpiredTime | String | 2099-12-31T15:59Z |
The time when the node expires. |
InnerIp | String | |
The private IP address. |
InstanceId | String | i-bp1ftve3lzvpm16hp7lo |
The ID of the instance. |
PubIp | String | 47.99. ***. *** |
The public IP address. |
Status | String | NORMAL |
The status of the node. |
SupportIpV6 | Boolean | false |
Indicates whether the IPv6 protocol is supported. |
ZoneId | String | cn-hangzhou-e |
The zone ID. |
Period | String | 30 |
The length of the subscription. Unit: days. |
HostPoolInfo | Struct |
The information of the host pool. |
HpBizId | String | id |
The ID of the host pool. |
HpName | String | name |
The name of the host pool. |
Id | String | C-E331B8AC12BF**** |
The ID of the cluster. |
ImageId | String | m-bp118knl07yk88y8s6cj |
The ID of the image that is used to create the cluster. |
InstanceGeneration | String | ecs-3 |
The generation of the ECS instance. |
IoOptimized | Boolean | true |
Whether I/O optimization:
K8sClusterId | String | N/A |
A reserved parameter. |
LocalMetaDb | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether the local Hive metadatabase is used. |
LogEnable | Boolean | true |
Whether to open the cluster OSS log:
LogPath | String | oss://bucketname/path |
The path of logs that are stored in the OSS bucket. |
MachineType | String | ECS |
The instance type of the cluster. Currently, ECS instances are used by default. |
MasterNodeInService | Integer | 2 |
The number of master nodes that are in use. |
MasterNodeTotal | Integer | 2 |
The total number of master nodes. |
MetaStoreType | String | LOCAL |
Metadata type:
Name | String | cluster_name |
The name of the cluster. |
NetType | String | vpc |
The network type of the cluster. |
Period | Integer | 36 |
The validity period of the subscription host group. Unit: months. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, and 36. |
RegionId | String | cn-hangzhou |
The region ID of the instance. |
RelateClusterId | String | C-D7958B72E59**** |
The ID of the EMR cluster that is associated with the gateway cluster. |
RelateClusterInfo | Struct |
The information of the EMR cluster that is associated with the gateway cluster. |
ClusterId | String | C-D7958B72E59B**** |
The ID of the EMR cluster. |
ClusterName | String | main |
The name of the EMR cluster. |
ClusterType | String | HADOOP |
The type of ACK cluster. Valid values: |
Status | String | SUCCESS |
The status of the action. |
ResizeDiskEnable | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether disk expansion is allowed. Valid values:
RunningTime | Integer | 1102 |
The runtime. Unit: seconds. |
SecurityGroupId | String | sg-bp1bvompzxgx7q0**** |
The ID of the security group. |
SecurityGroupName | String | emr-default-securitygroup |
The name of the security group. |
ShowSoftwareInterface | Boolean | true |
Indicates whether to display the shortcut links page. Valid values:
SoftwareInfo | Struct |
The information of services. |
ClusterType | String | HADOOP |
Cluster Type:
EmrVer | String | EMR-3.16.0 |
The version number of the E-MapReduce. |
Softwares | Array of Software |
The list of services. |
Software | |||
DisplayName | String | Hive |
The name of the service. |
Name | String | HIVE |
The internal name of the service. |
OnlyDisplay | Boolean | false |
Indicates whether the service name is displayed. |
StartTpe | Integer | 1 |
The startup type. |
Version | String | 2.3.3 |
The version of the service. |
StartTime | Long | 1543804234000 |
The time when the cluster was started. The value is a timestamp. |
Status | String | IDLE |
Cluster status. The values are as follows:
StopTime | Long | 1543804234000 |
The time when the cluster stops. |
TaskNodeInService | Integer | 2 |
The number of task nodes that are in use. |
TaskNodeTotal | Integer | 2 |
The total number of task nodes. |
UserDefinedEmrEcsRole | String | AliyunEmrEcsDefaultRole |
The RAM role that you assigned to the EMR service. |
UserId | String | 125046002175**** |
The ID of the user. |
VSwitchId | String | vsw-bp11qjbyggil4pow0**** |
The ID of the vSwitch to which the instance is connected. |
VpcId | String | vpc-bp1l4urd87xlh7i4**** |
The ID of the VPC to which the instance belongs. |
ZoneId | String | cn-hangzhou-b |
The ID of the zone. |
RequestId | String | 14E9C045-9B8D-4D1E-8D23-FC0027B6D947 |
The ID of the request. |
Sample requests
&<common request parameters>
Sample success responses
<HostGroupName>Master instance group</HostGroupName>
<HostGroupName>Core instance group</HostGroupName>
"ClusterInfo": {
"AutoScalingAllowed": true,
"AutoScalingEnable": false,
"AutoScalingSpotWithLimitAllowed": true,
"BootstrapActionList": {
"BootstrapAction": []
"BootstrapFailed": false,
"ChargeType": "PostPaid",
"Configurations": "",
"CoreNodeInService": 2,
"CoreNodeTotal": 2,
"CreateResource": "ECM_EMR",
"CreateType": "MANUAL",
"EasEnable": true,
"GatewayClusterInfoList": {
"GatewayClusterInfo": []
"HighAvailabilityEnable": true,
"HostGroupList": {
"HostGroup": [
"ChargeType": "PostPaid",
"CpuCore": 8,
"DiskCapacity": 80,
"DiskCount": 1,
"DiskType": "CLOUD_SSD",
"HostGroupId": "G-79AA94922DFB****",
"HostGroupName": "Master instance group",
"HostGroupType": "MASTER",
"InstanceType": "ecs.n4.2xlarge",
"MemoryCapacity": 16,
"NodeCount": 2,
"Nodes": {
"Node": [
"CreateTime": "1543804242000",
"DaemonInfos": {
"DaemonInfo": []
"DiskInfos": {
"DiskInfo": [
"Device": "/dev/xvdb",
"DiskId": "d-bp15vg2nr3x2t0f37ko9",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvda",
"DiskId": "d-bp16c7qipsxtrq97mybg",
"Size": 120,
"Type": "system"
"EmrExpiredTime": "null",
"ExpiredTime": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
"InnerIp": "192.168.*.*",
"InstanceId": "i-bp16c7qipsxtrq99****",
"PubIp": "47.97.*.*",
"Status": "NORMAL",
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
"CreateTime": "1543804242000",
"DaemonInfos": {
"DaemonInfo": []
"DiskInfos": {
"DiskInfo": [
"Device": "/dev/xvdb",
"DiskId": "d-bp1568nnv4ev81672qe6",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvda",
"DiskId": "d-bp16z8pr0y2vgfkghuba",
"Size": 120,
"Type": "system"
"EmrExpiredTime": "null",
"ExpiredTime": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
"InnerIp": "192.168.*.*",
"InstanceId": "i-bp1ftve3lzvpm16h****",
"PubIp": "47.99.*.*",
"Status": "NORMAL",
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
"ChargeType": "PostPaid",
"CpuCore": 8,
"DiskCapacity": 80,
"DiskCount": 4,
"DiskType": "CLOUD_SSD",
"HostGroupId": "G-9D08642FB8CE****",
"HostGroupName": "Core instance group",
"HostGroupType": "CORE",
"InstanceType": "ecs.n4.2xlarge",
"MemoryCapacity": 16,
"NodeCount": 2,
"Nodes": {
"Node": [
"CreateTime": "1543804244000",
"DaemonInfos": {
"DaemonInfo": []
"DiskInfos": {
"DiskInfo": [
"Device": "/dev/xvde",
"DiskId": "d-bp1568nnv4ev81672qe5",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvdd",
"DiskId": "d-bp1967p3xp86y3wiudgq",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvdc",
"DiskId": "d-bp11qsh4zwrwup8jm9rr",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvdb",
"DiskId": "d-bp1d1juyl8z8aeuza9co",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvda",
"DiskId": "d-bp1ftve3lzvpm16i37y1",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "system"
"EmrExpiredTime": "null",
"ExpiredTime": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
"InnerIp": "192.168.*.*",
"InstanceId": "i-bp1gyhphkjplgljr****",
"PubIp": "",
"Status": "NORMAL",
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
"CreateTime": "1543804247000",
"DaemonInfos": {
"DaemonInfo": []
"DiskInfos": {
"DiskInfo": [
"Device": "/dev/xvde",
"DiskId": "d-bp12zhcmd96101qhz8ko",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvdd",
"DiskId": "d-bp13rttoh3l1gj84gcas",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvdc",
"DiskId": "d-bp1cnruigppe54k6fx18",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvdb",
"DiskId": "d-bp1967p3xp86y3wiudgr",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "data"
"Device": "/dev/xvda",
"DiskId": "d-bp1ik6bdp8fpsr8zsebj",
"Size": 80,
"Type": "system"
"EmrExpiredTime": "null",
"ExpiredTime": "2099-12-31T15:59Z",
"InnerIp": "192.168*.*",
"InstanceId": "i-bp1ftve3lzvpm16h****",
"PubIp": "",
"Status": "NORMAL",
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
"Id": "C-E331B8AC12BF****",
"ImageId": "m-bp118knl07yk88y8s6cj",
"IoOptimized": true,
"LocalMetaDb": true,
"MasterNodeInService": 2,
"MasterNodeTotal": 0,
"Name": "df-test-safe",
"NetType": "vpc",
"RegionId": "cn-hangzhou",
"ResizeDiskEnable": true,
"RunningTime": 1102,
"SecurityGroupId": "sg-bp1bvompzxgx7q0l****",
"SecurityGroupName": "emr-default-securitygroup",
"ShowSoftwareInterface": false,
"SoftwareInfo": {
"ClusterType": "HADOOP",
"EmrVer": "EMR-3.16.0_pre",
"Softwares": {
"Software": [
"DisplayName": "HDFS",
"Name": "HDFS",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "2.7.2-1.3.2"
"DisplayName": "YARN",
"Name": "YARN",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "2.7.2-1.3.2"
"DisplayName": "Hive",
"Name": "HIVE",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "2.3.3-1.0.3"
"DisplayName": "Ganglia",
"Name": "GANGLIA",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "3.7.2"
"DisplayName": "Zookeeper",
"Name": "ZOOKEEPER",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "3.4.13"
"DisplayName": "Spark",
"Name": "SPARK",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "2.3.2-1.0.1"
"DisplayName": "HBase",
"Name": "HBASE",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "1.1.1-1.0.2"
"DisplayName": "HUE",
"Name": "HUE",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "4.1.0"
"DisplayName": "Zeppelin",
"Name": "ZEPPELIN",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "0.8.0"
"DisplayName": "Tez",
"Name": "TEZ",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "0.9.1-1.0.2"
"DisplayName": "Presto",
"Name": "PRESTO",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "0.208"
"DisplayName": "Sqoop",
"Name": "SQOOP",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "1.4.7-1.0.0"
"DisplayName": "Pig",
"Name": "PIG",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "0.14.0"
"DisplayName": "ApacheDS",
"Name": "APACHEDS",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "2.0.0"
"DisplayName": "HAS",
"Name": "HAS",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "1.1.1"
"DisplayName": "Knox",
"Name": "KNOX",
"OnlyDisplay": false,
"StartTpe": 1,
"Version": "0.13.0-0.0.3"
"StartTime": 1543804234000,
"Status": "IDLE",
"TaskNodeInService": 0,
"TaskNodeTotal": 0,
"UserDefinedEmrEcsRole": "AliyunEmrEcsDefaultRole",
"UserId": "125046002175****",
"VSwitchId": "vsw-bp11qjbyggil4pow0****",
"VpcId": "vpc-bp1l4urd87xlh7i4b****",
"ZoneId": "cn-hangzhou-b"
"requestId": "14E9C045-9B8D-4D1E-8D23-FC0027B6D947"