You can call this operation to query the list of all clusters in each region.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes ListClusters

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ListClusters.

RegionId String Yes cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent list of regions.

ClusterTypeList.N RepeatList No ["HADOOP","KAFKA"]

The type of the cluster. Valid values:

CreateType String No ON-DEMAND

The method of creating the cluster. Valid values:

  • ON-DEMAND: Create as needed
  • MANUAL: manually created
MachineType String No ECS

The instance type. The default value is ECS.

StatusList.N RepeatList No ["CREATING","IDLE"]

The status of the cluster. Valid values:

  • CREATING: The cluster is being created.
  • CREATE_FAILED: The cluster failed to be created.
  • RUNNING: The DAG is running.
  • IDLE: cluster idle
  • RELEASING: The cluster is being released.
  • RELEASE_FAILED: The cluster failed to be released.
  • RELEASED: The cluster has been released.
  • WAIT_FOR_PAY: Pending Payment
  • ABNORMAL: The cluster status is abnormal.
IsDesc Boolean No false

Indicates whether the order is in reverse order. Valid values:

  • true: In reverse order
  • false: non-reverse order
DepositType String No HALF_MANAGED

The managed type. Valid values:

  • HALF_MANAGED: semi-managed
  • MANAGED: fully managed
PageNumber Integer No 1

The number of the page to return. Pages start from page 1.

PageSize Integer No 10

The number of entries to return on each page.

DefaultStatus Boolean No true

Specifies whether to query clusters whose default status is Initializing, Waiting for Build, Idle, Running, Released, or Failed to Create. Valid values:

  • false: Yes
  • true: No
Name String No cluster_name

The name of the global active database cluster.

VpcId String No vpc-bp1c85tzgqu1bf5b****

The ID of the VPC to which the instance belongs.

ResourceGroupId String No rg-bp67acfmxazb4p****

The ID of the resource group. You can call the ListResourceGroups to view the resource group ID.

Tag.N.Key String No TestKey

The tag key of the EMR instance and node ECS instance. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag key cannot be an empty string. The tag key value is 1 to 128. It cannot start with acs: or aliyun. It cannot contain http:// or https://.

Tag.N.Value String No TestValue

The tag values of EMR instances and node ECS instances. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag value can be an empty string. Valid values: 1 to 128. It cannot start with acs: and cannot contain http:// or https://.

ExpiredTagList.N RepeatList No 0

A reserved parameter.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
Clusters Array of ClusterInfo

The details about the returned clusters.

ChargeType String PostPaid

The billing method of the instance. Valid values:

  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go cluster
  • PrePaid: subscription cluster
CreateResource String ECM_EMR

Tags that are automatically attached to EMR clusters.

CreateTime Long 1542784048000

The time when the instance was created.

DepositType String HALF_MANAGED

The managed type. Valid values:

  • HALF_MANAGED: semi-managed
  • MANAGED: fully managed
ExpiredTime Long 1542784048000

The time-out period of the subscription cluster.

Note This parameter is not reflected in pay-as-you-go clusters.
FailReason Struct

The reason why the creation of the cluster fails.

ErrorCode String InvalidImageId.NotFound

The error code.

ErrorMsg String The specified ImageId does not exist.

The error message.

RequestId String B8DC3A91-3953-4444-92BB-DBC29C47EC1A

The ID of the request.

HasUncompletedOrder Boolean false

Whether there are outstanding orders:

  • true: There are outstanding orders.
  • false: no outstanding orders
Id String C-010A704DA760****

The ID of the cluster.

K8sClusterId String None

A reserved parameter.

MachineType String ECS

The instance type of the cluster. Currently, ECS instances are used by default.

MetaStoreType String LOCAL

The type of the metadata. Valid values:

  • LOCAL: internal metadata of the cluster
  • UNIFEM: unified metadata
  • USER_RDS: user-created RDS
Name String cluster_name

The name of the cluster.

OperationId Long 1111

The ID of the operation.

OrderList String 0

The list of orders.

OrderTaskInfo Struct

A reserved parameter that indicates the information of orders.

CurrentCount Integer 0

A reserved parameter.

OrderIdList String 0

A reserved parameter.

TargetCount Integer 0

A reserved parameter.

Period Integer 36

The validity period of the subscription cluster. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, and 36. Unit: months.

RunningTime Integer 2345

up time. Unit: seconds.

Status String IDEL

The status of the global active database cluster.

Tags Array of Tag

The labels of the alert.

TagKey String DevDept

The key of the resource tag N. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag key cannot be an empty string. The value of the tag key ranges from 1 to 128. It cannot start with acs: or aliyun. It cannot contain http:// or https://.

TagValue String DevNianmin

The value of the resource tag N. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag value can be an empty string. Valid values: 1 to 128. It cannot start with acs: and cannot contain http:// or https://.

Type String HADOOP

The type of the cluster.

PageNumber Integer 1

The number of the returned page.

PageSize Integer 10

The number of entries to return on each page.

RequestId String BF4FBAC6-B03E-4BFB-B6DB-EB53C34F2E22

The ID of the request.

TotalCount Integer 12

The total number of returned entries.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

        <errorMsg>The specified ImageId does not exist.</errorMsg>
    <name>Test Cluster 1</name>

JSON format

    "clusters": [
            "chargeType": "PostPaid",
            "createResource": "ECM_EMR",
            "createTime": 1542784048000,
            "failReason": {},
            "hasUncompletedOrder": false,
            "id": "C-010A704DA760****",
            "name": "jy_test_d1_test",
            "orderTaskInfo": {},
            "runningTime": 3138,
            "status": "RELEASED",
            "type": "HADOOP"
            "chargeType": "PostPaid",
            "createResource": "ECM_EMR",
            "createTime": 1538107586000,
            "failReason": {},
            "hasUncompletedOrder": false,
            "id": "C-B9712209060C****",
            "name": "intelligence-313-yp",
            "orderTaskInfo": {},
            "runningTime": 2069400,
            "status": "RELEASED",
            "type": "HADOOP"
            "chargeType": "PostPaid",
            "createResource": "ECM_EMR",
            "createTime": 1536546078000,
            "failReason": {},
            "hasUncompletedOrder": false,
            "id": "C-4CD9EBBD6B23****",
            "name": "mg-storm",
            "orderTaskInfo": {},
            "runningTime": 1382155,
            "status": "RELEASED",
            "type": "HADOOP"
            "chargeType": "PostPaid",
            "createResource": "ECM_EMR",
            "createTime": 1535363759000,
            "failReason": {},
            "hasUncompletedOrder": false,
            "id": "C-75D6EE95D722****",
            "name": "df-3101-upgrade-test",
            "orderTaskInfo": {},
            "runningTime": 676284,
            "status": "RELEASED",
            "type": "HADOOP"
            "chargeType": "PostPaid",
            "createResource": "ECM_EMR",
            "createTime": 1534492361000,
            "failReason": {
                "errorCode": "InvalidImageId.NotFound",
                "errorMsg": "The specified ImageId does not exist.",
                "requestId": "B8DC3A91-3953-4444-92BB-DBC29C47EC1A"
            "hasUncompletedOrder": false,
            "id": "C-5EF0F3C257B1****",
            "name": "Test cluster 1",
            "orderTaskInfo": {},
            "runningTime": 0,
            "status": "CREATE_FAILED",
            "type": "HADOOP"
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "pageSize": 5,
    "requestId": "5443DB14-4641-4DFF-9226-4888EC5A2EA9",
    "totalCount": 11