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E-MapReduce:Overdue payments

Last Updated:Jan 22, 2025

If you have an overdue payment for a cluster, E-MapReduce (EMR) sends you a notification. If you want to continue using the cluster, you must settle your overdue payment at the earliest opportunity before the cluster is suspended. This topic describes the overdue payment of an EMR cluster and how to view the overdue payment.

Overdue payments

The overdue payment of a cluster does not affect the performance of another cluster. For example, if you have a pay-as-you-go cluster with an overdue payment and a subscription cluster that has not expired, the subscription cluster can work as expected.

Billing method

Policy to handle overdue payments


You can use your existing subscription clusters as expected regardless of whether you have an overdue payment because you have paid for the clusters. However, if you have an overdue payment, you cannot perform operations that generate fees, such as purchasing a new Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance and renewing a subscription cluster.

A subscription cluster has a validity period. The validity period depends on the subscription duration that you specify when you purchase the cluster. If you do not renew the cluster before it expires, the system suspends the cluster at the time when it expires. For information about how to renew a cluster, see Renewal policy.


  • If you have an overdue payment, the system sends you a notification.

    For pay-as-you-go resources, the system automatically deducts fees from your account. If your account balance is less than zero, the system sends you a notification by text message or email.

  • If you have an overdue payment, your pay-as-you-go clusters are suspended based on the following rules:

    After your account balance becomes a negative number, you can still use your clusters and the system still deducts fees from your account within 24 hours. After 24 hours, the system suspends the clusters and stops deducting fees from your account.

    If your Alibaba Cloud account does not have sufficient funds, such as vouchers or cash, to cover the fees that are generated by your clusters in the previous hour, the clusters enter the Overdue state.

  • For information about the impacts of overdue payments on ECS resources, see Overdue payments.

View overdue amounts

  1. Log on to the Expenses and Costs console.

  2. On the Account Overview page, view overdue payments.


How do I make an EMR cluster stop providing services?

You can release an EMR cluster to avoid unnecessary costs if you no longer need the cluster. If you release a cluster, the data of the cluster cannot be recovered. For information about how to release a cluster, see Release a cluster.

If you want to create a cluster that has the same configurations as a released cluster, we recommend that you use the cluster cloning feature. For information about how to clone a cluster, see Clone a cluster.