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Edge Security Acceleration:Add a domain name to IPA

Last Updated:Sep 14, 2024

IP Application Accelerator (IPA), developed by Alibaba Cloud, provides Layer 4 acceleration based on TCP or UDP. It accelerates data transmission over networks, reduces latency, and improves the accessibility of applications. This topic describes how to enable IPA and add a domain name to IPA.


Dynamic Content Delivery Network (DCDN) is activated. For more information, see Activate DCDN.

Step 1: Enable IPA

You cannot enable IPA by yourself. To enable IPA, submit a ticket.

Step 2: Add a domain name to IPA


IPA is separate from DCDN. You cannot add a domain name to DCDN and IPA at the same time. If you have added a domain name to DCDN and you want to use IPA, you need to remove the domain name from the Domain Names page in the DCDN console and then perform the following steps to add the domain name to IPA.

  1. Log on to the DCDN console.

  2. Add a domain name to IPA.

    1. In the left-side navigation pane, click IP Application Accelerator.

    2. On the Domain Names tab, click Add Domain Name.

    3. On the Add Domain Name page, configure the parameters according to the following table.

      Section 1: Configure basic information




      Business Type

      Select IP Application Accelerator. After you submit the parameter settings on the Add Domain Name page, you cannot modify the business type.

      Protocol Type

      Select TCP or UDP based on your business requirements. After you submit the parameter settings on the Add Domain Name page, you cannot modify the protocol type.


      To enable UDP, submit a ticket.


      • Chinese Mainland Only: The users and origin servers reside in the Chinese mainland.

      • Global: The users and origin servers can be located across the world.

      • Global (Excluding the Chinese Mainland): The users and origin servers reside in countries or regions outside the Chinese mainland, including Hong Kong (China), Macao (China), and Taiwan (China).

      • Make sure that your origin servers and end users are in the same locations.

      • If you select Global or Global (Excluding the Chinese Mainland), submit a ticket for IPA to take effect.

      • If you select Chinese Mainland Only or Global, you need to apply for an ICP number for the domain name. We recommend that you complete ICP filing by using the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) may not immediately update the filing results to their database after you submit domain name information. We recommend that you configure the domain name 8 hours after you submit the domain name information.

      • The pricing varies based on the service location. Select a location based on your business requirements. For more information about billing, visit the DCDN pricing page.

      Domain Name to Accelerate

      You can specify a subdomain or wildcard domain such as The domain name must be in lowercase letters.

      Resource Group

      Select Default Resource Group or a custom resource group. For information about how to create a resource group, see Create a resource group.


      Select preset tags or your custom tags. For information about how to add a tag, see Add a custom tag.

      Section 2: Configure an origin server

      You can add one or more origin servers. The following table describes the parameters.




      • IP: You can configure one or more IP addresses for an origin server. Internal IP addresses are not supported. IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses are supported. At least one of the IP addresses must be an IPv4 address. If you use a public IP address of an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance as the address of the origin server, the IP address is exempt from manual review.

      • Site Domain: You can configure one or more origin domain names.

        Configuration rules for origin domains (click to expand rule details)

        • The origin domain cannot be the same as the accelerated domain name. Otherwise, a back-to-origin error occurs due to loop resolution.

        • The format of the origin domain name:

          • The domain name must be 1 to 67 characters in length,

          • and can contain lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-). Example:

          • The domain name cannot contain Chinese characters, uppercase letters, or special characters other than hyphens (-). The domain name cannot be only a hyphen (-). A hyphen (-) in a domain name cannot be followed by another hyphen (-). The domain name cannot start or end with a hyphen (-). If the domain name contains Chinese characters, such as 阿里云.网址, you must apply for an ICP number for the domain name in Chinese characters and use the Punycode tool to convert the Chinese characters into English letters, such as xn--fiq****.xn--eq****. Then, you can specify the converted domain name as the domain name that you want to accelerate.

        • You can add the domain name of an Alibaba Cloud Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance, such as, as the address of an origin server.


      You can configure priorities to specify primary and secondary origin servers. The primary origin server has a higher priority than the secondary origin server. DCDN preferentially redirects requests to the primary origin server. If a fault occurs on the primary origin server, requests are redirected to the secondary origin server. The priority ranges from 0 to 127. A smaller value indicates a higher priority. By default, the priority of the primary origin server is 20, and the priority of the secondary origin server is 30. If you want to specify other values, submit a ticket.

      For example, you specify Origin Server A as the primary origin server and Origin Server B as the secondary origin server. In this case, DCDN preferentially redirects requests to Origin Server A. If Origin Server A fails, Alibaba Cloud CDN redirects user requests to Origin Server B. After Origin Server A recovers, Alibaba Cloud CDN fails back to Origin Server A.


      If origin servers have the same priority, DCDN redirects requests to the origin servers based on the weights of the origin servers. This way, loads are balanced among the origin servers. You can specify a weight based on your business requirements.

      • The weight of an origin server ranges from 1 to 100. An origin server that has a higher weight receives more requests.

      • Default value: 10.

      For example, you specify Origin Server A and Origin Server B as primary origin servers. If the weight of Origin Server A is 80 and the weight of Origin Server B is 20, Alibaba Cloud CDN redirects 80% of requests to Origin Server A and 20% of requests to Origin Server B.


      Specify a custom port for acceleration. Valid values: 1 to 65535. You can specify only one port. If you want to specify more ports, submit a ticket.

      • The following ports are not supported:

        22, 123, 161, 162, 179, 830, 2049, 2601, 2605, 3389, 5049, 7547, 8082, 8087, 8182, 8888, 9998, 15772, 15776, 15778, 15779, 18053, 18098, 18099, 18888, 19313, 19777, and 56667.

      • If you want to use port 80 or 443, submit a ticket to confirm whether the ports are supported.

    4. Click Next.

      After the domain name is approved, it is displayed on the Domain Names tab of the IP Application Accelerator page. The domain status being Running indicates that the domain name has been added to IPA.

Step 3: Configure a CNAME record

After you add a domain name to IPA, copy the CNAME that is assigned to the domain name, and add a CNAME record to the DNS settings at your DNS provider to map the domain name to the CNAME. For more information, see Add a CNAME record for a domain name.