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Edge Security Acceleration:Configure acceleration rules

Last Updated:Apr 02, 2024

After you add a domain name to Dynamic Content Delivery Network (DCDN), you can configure acceleration rules for dynamic and static content based on your business requirements. Then, you can enable dynamic acceleration to cache static content to points of presence (POPs) and redirect requests for dynamic content to origin servers based on intelligent routing and optimized protocols.

  • To accelerate the delivery of static and dynamic content, you can turn on Dynamic Acceleration and configure cache rules for different types of static files based on your business requirements. Then, the delivery of static content is accelerated based on the rules. For more information, see Configure static file types and What is caching?

  • If you do not want to accelerate the delivery of dynamic content, you can turn off Dynamic Acceleration. After you turn off dynamic acceleration, the delivery of dynamic content is not accelerated. Custom acceleration rules for static files are no longer applied. Only the default acceleration rules for static files are applied.

  1. Log on to the DCDN console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Domain Names.

  3. On the Domain Names page, find the domain name that you want to manage and click Configure.

  4. In the left-side navigation tree, click Acceleration Rules.

  5. Turn on Dynamic Acceleration to accelerate the delivery of dynamic content, such as PHP, JSP, and ASP files.

    To accelerate the delivery of static content, such as images, application packages, JavaScript files, and CSS files, you can create a cache expiration rule based on the file types and update frequency. The maximum time-to-live (TTL) for cached content is 3 years. For more information, see Configure static file types.

    File type

    Update frequency

    TTL value


    Static file

    Infrequently updated

    One month or longer.

    Images and application packages.

    Static file

    Frequently updated

    Less than one month. You can specify a TTL value based on your business requirements.

    JavaScript and CSS files.