You can use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call the Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) API to perform routine management operations.
Install Alibaba Cloud CLI
Configure Alibaba Cloud CLI
For information about how to configure Alibaba Cloud CLI, see Overview.
Use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call API operations
For information about how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI, see Call RPC API and RESTful API. Before you use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call the EDAS API, you must know the EDAS API operations, and the information about each API operation, such as request parameters and response parameters.
The following examples show you how to use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call EDAS API operations:
- Create a namespace
aliyun edas InsertOrUpdateRegion --RegionTag cn-beijing:testheng --RegionName testheng --region cn-beijing --endpoint ""
- Query regions
aliyun edas ListAliyunRegion
- Delete a cluster from a namespace
aliyun edas DeleteCluster --ClusterId f8b3014e-0f61-493a-a602-6f9b63ba**** --logicalRegionId cn-beijing:docNamespace3
Usage notes
When you use Alibaba Cloud CLI to call an API operation to perform a complex task, we recommend that you compile the command text into a shell script and then run the shell script to improve efficiency.