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Parameter format

Updated at: 2025-03-07 10:35

This topic describes the format requirements for different data type fields when using the Alibaba Cloud CLI.

Parameter format requirements


The Alibaba Cloud CLI offers automatic generation of CLI examples through the OpenAPI portal. For detailed instructions on specific operations, see Generate and Invoke Commands.

The CLI examples automatically generated in the OpenAPI portal use the Linux-applicable parameter format by default. If you need to execute CLI commands in other environments, please adjust the parameter format accordingly.

Alibaba Cloud CLI adheres to the following format requirements for fields of different data types in OpenAPI:

Parameter case sensitivity

OpenAPI parameters are case-sensitive, and so is the parameter input for Alibaba Cloud CLI.

Parameter value case sensitivity

While some parameter values are not case-sensitive, it is recommended to strictly distinguish the case of parameter values for consistency in writing specifications.

Integer type

Parameters designated as Integer type in the OpenAPI document can be passed in directly.

aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageName Example_Image --Pagesize 10

String type

For parameters labeled as String type in the OpenAPI document, if the parameter value does not contain special characters such as $, `, \, or spaces, it can be passed in directly. Otherwise, it should be enclosed in single quotes '' or double quotes "".

  • General situation

    When Alibaba Cloud CLI accepts strings as parameters, it typically requires conversion of special characters in the string to general characters. In Linux, macOS, or Windows PowerShell, enclose the parameter in single quotes ''. In the Windows command prompt, use double quotes "".

    • No special characters:

      aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageName Example_Image
    • With special characters:

      • Windows command prompt:

        aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageName "Example Image"
      • Linux/macOS/Windows PowerShell:

        aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageName 'Example Image'
  • Special cases

    When invoking ROA-style OpenAPI and using the --body option to specify a string (with escape characters) or a variable as the request entity, the use of quotes differs from the general situation. In Linux, macOS, or the Windows command prompt, enclose the request parameter in double quotes "". In Windows PowerShell, use single quotes ''.

    • Windows command prompt/Linux/macOS:

      aliyun cs PUT /clusters/<ClusterId>/nodepools/<NodepoolId> --body "{\"nodepool_info\":{\"name\":\"default-nodepool\",\"resource_group_id\":\"rg-acfmyvw3wjm\"}}"
    • Windows PowerShell:

      aliyun cs PUT /clusters/<ClusterId>/nodepools/<NodepoolId> --body '{\"nodepool_info\":{\"name\":\"default-nodepool\",\"resource_group_id\":\"rg-acfmyvw3wjm\"}}'

String type string list

For parameters identified as String type in the OpenAPI document that support a list of multiple values, such as an ImageId list, the parameter format is as follows.

  • Windows command prompt:

    In the Windows command prompt, separate the corresponding parameter values with commas , and enclose them in double quotes "".

    aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageId "m-23e0o****,m-23wae****"
  • Linux/macOS/Windows PowerShell:

    In Linux, macOS, or Windows PowerShell, separate the corresponding parameter values with commas , and enclose them in single quotes ''.

    aliyun ecs DescribeImages --ImageId 'm-23e0o****,m-23wae****'

String type JSON array

For parameters classified as String type in the OpenAPI document that require a formatted JSON array, the parameter format is as follows.

  • Windows command prompt:

    In the Windows command prompt, place all values within the outermost double quotes "", enclose them in square brackets [], and separate them with commas ,, using single quotes '' for referencing.

    aliyun ecs DescribeDisks --DiskIds "['d-23rss****','d-23vsi****','d-23sfq****']"
  • Linux/macOS/Windows PowerShell:

    In Linux, macOS, or Windows PowerShell, place all values within the outermost single quotes '', enclose them in square brackets [], and separate them with commas ,, using double quotes "" for referencing.

    aliyun ecs DescribeDisks --DiskIds '["d-23rssg24f","d-23vsih26x","d-23sfqfbfa"]'

String type JSON array list

For parameters identified as String type in the OpenAPI document that require setting the parameter value as a JSON array, the parameter format is as follows.

  • Windows:

    In the Windows command prompt and Windows PowerShell, place all values within the outermost double quotes "", enclose them in square brackets []. Enclose each value in the JSON array with curly braces {}, reference them with single quotes '', and separate them with commas ,. Separate keys and values within the JSON array with colons :.

    aliyun slb AddBackendServers --LoadBalancerId 15157b19f18-cn-hangzhou-dg**** --BackendServers "[{'ServerId':'i-23g8a****'},{'ServerId':'i-23bb0****'}]"
  • Linux/macOS:

    In Linux and macOS, place all values within the outermost single quotes '', enclose them in square brackets []. Enclose each value in the JSON array with curly braces {}, reference them with double quotes "", and separate them with commas ,. Separate keys and values within the JSON array with colons :.

    aliyun slb AddBackendServers --LoadBalancerId 15157b19f18-cn-hangzhou-dg**** --BackendServers '[{"ServerId":"i-23g8a****"},{"ServerId":"i-23bb0****"}]'

String type date

For parameters designated as String type in the OpenAPI document that require a UTC time in ISO8601 standard, pass the time in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

aliyun ecs DescribeInstanceMonitorData --InstanceId i-94ola4btx**** --StartTime 2015-11-28T15:00:00Z --EndTime 2015-11-28T18:00:00Z

Special characters

If you encounter parsing errors during command execution after enclosing the parameter value in quotes, try adjusting the parameter format to the key=value format to ensure correct command execution.


When executing the following command, Alibaba Cloud CLI cannot recognize -1/-1 as the corresponding parameter for PortRange.

aliyun ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup --SecurityGroupId 'sg-bp67acfmxazb4p****' --Permissions.1.PortRange "-1/-1" --method POST --force

As shown below, modify --PortRange -1/-1 to --PortRange=-1/-1, and the command will execute correctly.

aliyun ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroup --SecurityGroupId 'sg-bp67acfmxazb4p****' --Permissions.1.PortRange=-1/-1 --method POST --force
  • On this page (1)
  • Parameter format requirements
  • Parameter case sensitivity
  • Parameter value case sensitivity
  • Integer type
  • String type
  • String type string list
  • String type JSON array
  • String type JSON array list
  • String type date
  • Special characters
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