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:Use Cloud Assistant Agent to install OpenSSH on a Windows instance

Last Updated:Feb 06, 2025

Cloud Assistant Agent is a program that runs Cloud Assistant commands on Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. This topic describes how to use Cloud Assistant Agent to install OpenSSH on a Windows ECS instance.


  • Cloud Assistant Agent is installed on the Windows ECS instance on which you want to install OpenSSH. For more information, see Install Cloud Assistant Agent.

  • A public IP address is automatically assigned to the ECS instance. Alternatively, an elastic IP address (EIP) is associated with the ECS instance. For instructions on how to enable public bandwidth, see Enable public bandwidth.

  • A rule is added to a security group of the Windows ECS instance to allow traffic on SSH port 22. For information about how to add a security group rule, see Add a security group rule.


    For information about the operating system versions that support Cloud Assistant Agent, see the Limits section of Overview of Cloud Assistant.


  1. Log on to the ECS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Maintenance & Monitoring > Cloud Assistant.

  3. In the top navigation bar, select the region and resource group to which the resource belongs. 地域

  4. In the upper-right corner of the ECS Cloud Assistant page, click Create/Run Command.

  5. In the Create Command panel, configure the parameters. The following table describes the parameters.



    Command Information

    Command Source

    Select Enter Command Content to create a command.

    Command Type

    Select a type of command.

    For Windows instances, select PowerShell.

    Command content

    • Paste the following code segment to the code editor.

      $curDir = $PSScriptRoot
      Set-Location $curDir
      # Check the OS version
      $OSversion = [Environment]::OSVersion.Version
      if ($OSversion.Major -lt 6 -and $OSversion.Minor -lt 1) {
           throw "This scrip is not supported on Windows 2008 or lower"
      $Arch =([Array](Get-WmiObject -Query "select AddressWidth from Win32_Processor"))[0].AddressWidth
      if ($Arch -ne "64") {
          throw "Only 64-bit system architecture is supported"
      function Check-Env() {
          $srv_status = (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -Filter "name= 'sshd'").Status
          if ( $srv_status -match "OK") {
              Write-Host "system already installed opensshd"
      function Download-File($file_url = "{{sshd_download_url}}", $file_path = "C:\Programdata\") {
          if (Test-Path $file_path) { return; }
          Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $file_url  -OutFile $file_path -UseBasicParsing
          if (!  $?) { throw "$file_url download to $file_path error" }
      function Unzip-File($src_file = "C:\Programdata\", $dst_file = "C:\Programdata") {
          Expand-Archive -Path $src_file -DestinationPath $dst_file 
          if (!  $?) { throw "Unzip $src_file to $dst_file error, please check" }
      function Install-Ssh() {
          powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\Programdata\OpenSSH-Win64\install-sshd.ps1
          if (!  $?) {
              throw "Install openssh error, please check"
          Start-Service sshd
          Set-Service -Name "sshd" -StartupType Automatic; Start-Service sshd
          if (!  $?) {
              throw "set sshd enable auto start or start sshd error , please check"
    • Use Parameters: Turn on Use Parameters. Then, you must configure the {{sshd_download_url}} parameter in the preceding code segment. Replace the {{sshd_download_url}} parameter with the URL from which you can download and install a desired OpenSSH version on the OpenSSH official website. For example, replace the {{sshd_download_url}} parameter with


    Execution Plan

    Select Immediate execution.

    Command Name

    Enter a name for the command.

    Command Description

    Enter a description for the command. To facilitate management and maintenance, we recommend that you specify a description that can help you identify the command, such as the purpose of the command.


    Specify the username that you want to use to run the command on ECS instances.

    To ensure security, we recommend that you run Cloud Assistant commands as a regular user based on the principle of least privilege. For more information, see Run Cloud Assistant commands as a regular user.


    By default, Cloud Assistant commands are run by the root user on Linux instances and by the System user on Windows instances.

    Execution Path

    Specify an execution path for the command. Different default execution paths are provided based on the operating system of instances on which the command is run.

    For Windows instances, the default execution path is the following directory in which the process of Cloud Assistant Agent resides: C:\ProgramData\aliyun\assist\$(version).


    Specify a timeout period for the command to run on instances. If a task that runs the command times out, Cloud Assistant forcefully stops the task.

    Unit: seconds. Default value: 60. We recommend that you set this parameter to 300. You can change the value based on network conditions.

    Select Instance

    Select the ECS instances on which you want to run the command.

    Select Managed Instances

    Select the managed instances on which you want to run the command.


    A managed instance is an instance that is not provided by Alibaba Cloud but is managed by Cloud Assistant. For more information, see Alibaba Cloud managed instances.

  6. Click Run and Save and confirm that the command is run.


  7. Install OpenSSH.

    1. Connect to the Windows ECS instance by using Virtual Network Computing (VNC).

      For more information, see Connect to an instance by using VNC.

    2. Click the Dingtalk_20210510142550.jpg icon and select Windows PowerShell to start Windows PowerShell.

    3. Run the following command to install OpenSSH:

      NETSTAT.EXE -ano

      The following figure shows a sample command output, which indicates that OpenSSH is installed and listens on port 22.


  8. Use an SSH client to connect to the Windows instance.


    Use the current username and password of the Windows instance to log on to the instance.