If you purchase Data Security Center (DSC) and you want to use DSC to detect sensitive data or monitor unusual operations in MaxCompute tables, you must authorize DSC to access MaxCompute.
The free edition of DSC is activated or a paid edition of DSC is purchased. For more information, see Activate the free edition of DSC or Purchase DSC.
DSC is authorized to access cloud services. For more information, see Authorize DSC to access Alibaba Cloud resources.
Step 1: Authorize DSC to access ApsaraDB RDS
Log on to the DSC console.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Asset Center.
In the left-side pane of the Authorization Management tab, click MaxCompute.
Click Asset Authorization Management.
Optional. In the Asset Authorization Management panel, click Asset synchronization.
The first time you log on to DSC, DSC automatically synchronizes assets in the cloud. You do not need to synchronize assets. DSC scans for new assets at 00:00 every day and automatically synchronizes the assets to the lists of unauthorized assets. If you want to authorize DSC to access the assets that are created on the current day, you must manually synchronize the assets.
On the Not authorized tab, find the asset on which you want to grant permissions and click Authorization in the Actions column.
You can also select multiple assets and click Batch Authorize.
Step 2: Connect MaxCompute to DSC
Return to the Authorization Management tab, find the MaxCompute project that you want to connect to DSC, and then click Connect in the Actions column.
Optional. In the Connect dialog box, select Immediately scan database assets and identify data.
In the Connect dialog box, click OK.
After you use the one-click connection mode to connect DSC to the MaxCompute project, DSC creates a member named yundun_sddp and grants the admin permission to the member. This way, DSC can access and read data from the MaxCompute project.
This first time you connect DSC to a MaxCompute project for which the whitelist feature is enable, MaxCompute adds the public CIDR block used by DSC and the virtual private cloud (VPC) ID of the region in which DSC resides to the whitelist to allow DSC to access data in the MaxCompute project. The CIDR block and VPC ID vary based on the region.
NoteIf the whitelist feature is disabled for the MaxCompute project, no whitelist is configured.
For example, the whitelist feature is enabled for a MaxCompute project.
odps.security.ip.whitelist= odps.security.vpc.whitelist=vpc-rhs****
After you use the one-click connection mode to connect DSC in the China (Zhangjiakou) region to the MaxCompute project, the whitelist is updated.
odps.security.ip.whitelist=, odps.security.vpc.whitelist=vpc-rhs****,vpc-8vbvzdb5egltk0yexldhs
If Connected is displayed in the Connection Status column, the MaxCompute project is connected. In this case, the
icons are displayed in the Feature Status column. The sensitive data identification feature and the data masking feature are enabled. You can click Modify to disable the sensitive data identification or data masking feature.
What to do next
After you connect DSC to a database, DSC automatically creates a default data identification task.
If you click Connect on the Authorization Management page and select Immediately scan database assets and identify data., DSC immediately runs the default data identification task.
If you click Connect on the Authorization Management page and clear Immediately scan database assets and identify data., you must manually execute the default data identification task. To execute the task, choose
. On the Identification Tasks tab, click Default Tasks, find the task, and then click Rescan.
The system automatically uses the main identification template to scan the connected assets. By default, the main identification template includes the Internet industry classification template and the common identification template. You can check the status of a data identification task to view the completion time of the data identification task.
You can configure the main identification template as a built-in identification template or a custom identification template. For more information, see Configure the main identification template.
If you configure the main identification template as a built-in identification template, the common identification template that conforms to the personal information security specification is used. If you configure the main identification template as a custom identification template, the common identification template is not used.
View the completion time of the default data identification task. For more information, see View default identification task.
View data identification results. For more information, see View sensitive data identification results.
For more information about answers to some frequently asked questions about asset authorization, see Data asset authorization.