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Alibaba Cloud DNS:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Dec 19, 2024
This product(Alidns/2015-01-09) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

cloud resolution instance

DescribeDnsProductInstanceDescribeDnsProductInstanceQueries the details about a paid Alibaba Cloud DNS instance based on the instance ID.
DescribeDnsProductInstancesDescribeDnsProductInstancesCalls the DescribeDnsProductInstances operation to query the list of paid Alibaba Cloud DNS instances based on input parameters.

Domain Name

AddDomainAddDomainAdds a domain name based on the specified parameters.
AddDomainBackupAddDomainBackupCreates a backup task for a domain name.
AddDomainGroupAddDomainGroupCreates a domain name group based on the specified parameters.
DeleteDomainGroupDeleteDomainGroupDeletes a domain name group. After you delete the domain name group, the domain names in the group are moved to the default group.
DeleteDomainDeleteDomainDeletes a domain name based on the specified parameters.
ModifyHichinaDomainDNSModifyHichinaDomainDNSChanges the names of DNS servers bound to a domain name from DNS server names provided by a third-party service provider to DNS server names provided by Alibaba Cloud DNS.
UpdateDomainGroupUpdateDomainGroupModifies the name of a domain name group based on the specified parameters.
UpdateDomainRemarkUpdateDomainRemarkModifies the description of a domain name based on the specified parameters.
ChangeDomainGroupChangeDomainGroupMoves a domain name from the original group to the new group based on the specified parameters.
SetDomainDnssecStatusSetDomainDnssecStatusEnables or disables the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for a domain name. This feature is available only for the users of the paid editions of Alibaba Cloud DNS.
DescribeDomainInfoDescribeDomainInfoQueries the information about a domain name based on specified parameters.
DescribeDomainLogsDescribeDomainLogsQueries the operation logs of domain names based on the specified parameters.
DescribeDomainNsDescribeDomainNsQueries the name servers configured for a specified domain name and checks whether all the name servers are Alibaba Cloud Domain Name System (DNS) servers.
DescribeDomainsDescribeDomainsCalls the DescribeDomains operation to query domain names of a user based on input parameters.
DescribeDomainStatisticsDescribeDomainStatisticsQueries the real-time statistics on the Domain Name System (DNS) requests for a primary domain name.
DescribeDomainStatisticsSummaryDescribeDomainStatisticsSummaryCalls the DescribeDomainStatisticsSummary operation to obtain the query volume of all paid domain names under your account.
DescribeRecordStatisticsDescribeRecordStatisticsQueries the real-time statistics on the Domain Name System (DNS) requests for a subdomain name.
DescribeRecordStatisticsSummaryDescribeRecordStatisticsSummaryQueries the number of Domain Name System (DNS) requests for all subdomain names of a specified domain name.
DescribeInstanceDomainsDescribeInstanceDomainsQueries the domain names that are bound to an Alibaba Cloud DNS instance.
DescribeTransferDomainsDescribeTransferDomainsQueries the domain names that were transferred between the current account and another account based on the specified parameters.
GetMainDomainNameGetMainDomainNameQueries a primary domain name based on the specified parameters.
DescribeDNSSLBSubDomainsDescribeDNSSLBSubDomainsQueries the subdomains for which weighted round-robin is enabled based on the specified parameters.
DescribeDomainDnssecInfoDescribeDomainDnssecInfoQueries the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) configurations of a domain name based on the specified parameters.
DescribeDomainGroupsDescribeDomainGroupsQueries all domain name groups based on the specified parameters.
BindInstanceDomainsBindInstanceDomainsBinds one or more domain names to a paid Alibaba Cloud DNS instance.
RetrieveDomainRetrieveDomainRetrieves a domain name.
OperateBatchDomainOperateBatchDomainSubmits a batch operation task to add or delete multiple domain names or multiple Domain Name System (DNS) records at a time.
TransferDomainTransferDomainTransfers multiple domain names from the current account to another account at a time.
UnbindInstanceDomainsUnbindInstanceDomainsUnbinds one or more domain names from a paid Alibaba Cloud DNS instance based on the instance ID.

Authoritative Agent Domain Name


Parsing records

AddDomainRecordAddDomainRecordAdds a Domain Name System (DNS) record based on the specified parameters.
DeleteDomainRecordDeleteDomainRecordDeletes an Alibaba Cloud DNS (DNS) record based on the specified parameters.
DeleteSubDomainRecordsDeleting DNS records corresponding to a host recordCalls the DeleteSubDomainRecords operation to delete DNS records corresponding to a host record based on input parameters.
UpdateDomainRecordUpdateDomainRecordModifies a Domain Name System (DNS) record based on the specified parameters.
UpdateDomainRecordRemarkUpdateDomainRecordRemarkModifies the description of a Domain Name System (DNS) record based on the specified parameters.
SetDomainRecordStatusSetDomainRecordStatusSpecifies the status of an Alibaba Cloud DNS (DNS) record based on the specified parameters.
DescribeDomainRecordInfoDescribeDomainRecordInfoQueries the information about a Domain Name System (DNS) record.
DescribeDomainRecordsDescribeDomainRecordsQueries all Domain Name System (DNS) records of the specified primary domain names based on the specified parameters.
DescribeRecordLogsDescribeRecordLogsQueries the operation logs of a domain name based on the specified parameters.
DescribeSubDomainRecordsDescribeSubDomainRecordsQueries all Domain Name System (DNS) records of a subdomain name based on the specified parameters.
GetTxtRecordForVerifyGetTxtRecordForVerifyGenerates a text (TXT) record. TXT records are used to retrieve domain names and subdomain names, enable the subdomain name verification feature, and perform batch retrievals.

Resolve request source line

AddCustomLineAddCustomLineAdds a custom line.
DeleteCustomLinesDeleteCustomLinesDeletes multiple custom lines at a time.
UpdateCustomLineUpdateCustomLineModifies a custom line.
DescribeCustomLineDescribeCustomLineQueries a custom line.
DescribeCustomLinesDescribeCustomLinesQueries a list of custom lines.
DescribeSupportLinesDescribeSupportLinesQueries all lines that are supported by Alibaba Cloud DNS.


SetDNSSLBStatusSetDNSSLBStatusEnables or disables weighted round-robin based on the specified parameters.
UpdateDNSSLBWeightUpdateDNSSLBWeightModifies the weight of a Domain Name System (DNS) record based on the specified parameters.

Batch Processing

DescribeBatchResultCountDescribeBatchResultCountQueries the result of a batch operation task.
DescribeBatchResultDetailDescribeBatchResultDetailQueries the detailed results of a batch operation task.


DescribeTagsDescribeTagsQueries existing tags.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to a specified resource.
TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds and modifies a tag for a resource.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from resources.
MoveDomainResourceGroupMoveDomainResourceGroupMoves a domain name to another resource group.

GTM instance

SetGtmAccessModeSetGtmAccessModeModifies a policy for switchover between address pool sets.
UpdateDnsGtmInstanceGlobalConfigUpdateDnsGtmInstanceGlobalConfigModifies the configurations of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
UpdateGtmInstanceGlobalConfigUpdateGtmInstanceGlobalConfigModifies the configurations of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance based on the specified parameters.
UpdateDnsGtmAccessStrategyUpdateDnsGtmAccessStrategyModifies an access policy.
DescribeDnsGtmAddrAttributeInfoDescribeDnsGtmAddrAttributeInfoQueries the source regions of addresses.
DescribeDnsGtmAvailableAlertGroupDescribeDnsGtmAvailableAlertGroupQueries the available alert groups of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceDescribeDnsGtmInstanceQueries detailed information about a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmInstanceDescribeGtmInstanceQueries the details about a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmInstancesDescribeDnsGtmInstancesQueries a list of instances.
DescribeGtmInstancesDescribeGtmInstancesQueries the Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instances under your account.
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceStatusDescribeDnsGtmInstanceStatus (new)Queries the status of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmInstanceStatusDescribeGtmInstanceStatusQueries the status of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmLogsDescribeDnsGtmLogs (new)Queries operation logs of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmAvailableAlertGroupDescribeGtmAvailableAlertGroupYou can call this operation to query the available alert groups for a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmLogsDescribeGtmLogsYou can call this operation to query logs of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmInstanceSystemCnameDescribeGtmInstanceSystemCnameYou can call this operation to query the CNAME record assigned by the system.
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceSystemCnameDescribeDnsGtmInstanceSystemCname (new)Queries the CNAME domain name assigned by the system for a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
CopyGtmConfigCopyGtmConfigCopies the configurations of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.

address pool

AddGtmAddressPoolAddGtmAddressPoolCreates an address pool.
AddDnsGtmAddressPoolAddDnsGtmAddressPoolCreates an address pool.
DeleteDnsGtmAddressPoolDeleteDnsGtmAddressPool (new)Deletes an address pool from a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DeleteGtmAddressPoolDeleteGtmAddressPoolYou can call this operation to delete an address pool of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM).
UpdateDnsGtmAddressPoolUpdateDnsGtmAddressPoolModifies an address pool.
UpdateGtmAddressPoolUpdateGtmAddressPoolYou can call this operation to modify an address pool of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceAddressPoolDescribeDnsGtmInstanceAddressPoolQueries detailed information about an address pool of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceAddressPoolsDescribeDnsGtmInstanceAddressPools (new)Queries the address pools of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmAddressPoolAvailableConfigDescribeDnsGtmAddressPoolAvailableConfig (new)Queries the available configurations of an address pool of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmInstanceAddressPoolDescribeGtmInstanceAddressPoolYou can call this operation to query the details about an address pool of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmInstanceAddressPoolsDescribeGtmInstanceAddressPoolsYou can call this operation to query the address pools of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.

Health Check

AddDnsGtmMonitorAddDnsGtmMonitorCreates a health check task.
AddGtmMonitorAddGtmMonitorCreates a health check task.
UpdateDnsGtmMonitorUpdateDnsGtmMonitorModifies a health check task.
UpdateGtmMonitorUpdateGtmMonitorModifies the health check configuration for an address pool of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
SetDnsGtmMonitorStatusSetDnsGtmMonitorStatusSpecifies the health check status of an address pool.
SetGtmMonitorStatusSetGtmMonitorStatusYou can call this operation to enable health check for an address pool of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmMonitorAvailableConfigDescribeGtmMonitorAvailableConfigQueries available monitored nodes.
DescribeGtmMonitorConfigDescribeGtmMonitorConfigQueries the health check configuration of an address pool of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmMonitorAvailableConfigDescribeDnsGtmMonitorAvailableConfigQueries the configuration items that can be set for a health check task.
DescribeDnsGtmMonitorConfigDescribeDnsGtmMonitorConfigQueries the health check configuration of an address pool.

Access Policy

AddDnsGtmAccessStrategyAddDnsGtmAccessStrategyCreates an access policy.
AddGtmAccessStrategyAddGtmAccessStrategyYou can call this operation to create an access policy for a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DeleteDnsGtmAccessStrategyDeleteDnsGtmAccessStrategy (new)Deletes an access policy from a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DeleteGtmAccessStrategyDeleteGtmAccessStrategyYou can call this operation to delete an access policy of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
UpdateGtmAccessStrategyUpdateGtmAccessStrategyYou can call this operation to modify the access policy of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
SetDnsGtmAccessModeSetDnsGtmAccessModeModifies an access policy.
DescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategiesDescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategies (new)Queries access policies of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategyDescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategy (new)Queries detailed information about an access policy of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategyAvailableConfigDescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategyAvailableConfig (new)Queries the available configurations of an access policy of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmAccessStrategiesDescribeGtmAccessStrategiesYou can call this operation to query the access policies of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
DescribeGtmAccessStrategyDescribeGtmAccessStrategyYou can call this operation to query the details about an access policy of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance based on the policy ID.
DescribeGtmAccessStrategyAvailableConfigDescribeGtmAccessStrategyAvailableConfigQueries the configuration items that can be set for an access policy.
SwitchDnsGtmInstanceStrategyModeSwitchDnsGtmInstanceStrategyModeChanges the access policy type for a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.

DoH Domain Names

DescribeDohUserInfoDescribeDohUserInfoQueries the numbers of accessed domains and subdomains by using DNS over HTTPS (DoH).

disaster tolerance

AddGtmRecoveryPlanAddGtmRecoveryPlanCreates a disaster recovery plan.
DeleteGtmRecoveryPlanDeleteGtmRecoveryPlanYou can call this operation to delete a disaster recovery plan for a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
UpdateGtmRecoveryPlanUpdateGtmRecoveryPlanModifies a disaster recovery plan.
DescribeGtmRecoveryPlanDescribeGtmRecoveryPlanQueries the details of a disaster recovery plan.
DescribeGtmRecoveryPlanAvailableConfigDescribeGtmRecoveryPlanAvailableConfigQueries the configuration items that can be set for a disaster recovery plan.
DescribeGtmRecoveryPlansDescribeGtmRecoveryPlansQueries the disaster recovery plans for a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
ExecuteGtmRecoveryPlanExecuteGtmRecoveryPlanExecutes a disaster recovery plan.
PreviewGtmRecoveryPlanPreviewGtmRecoveryPlanYou can call this operation to preview a disaster recovery plan of a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) instance.
RollbackGtmRecoveryPlanRollbackGtmRecoveryPlanRolls back a disaster recovery plan.


DescribeRecordResolveStatisticsSummaryDescribeRecordResolveStatisticsSummaryQueries the number of resolution requests for all subdomain names of a specified domain name.
DescribeDomainResolveStatisticsSummaryDescribeDomainResolveStatisticsSummaryQueries the resolution requests of all paid domain names within your account.