400 | Forbidden.AuthType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | MissingParameter | | The parameter {0} is required for this request. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidParameter | | The parameter value {0} is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InternalError | | The server cannot process this request. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainRecordDuplicate | | The DNS record already exists. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainRecordConflict | | Cannot add the record because it already exists.. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainRecordSvcbModeConflict | | - | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Record | | Unable to add the record because the number of records with the same settings (Type, RR, Line) exceeds the limit (90). | diagnosis |
400 | DomainRecordNotBelongToUser | | The DNS record does not exist in your account. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Format | | Invalid domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Suffix | | The DNS suffix is not supported. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Unregistered | | Unregistered domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Duplicate | | The domain name already exists in the DNS list. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainAddedByOthers | | The domain name has been added by another user. | diagnosis |
400 | CHNDomainInfoNotMatch | | Cannot add the domain name because it does not match the CNNIC data. Please enter a domain name that only contains simplified Chinese characters or traditional Chinese characters. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainForbidden | | - | diagnosis |
400 | IncorrectDomainUser | | The domain name belongs to other users. Transfer the domain name to the current user and then try the binding and setting actions. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.DomainType | | Domain names registered on Alibaba Cloud do not support this operation. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.DomainExpired | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.DomainLocked | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.NotHichinaDomain | | This action cannot be performed on the domain. Only hichina domains permit this action. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.RecordLocked | | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.NoExist | | The specified domain name does not exist. Refresh the page and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | UnabletoGetWoisInfo | | Unable to obtain domain information from the Whois system. | diagnosis |
400 | UnableToGetWhoisEmail | | Unable to receive Whois email. | diagnosis |
400 | Fobidden.TooOfen | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.ProtectedDomain | | The domain names in the whitelist cannot be retrieved. | diagnosis |
400 | URLForwardError.PanRecord | | The URL forwarding does not support wildcard DNS. | diagnosis |
400 | URLForwardError.NotDefaultLine | | The URL forwarding record only supports default line. | diagnosis |
400 | URLForwardError.NotVerifyDomain | | URL verification exception. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainRecordLocked | | Your request is dinied because the DNS record is locked. | diagnosis |
400 | URLForwardError.ChineseChar | | Chinese characters are not allowed in the target address of a URL forwarding record. | diagnosis |
400 | IllegalUser | | The specified user ID is not authorized. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.BatchNumber | | The maximum number of selections available for the batch operation is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.RequestTimes | | - | diagnosis |
400 | OperationThreadInUsed | | Cannot perform the batch operation because all threads are in use. Try again later. | diagnosis |
400 | LastOperationNotFinished | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DataFormatError | | The data is incorrectly formatted. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidTraceId | | The TraceId is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.BlackHole | | - | diagnosis |
400 | RecordForbidden.DNSChange | | The operation cannot be performed because the DNS is upgrading. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.ARecord | | The maximum number of {0} records is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.SVCBRecord | | - | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.HTTPSRecord | | - | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.URLRecord | | The number of URL forwarding records exceeds the maximum number. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.SubDomain | | The subdomain level exceeds the limit. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.TTL | | The TTL value is less than the minimum value allowed. | diagnosis |
400 | UnsupportedLine | | The ISP line is not supported in the current version. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDnsProduct | | The DNS product does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidBinding.SpecialDomain | | The special domain name is invalid to bind on the DNS product. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Binding | | Binding count exceeds the limit. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidBinding.BoundDomain | | This Domain is already associated with another advanced DNS instance. Changing the associated instance may affect the DNS setting of this domain name. Are you sure you want to use this domain name? | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainGroup.NotExist | | The name of the domain group does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.GroupCount | | Group number exceeds the limit (100). | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.GroupNameLength | | The length of the group name exceeds the limit (20). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainGroup.Duplicate | | The name of the domain group already exists. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainGroup.EmptyName | | The name of the domain group is empty. | diagnosis |
400 | Fobidden.DefaultGroup | | Cannot delete the default domain group. | diagnosis |
400 | Fobidden.NotEmptyGroup | | Cannot delete the domain group that is not empty. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidVersion | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DisableDNSSLB | | You have not enabled the weighted round robin for the subdomain. | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.RR | | Invalid hostname (RR value). | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.Type | | Invalid DNS record type. Available types include NS, CNAME, A, AAAA, TXT, and SRV. | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.Value | | The DNS record is invalid or in the wrong format. | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.TTL | | Invalid TTL. | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.Priority | | Invalid MX Priority. | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.SVCBPriority | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.Line | | Invalid line. | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.SVCBTarget | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.SVCBTargetLoop | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.SvcParams | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.ArbitrarySvcParamKey | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomainInvalid.SVCBAliasMode | | - | diagnosis |
400 | CreateOrderFailed | | Cannot create the order. | diagnosis |
400 | InstanceHasUnpaidOrder | | You have an incomplete order. Please complete the order before continuing with this operation. | diagnosis |
400 | CancelOrderFailed | | Cannot cancel the order. | diagnosis |
400 | QueryOrderFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | OrderNotBelong | | - | diagnosis |
400 | QueryRenewPriceFailed | | Cannot query the renewal price. | diagnosis |
400 | QueryOrderListFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | CdnOperationFailed | | - | diagnosis |
403 | Forbidden.RAM | | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM. | diagnosis |
400 | IdentityVerification.TxtRecord | | You have not added a TXT record, or it is not in service yet. Please try again later. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Time | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.Unpaid | | You have not purchased site monitoring. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.NotExist | | No site has been added for monitoring in your account. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.NotSameDomain | | The monitored subdomains does not belong to the same domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.NotSameUser | | The monitored subdomains does not belong to the same user. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainEmpty | | The domain name is required. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Length | | Invalid domain name. Each part of the domain name (separated by periods) can contain up to 63 characters, and the maximum length of the domain name with periods is 255 characters. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Illegalcharacter | | Invalid domain name. A domain name is not case-sensitive and can contain the letters a-z, numbers 0-9, Chinese characters, and periods (.). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Label | | Invalid domain name. Use periods (.) to separate each part of the domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Idn | | Invalid format. For punycode, enter a Chinese domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.StartWithDot | | Invalid domain name. Do not start with a period (.). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.MiddleLine | | Invalid domain name. Do not use hyphens (-) at the start and end of the string. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.DupDot | | Invalid domain name. Use periods (.) only as separators and do not use consecutive periods. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.Number | | Invalid domain name. Do not contain only numbers. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.NeedRegistered | | Unregistered domain name. Register now on Alibaba Cloud. | diagnosis |
400 | AliyunDomainAddedByOthers | | The domain name does not belong to the current user. | diagnosis |
400 | RestrictedDomain | | Unable to add the domain name to the DNS list because it is a restricted domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | Authentication.domain | | The authentication of the registrant is required before adding the domain. Click here to start authentication. | diagnosis |
400 | DeleteDomain.Empty | | The domain name is required. Please select a domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | Fobidden.RecordLocked | | The domain has a locked record. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainExpiredDNSForbidden | | The request is denied because the domain name has expired and the DNS record is locked. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.Format.Dot | | Do not start or end the RR value with a comma (,). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.Length | | The maximum length of each part (separated by periods) in the string is 63 characters. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.Format | | The valid characters can be used in a RR value include letters a-z and A-Z, numbers 0-9, Chinese characters, hyphen (-), underscore (_), period (.), asterisk (*), and at sign (@). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.PanDomainRecord | | A Wildcard DNS record must start with an asterisk (*). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.Empty | | Do not use two consecutive commas (,) in the RR value. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.MiddleLine | | Do not start or end the RR value with a hyphen (-). | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.RrEmpty | | The hostname (RR value) is required. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.ARecordUnderLine | | Underscores (_) are not allowed in the hostname (RR value) of an A record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.NSRecordRrEmpty | | At signs (@) or empty are not allowed in the hostname (RR value) of a NS record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.NSRecordPan | | Asterisks (*) are not allowed in the hostname (RR value) of a NS record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.MXRecordUnderLine | | Underscores (_) are not allowed in the hostname (RR value) of a MX record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.TXTRecordPan | | Asterisks (*) are not allowed in the hostname (RR value) of a TXT record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.SRVRecordPan | | Asterisks (*) are not allowed in the hostname (RR value) of a SRV record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.AAARecordUnderLine | | Underscores (_) are not allowed in the hostname (RR value) of an AAAA record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.TypeEmpty | | The record type is required. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.AValue | | Enter a correct IP address, such as "". | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.MXValue | | Enter a correct domain name for the value, such as "www.net.cn". | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.NSValue | | Enter a correct domain name for the value of a NS record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.NSValueLength | | The maximum length of the value is 253 characters for a NS record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.TXTValueLength | | Up to 253 characters are allowed for a TXT record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.TXTValueUnicode | | Chinese characters are not allowed for the TXT record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.TXTValueIllegalChar | | Invalid characters are not allowed in a TXT record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.FWDValue | | Specify a domain name or an URL address for the value of a URL forwarding record. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.AAAAValue | | Enter a correct IPv6 address. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.SRVValueEmpty | | The SRV record is required. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.SRVValueFormat | | The SRV record is incorrectly formatted. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.NoExist | | The DNS record no longer exists. Refresh the page and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | URLForwardAddError | | Unable to add the URL forwarding record. | diagnosis |
400 | URLForwardChangeError | | Unable to edit the URL forwarding record. | diagnosis |
400 | URLForwardDeleteError | | Unable to delete the URL forwarding record. | diagnosis |
400 | addRRfail | | Unable to add the record. | diagnosis |
400 | chgRRfail | | Unable to edit the record. | diagnosis |
400 | delRRfail | | Unable to delete the record. | diagnosis |
400 | addSoafail | | Unable to create the domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | delSoafail | | Unable to delete the domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | DefaultlineNotadded | | No default line has been added. Please dad a default line first. | diagnosis |
400 | DNSnotfound | | You have not enabled DNS for the domain. Please contact our support team for your request. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.FWDValueLength | | The maximum length of the value for a URL forwarding record is 500 characters. Re-enter the value. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidVersion.Unpaid | | You need to upgrade VIPDNS | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.DupDot | | Do not use two consecutive periods (.) in the RR value. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.ValueDupDot | | Two consecutive periods (.) are not allowed in the record. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Batchdelete | | Up to 100 DNS records can be selected for batch deletion. | diagnosis |
400 | Invalidweightvalue | | The weight is invalid. It must be an integer from1 to 100. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRetrievedomain.delete | | The domain name you want to retrieve has been deleted. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.FreeDnsRecord | | No more than 10 A (AAAA) records can be added with same hostname and line. Try Advanced DNS for more records. | diagnosis |
400 | RecordDisable.fail | | Unable to disable the DNS record. | diagnosis |
400 | RecordEnable.fail | | Unable to enable the DNS record. | diagnosis |
400 | RecordLocked.fail | | Unable to lock the DNS record. | diagnosis |
400 | RecordUnLocked.fail | | Unable to unlock the DNS record. | diagnosis |
400 | BatchOperation.timeout | | Cannot perform the batch import due to system throttlling. Please try again later. | diagnosis |
400 | TaskExecutio | | An import task already exists. Wait until that task is completed and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | Record.empty | | Some fields of the record are empty. | diagnosis |
400 | Record.illegal | | Some fields of the record are invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | UnKnownError | | Unknown error. Try again later. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainNotFound | | The domain name does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | OperationDomain.NoPermission | | You are not authorized to operate the domain. Please retrieve the domain name first. | diagnosis |
400 | BatchOperation.illegal | | The specified BatchOperation is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | Binding.Error | | An error occured while binding. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.domainlist | | The product has reached the maximum number of domain names. | diagnosis |
400 | ScanningOperationError | | Scanning exception. | diagnosis |
400 | DomainRecordDisable | | The DNS record is suspended. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden | | You are not authorized to operate the specified resource. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.NotAliyunDomain | | The domain name is not registered with Alibaba Cloud. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.RiskControl | | This operation is deinied by the Alibaba Cloud Risk Control system. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.TooOfen | | Please wait 90 seconds before retrieving again. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.UserVerification | | You have not performed the real-name authentication. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound | | Invalid Access Key. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidStatus | | The status is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidWeigth | | The weight is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | NoSuchVersion | | The version number is Invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | PanDomainRecord | | The weight value of wildcard DNS records cannot be modified. | diagnosis |
400 | QueryInstanceUnpaidOrderFailed | | Cannot query the unpaid orders of the instance. | diagnosis |
400 | ServiceUnavailable | | The server cannot process your request at this time. | diagnosis |
400 | SignatureDoesNotMatch | | Invalid signature. Refer to the authentication section in the API reference for details. | diagnosis |
400 | Throttling | | Request refused by the traffic control system. | diagnosis |
400 | UnsupportedOperation | | Invalid port. | diagnosis |
400 | RecordFobidden.BlackHole | | The operation cannot be performed because some records are in black hole. | diagnosis |
400 | LineDnsSlb.QuotaExceeded | | Cannot enable the weighted round robin because the maxinmum number of A or AAAA records is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | NotSupport.Line | | The ISP is invalid for the DNS. | diagnosis |
400 | NotSupport.LineType | | Cannot switch to the regional ISP you have not purchased. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.Monitor | | The maximum number of monitors is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.MonitorNodes | | The number of monitor nodes exceeds the maximum number ({0}). | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.MonitoringFrequency | | Invalid input. The monitoring frequency allowed is {0} minutes. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.MonitoringTask | | The number of monitor tasks exceeds the maximum number ({0}). | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.MonitoringSwitchingStrategy | | Adding a monitor for the switching policy is not allowed. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.MonitoringIp | | The number of backup IP or CNAME exceeds the maximum number. | diagnosis |
400 | NotSupport.SMS | | SMS notice is not supported. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.NotSupport | | The free version of DNS does not support monitoring. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.TaskNoExists | | The monitoring task does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.GetMonitorNodes | | Cannot obtain the available nodes. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.NoBackupIp | | No backup IP for the custom switching of monitoring. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.NoRecord | | The RR value has been deleted or disabled. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.Fail | | Cannot enable the monitoring. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.GetMonitorMap | | Cannot obtain details of the monitor map. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.GetISPFailed | | Cannot obtain the list of ISPs. | diagnosis |
400 | Monitor.GetISPCityList | | Cannot obtain the list of available cities of the ISP. | diagnosis |
400 | EnableDnsSlbFailed | | Cannot enable the weighted round robin. | diagnosis |
400 | CloseDnsSlbFailed | | Cannot disable the weighted round robin. | diagnosis |
400 | LineDnsSlb.Monitor | | Please add the hostname to the site monitoring list before enabling the cross-region load balancer. | diagnosis |
400 | LineDnsSlb.Cname | | The cross-region load balancer does not support CNAME records. Disable CNAME records and try again. | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.MiitBlackList | | Cannot add the the domain name because it is in the MIIT blacklist. | diagnosis |
400 | LineDnsSlb.Unpaid | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.InvalidTemplateId | | Invalid DNS template ID. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.InvalidTemplateRecordId | | Invalid DNS template record ID. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.IncorrectTemplateUser | | Unavailable DNS template ID. This ID belongs to another user. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.DuplicateName | | Duplicated name. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.InvalidType | | Invalid type for a template record. Only CNAME, A, MX, and TXT records are supported. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.InvalidLine | | Invalid ISP line for a template record. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.InvalidTTL | | Invalid TTL for a template record. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.QuotaExceededTemplate | | The number of templates exceeds the limit. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.QuotaExceededTemplateRecord | | The number of template records exceeds the limit. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.QuotaExceededTemplateNameLength | | The number of templates exceeds the limit. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsTemplate.TaskNotNull | | Another task is running. Please wait for it to complete. | diagnosis |
400 | QuotaExceeded.BundleNumber | |
The maximum number of domain names allowed to be added is exceeded. | diagnosis |
400 | DnsSLB.InvalidType | | The turn on/off option is not available for CNAME records. | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.ConfigNoExist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.ConfigExist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.NoOpen | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.SlaveDnsOpen | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.DelConfigFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.SyncFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.AddConfigFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.EditConfigFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.AddConfigFailed_NoVip | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.OpenFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.LoadAllZoneFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.NoticeIPNotExist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.InvalidNoticeIP | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.TSIGNoExsit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.InvalidTSIGIP | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.InvalidTSIGName | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.InvalidTSIGValue | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.InvalidTSIGType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.InvalidTSIGNameFormat | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.InvalidTSIGValueFormat | | - | diagnosis |
400 | QueryPriceFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.Id | | The specified access strategy ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.Name | | The specified strategy name is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Name.ExceedsLimit | | The specified strategy name exceeds the character limit. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.NotExists | | The specified access strategy does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.InstanceId | | The specified instance ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.StrategyMode | | The specified strategy mode is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.AccessMode | | The specified access mode is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.AccessLine | | The specified access region list is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.AccessLine.Forbidden | | The specified access region is already in use. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.AccessLine.Conflict | | The specified access region is in conflict with an existing region. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.UserId | | The specified user ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Num.ExceedsLimit | | You cannot create more access strategies. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.DefaultPool | | The default address pool is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.FailoverPool | | The specified failover address pool is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.FailoverPool.Null | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.AccessStatus.Failover | | The current access status is failover. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAccessStrategy.AddrPool.Same | | The specified default address pool and failover address pool are the same. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddr.NotExists | | The specified address does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddr.Num.ExceedsLimit | | The number of addresses in the specified address pool exceeds the limit. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddr.Invalid.Mode | | The specified address mode is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddr.Invalid.Value | | The specified address is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddr.Value.Duplicate | | The specified address already exists. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddr.Invalid.LbaWeight | | The specified address weight is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddrPool.NotExists | | The specified address pool does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddrPool.RelatedAccessStrategy | | The specified address pool already has an access strategy and cannot be deleted. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddrPool.Invalid.Name | | The specified address pool name is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddrPool.Invalid.Type | | The specified address pool type is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddrPool.Invalid.Id | | The specified address pool ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddrPool.Invalid.UserId | | The specified address pool user ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddrPool.Num.ExceedsLimit | | You cannot create more address pools. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmAddrPool.Invalid.MinAvailableAddrNum | | The specified value for minimum available addresses is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | Gtm.Invalid.Id | | The specified ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | Gtm.VerifySign.Failed | | An error occurred while verifying the signature. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.Id | | The specified ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.UserId | | The specified user ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.InstanceId | | The specified instance ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.Name | | The specified instance name is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.VersionCode | | The specified version is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.ExpireDate | | The specified expiration date is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.Cname | | The specified CNAME is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.UserDomainName | | The specified primary domain is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.Ttl | | The specified TTL is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.LbaStrategy | | The specified balancing strategy is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.AlertGroup | | The specified alarm group is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.AlertGroup.ExceedsLimit | | The specified alarm group exceeds the alarm limit. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.NotExists | | The specified instance does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Invalid.CnameMode | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.NodeNum.ExceedsLimit | | The specified number of monitoring nodes for the health check is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.EffectiveNode.Empty | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.NotExists | | The specified health check configuration does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.UserId | | The specified health user ID does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Status | | The specified health check status is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Id | | The specified health check ID is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Host | | The specified health check host is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Path | | The specified health check URL path is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Protocol | | The specified health check protocol is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Interval | | The specified health check interval value is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Timeout | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Code | | The specified health check return code is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.FailureRate | | The specified health check failure ratio is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Port | | The specified port number is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.PacketNum | | The specified number of ping packets for the health check is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.PacketLossRate | | The specified health check packet loss ratio is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Invalid.EvaluationCount | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmHealthCheck.Exist | | The specified health check already exists. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.InstanceName.ExceedsLimit | | The specified instance name exceeds the character limit. | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.AssociatedAccessStrategies | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.AssociatedAddrPools | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.ReallocateCname.Failed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.IsNull | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Sts.RoleNotExist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.TaskNotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.IdcNode.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.AlarmEvaluationCount | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.AlarmNum | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.AlarmStatus | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.AlarmThreshold | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.AlarmType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.DnsValue | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.Id | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.Interval | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.Name | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.NotifyType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.NormalNode.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Invalid.NodesEmpty | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.DeleteFailure | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidDomain.DnsProviderNotSupported | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidDomain.Empty | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidDomain.Format | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidDomain.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidDomain.RecordNotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidDomain.TypeConflict | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidDomain.TypeNotSupported | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidDomain.WildCardNotSupported | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.Alarm.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.InvalidUser.NotMatch | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Batch.User.Forbidden | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainTransfer.AccountNotExist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainTransfer.AccountIdentical | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainTransfer.ValidateVerifyCodeFailed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainTransfer.NotDomainOwner | | - | diagnosis |
400 | VerifyCode.ValidateExceedFrequency | | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRemark.Format | | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidGroup.NameFormat | | - | diagnosis |
400 | VipInstance.Domain.Unbound | | - | diagnosis |
400 | VipInstance.Domain.HasBound | | - | diagnosis |
400 | VipInstance.Invalid.ID | | - | diagnosis |
400 | VipInstance.Invalid.DomainName.UserId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | VipInstance.Expired | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.Invalid.Id | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.NotSupport | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.Invalid.Name | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.Used.Tcrr | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.LineName.Repeated | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.Invalid.IP | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.Invalid.IPOverlap | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.Number.Exceeds | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.IP.Exceeds | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.Invalid.IPSegment | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainRetrieve.TxtExpire | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SlaveDns.NotSupportVersion | | - | diagnosis |
400 | VipInstance.Invalid.NotBelongToUser | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCustomLine.Invalid.NotBelongToDomain | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.DnsProductType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsSystemBusyness | | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDomainName.NotMatch | | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidRR.StatusEmpty | | - | diagnosis |
400 | ImportZone.InvalidFile | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.Exceeded.TTL | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Resource.NotExist.GroupId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Resource.Invalid.GroupId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DmpDomain.NoExist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.Invalid.UserId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.Invalid.Name | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.FaultAddrPool.Empty | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.Invalid.FaultAddrPool | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.FaultAddrPoolCount.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.FaultAddrPool.UnbindStrategy | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.NameLength.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.RemarkLength.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.Status.UpdateForbidden | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.Status.RollbackForbidden | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.Count.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmRecoveryPlan.Name.Duplicate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomain.Txt.Record.Validate.Needed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomain.Operate.Forbidden | | - | diagnosis |
400 | SubDomain.Level.Exceeds | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Txt.Record.Expired | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Txt.Record.Validate.failed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Starmark.DomainCount.Exceeds | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainBackup.Task.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainBackup.Task.Duplicate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainBackup.Invalid.BackupId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainBackup.DomainName.NotSupport | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainBackup.PeriodType.NotSupport | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainBackup.Restore.NotFinished | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainBackup.Invalid.Status | | - | diagnosis |
400 | InvalidDnsTemplate.NameFormat | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Dnssec.Subdomain.NotSupport | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Dnssec.Forbidden.Close | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Dnssec.Open | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.Invalid.DataType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.Invalid.UserId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.SameId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.PublicPreviewEnded | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.OperateDeny | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Domain.RecordCount.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Resource.Count.Exceeds | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Resource.TagCount.Exceeds | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Tag.TotalCount.Exceeds | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Resource.TagKey.Duplicate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Resource.TagOperator.NoPermission | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Resource.TagTotalCount.Exceeds | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.SLR.Create | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Batch.RunningTaskCount.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsMonitor.TaskNum.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmInstance.GetAlertGroup.Fail | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Num.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Invalid.Mode | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Invalid.Addr | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Value.Duplicate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Invalid.LbaWeight | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Invalid.AttributeInfo | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Invalid.Remark | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Remark.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Line.UnSupport | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategyAddrPool.Num.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategyAddrPool.Invalid.LbaWeight | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.Id | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.Name | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Name.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.InstanceId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.StrategyMode | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.InstanceStrategyMode.NotLatency | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.AccessMode | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.AccessLine | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.MaxReturnAddrNum | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.AccessLine.Conflict | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.UserId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Num.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.DefaultPools | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.DefaultPoolsType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.FailoverPools | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.FailoverPoolsType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.FailoverPools.Null | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.AddrPools.Same | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.AddrPoolType.Conflict | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.AddrPoolId.Duplicate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.LbaStrategy | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.MinAvailableAddrNum | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.Invalid.LatencyOptimization | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.EffectiveNode.Empty | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.UserId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Status | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Id | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Host | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Path | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Protocol | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Interval | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Timeout | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Code | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.FailureRate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Port | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.Sni | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.PacketNum | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.PacketLossRate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.EvaluationCount | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Exist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.Id | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.UserId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.InstanceId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.Name | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.VersionCode | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.ExpireDate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.PublicZoneName | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.PublicCnameMode | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.PublicUserDomainName | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.InstanceName.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.Ttl | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Exceeded.Ttl | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.GetAlertGroup.Fail | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.AlertGroup | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.AlertConfig | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.AlertGroup.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.AssociatedAccessStrategiesDnsGtmInstance.AssociatedAccessStrategies | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.AssociatedAddrPools | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.ReallocateCname.Failed | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.OperateDeny | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.CnameType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.StrategyMode | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.StrategyMode.Unsupport | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.TaskQuota.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.NotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.RelatedAccessStrategy | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.Invalid.Name | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.Invalid.Type | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.Invalid.Id | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.Invalid.UserId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.Num.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.Invalid.LbaStrategy | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCache.Invalid.Ttl | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCache.SourceServer.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsCache.Invalid.SourceServer | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Instance.Invalid.Version | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAccessStrategy.AccessStatus.Failover | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddrPool.Type.NotSupportUpdate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.Invalid.LineCodeRectifyType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmHealthCheck.Invalid.FollowRedirect | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.UnSupport.NewVersionToOldVersion | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.UnSupport.DestinationInstanceVersion | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.DestinationInstanceTaskQuota.Insufficient | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.DestinationInstanceAccessStrategyNum.Insufficient | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.DestinationInstanceAddrPoolNum.Insufficient | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.DestinationInstanceAddrPoolAddrNum.Insufficient | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.DestinationInstanceName.NotMatched | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.DestinationStrategyName.NotMatched | | - | diagnosis |
400 | GtmCopyConfig.DestinationAddrPoolName.NotMatched | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmAddr.LineNum.ExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.Invalid.PublicRr | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.PublicRrUnsupported.SystemAssign | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.PublicRrDuplicate.OtherInstance | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DnsGtmInstance.PublicRrDuplicate.DomainRr | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsUdpIpSegment.Invalid.Client.Ip | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsUdpIpSegment.Duplicate | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAppKey.Number.Overflow | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAppKey.Invalid.State | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAppKey.Must.Remain.One | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsService.Unavailable | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsService.Invalid.Operation | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsUdpIpSegment.Number.Overflow | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsUdpIpSegment.Invalid.State | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsUdpIpSegment.Ip.Overlapped | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsUdpIpSegment.Intranet.Ip | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsUdpIpSegment.Not.A.Enterprise | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsUdpIpSegment.Smaller.Than.24 | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InvalidInstanceId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InvalidUserId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InvalidTaskId | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InvalidIsp | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InvalidType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InvalidOrderBy | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InvalidDirection | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InvalidInstanceName | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InstanceNameExceedsLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.InstanceNotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.MissingType | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.MissingKeyword | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskInvalidDomainName | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskUnsupportDomainName | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskInvalidStatus | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskQuotaInsufficient | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskNotExists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskDomainExecuting | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskDomainExecuteBusy | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskExecuting | | - | diagnosis |
400 | FlushCache.TaskExecuteBusy | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Pdns.AccountId.DoesNotExist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Pdns.AccountId.DoesNotBelongToUser | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Pdns.SecretKey.Incorrect | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAcl.Domain.Exists | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAcl.Domain.DoesNotExist | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAcl.Domain.isNotValid | | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAcl.Domains.exceedLimit | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Identity.Uncertified | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainTransfer.AccountIdentityUncertified | | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainTransfer.Forbidden.BindVIP | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Data.Log.ExceedReadDataMax | Maximum read limit exceeded. | Maximum read limit exceeded | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidSubDomainName | The format of the subdomain name to query is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidStartDate | The start time is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidEndDate | The deadline is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidDate | The date and time are invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidSearchMode | The search mode is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidOrderDirection | The sorting order is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidDomainType | The domain name type is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidPvtzModule | The type of the DNS module for the internal domain names is incorrect. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidZoneId | The domain name ID is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidAnalysisDimension | The data analysis dimension is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.InvalidDnsCategory | The DNS type is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.QuotaExceededTime | The query time span cannot exceed 90 days. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Statistics.TooManyResults | The size of the query result data is large. Perform a query in a finer granularity. | - | diagnosis |
400 | sys.paramsError | | - | diagnosis |
400 | Alidns.PostBusinessNotOpened | Post business not opened. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Alidns.PostBusinessOpened | Post business opened. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Alidns.InvalidPostBusinessStatus | Invalid post business status. | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainLoggingSwitch.InvalidPostBusinessStatus | Invalid post business status. | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainLoggingSwitch.Duplicate | The logging switch is duplicate. | - | diagnosis |
400 | DomainLoggingSwitch.InvalidStatus | The logging switch status is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.ExceedReadDataMax | Maximum read limit exceeded. | Maximum read limit exceeded | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.StartTimestamp.NotExists | StartTimestamp not exists. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.InvalidAlidnsPostBusinessStatus | Invalid post business status. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.EndTimestamp.NotExists | EndTimestamp not exists. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.InvalidDomainName | Invalid authority domain name. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.QueryLogFailed | Query log failed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.InvalidAlidnsDomainAuthLogConfig | Invalid alidns authority domain log config. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.InvalidUserId | User id is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.InvalidAccountId | Account ID is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.EndTimestamp.Invalid | EndTimestamp is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | ResolveLog.AccountId.DoesNotBelongToUser | AccountId does not belong to this user. | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAppKey.Need.Authentication | PdnsAppKey.Need.Authentication | - | diagnosis |
400 | PdnsAppKey.Validation.Failed | Authentication failed. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateHasExsited | gtm monitorTemplate has exsited. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Instance.NotExist | gtm instance not exist. | GTM instance does not exist | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.ValueFormatInvalid | the IPv4 address value format is invalid. | The IPv4 address entered is not in the correct format | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.ValueFormatInvalid | the IPv6 address value format is invalid. | The IPv6 address entered is not in the correct format | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.MonitorTaskCmsAlaramIdNotExsit | gtm monitor task cms alaram id not exist. | The cloud monitoring task ID associated with the GTM detection task is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamExcessMaxAddress | excess max address count. | The number of addresses referenced by the address pool has exceeded the maximum allowed limit | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateNameConflict | gtm monitorTemplate name is conflict. | A probe template with the same name already exists | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ScheduleDomainRiskControlForbidden | your account is at risk. contact customer support for more details.. | Domain name instance configuration has security risks and has been controlled. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.QuotaUsed.IncrParamInvalid | Increase QuotaUsed Param is INvalid. | Parameter specification and usage error | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AlertNotify.ParamInvalid | AlertNotify Param is Invalid. | Alarm notification parameter error | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AlertLog.ParamInvalid | AlertLog Param is Invalid. | Alarm log parameter error | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateExtendInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate extend is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateReferenceCountExceedLimit | gtm monitorTemplate reference count exceed limit. | The probe template has been referenced more than the maximum allowed number of times | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.NodeNotExsit | gtm monitorNode is not exist. | The probe node configured in the probe template does not exist. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.NodeIsDisable | gtm monitorNode is disable. | The probe node configured in the probe template is disabled | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.NodeIpVersionNotSupport | gtm monitorNode not support this ip version. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.ReferenceStandardInstanceUseUltimateQuota | gtm address reference standardInstance use ultimate quota. address:%s. | The configuration parameter of the probe template referenced by the address conflicts with the version of the instance package associated with it. addressId:%s | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.NameConflict | gtm address name is conflict. | An address with the same name already exists | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.TypeInvalid | gtm address type is invalid. | The Address Type parameter for the address is incorrectly configured | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.EnableStatusInvalid | gtm address enableStatus is invalid. | The Enable Status parameter for the address is incorrectly configured | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.AvailableStatusInvalid | gtm address availableStatus is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.HealthJudgementInvalid | gtm address healthJudgement is invalid. | The "health status determination condition" parameter of the address is configured incorrectly. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.EnableParamInvalid | gtm address enable param is invalid. | The Enable Status parameter for the address is incorrectly configured | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.ManualAvailableParamInvalid | gtm address manual available param is invalid. | Parameter configuration error of address manual switching mode | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.AvailableModeInvalid | gtm address availableMode is invalid. | The "detection exception switching mode" parameter of the address is configured incorrectly. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.ExcessMaxBeReferencedCount | excess max be referenced count. | The address has been referenced more than the maximum number of times allowed | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.DispatchTypeNotMatchMonitorTemplate | the address dispatchType is not match for the monitor template. | The Address Type of the address conflicts with the Probe Type of the selected probe template | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.ValueDomainFormatInvalid | the DOMAIN address value format is invalid. | The entered domain name address format is incorrect | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.MonitorTaskNotExsit | gtm monitor task not exist. | No matching probe template found | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.CmsTaskQuotaExceed | gtm monitor task quota exceed. | The number of probe missions has exceeded the maximum allowed limit | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.MonitorStatusInvalid | gtm monitor status invalid. | Detection task status value parameter error | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.CmsTaskQuotaUltimateExceed | gtm monitor task ultimate quota exceed. | The number of probe tasks configured for the domain name instance has exceeded the maximum allowable limit. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.NotExist | gtm addressPool not exist. | Address pool does not exist | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.NameDuplicate | gtm addressPool name duplicate. | An address pool with the same name already exists | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ExcessMaxBeReferencedCount | excess max be referenced count. | The address pool has been referenced more than the maximum number of times allowed | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.NotExist | gtm instance config not exist. | GTM domain name configuration does not exist | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.GlobalAlert.NotExist | global alert not exist. | Global alarm configuration does not exist | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.GlobalAlert.ParamAlertGroupExceedMaxLength | alert group exceed max length. | Global alarm configuration "alarm notification group" overall character has exceeded the maximum allowed limit | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.SameEnableStatus | same enable status. | The enabled state of the domain name instance remains intact without any changes | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamScheduleZoneModeInvalid | schedule zone mode invalid. | The access domain name mode configured for the domain name instance is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamAddressPoolDuplicate | address pool duplicate. | Same address pool already exists | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamScheduleRrTypeInvalid | schedule rr type invalid. | The "record type" parameter of the domain name instance configuration is incorrect. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamScheduleRrTypeConflict | schedule rr type conflict. | The "record type" of the domain name instance configuration conflicts. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamEnableStatusInvalid | enable status invalid. | The "Enabled Status" parameter of the domain name instance configuration is incorrect. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamLbStrategyInvalid | lb strategy invalid. | The "load policy" parameter of the domain name instance configuration is incorrect. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamAlertModeInvalid | alert mode invalid. | The alarm notification mode parameter of the domain name instance configuration is incorrect. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamAlertNoticeTypeInvalid | alert notice type invalid. | The "Alarm Event Type" parameter of the domain name instance configuration is incorrect. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamAlertGroupExceedMaxLength | alert Group Exceed Max Length. | Custom Alarm Configuration "Alarm Notification Group" overall characters have exceeded the maximum allowed limit | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamSequenceLbStrategyModeInvalid | sequence load balance Strategy mode invalid. | The "Preorder Resource Exception Recovery Service Mode" parameter of the domain name instance order policy is configured incorrectly. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ScheduleDomainExpired | schedule domain is expired. | The access domain name configured for the domain name instance has expired. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ScheduleDomainNotBelongToUser | schedule domain is not belong to user. | The access domain name configured for the domain name instance does not belong to the current user. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamAddressPoolTypeInvalid | address pool type invalid. | The "Address Pool Type" parameter of the address pool configuration is incorrectly configured. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamHealthJudgementInvalid | health judgement invalid. | The "Address Pool Health Status Determination Condition" parameter of the address pool configuration is incorrectly configured. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamEnableStatusInvalid | enable status invalid. | The Enable Status parameter for the address pool configuration is incorrectly configured | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamAddressDuplicate | address duplicate. | The same address already exists | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.SameEnableStatus | same enable status. | The enabled state of the address pool remains intact without any changes | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamRequestSourceInvalid | request source invalid. | The "request source" parameter of the address pool source proximity policy is configured incorrectly. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.PayOrderCallBack.OnlySupportCloudGtm | Payorder callback Only Support CloudGtm. | New purchase/renewal/upgrade callback does not support GTM 3.0 | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Refund.OnlySupportCloudGtm | Refund Only Support CloudGtm. | GTM 3.0 not supported for refund/renewal callback | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamExcessMaxAddressPool | excess max address pool. | The number of address pools referenced by a domain name instance has exceeded the maximum allowed limit. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateCountInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate count is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateEvaluationCountInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate evaluationCount is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.HasExsited | gtm address has exsited. | An address with the same name already exists | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.NotExsit | gtm address is not exist. | No matching address found | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.QuotaExceed | gtm address quota exceed. | The number of addresses has exceeded the maximum allowed limit | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateTimeoutInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate timeout is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateFailureRateInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate failureRate is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplatePacketNumInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate packetNum is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplatePortInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate port is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateEffectiveMonitorNodesCountInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate effectiveMonitorNodes count is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplatePacketLossRateInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate packetLossRate is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateSniInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate sni is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateProtocolInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate protocol is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateCodeInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate code is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateHostInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate host is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplatePathInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate path is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateFollowRedirectInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate followRedirect is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateIntervalInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate interval is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateIpVersionInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate ipVersion is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateInUse | gtm monitorTemplate is still inUse. | Probe template still in use | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.HasExist | gtm instance config has exist. | Same domain name instance configuration already exists | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateReferenceInstanceUseUltimateQuota | gtm monitorTemplate reference standardInstance use ultimate quota. | The configuration parameters of the probe template conflict with the version of the associated instance package. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateNotExsit | Gtm monitor Template is not exist. | No matching probe template found | diagnosis |
400 | ParamsError | params error. | Parameter error | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Instance.NameDuplicate | gtm instance name duplicate. | duplicate gtm instance name | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.TypeConflictWithScheduleRrType | address pool type is conflict with schedule rr type. | The address pool type conflicts with the scheduling domain name type. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.AddressReferenceSerialNumberInvalid | address serial number is invalid. | Invalid address sequence number | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.HasInstanceConfigReference | gtm address has instanceConfig reference. | The associated reference of the address instance exists. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.MonitorTaskQuotaExceed | gtm monitor task in address quota exceed. | The number of probe tasks configured for the address exceeds the address quota. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Refund.ParamNewExpireTimeInvalid | gtm refund param newExpireTime is invalid. | CluodGtm refund parameter newExpireTime error | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Instance.MonitorTaskQuotaExceed | gtm monitor task in instance quota exceed. | The number of configured probe tasks exceeds the instance quota. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.InnerIpCanNotHasMonitorTask | the inner IP address can not has monitor task | The intranet address does not allow the configuration of monitoring and detection tasks. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.TypeConflictWithAddressPoolType | gtm address type is conflict with address pool type. | Address type conflicts with address pool type | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.TypeConflictWithLbStrategy | gtm address pool type is conflict with lb strategy. | The access domain name references multiple types of address pools, which conflicts with the load balancing policy configured for the domain name. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.OperationForbidden.FusionControlled | The Global Traffic Management (GTM) has been locked. Please make modifications uniformly through the Fusion Cloud DNS Console. | The global traffic management (GTM) domain name has been locked, please modify it through the converged cloud console. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamHealthStatusInvalid | health status invalid. | The health status parameter is invalid. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamAvailableStatusInvalid | available status invalid. | Invalid availability status parameter | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamHealthStatusInvalid | health status invalid. | Invalid health state parameter | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamAvailableStatusInvalid | available status invalid. | Invalid availability status parameter | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ParamWeightInvalid | weight invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamWeightInvalid | weight invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ParamRequestSourceInvalid | request source invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.RemarkSearchConditionParamInvalid | gtm address param remarkSearchCondition is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Domain.Delete.Forbidden | Domain names are forbidden to be deleted. | Domain names are forbidden to be deleted. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.AddressPool.ExceedMaxCount | address pool exceed max count. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ExceedMaxCount | instance config exceed max count. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Param.ScheduleDomainInvalid | schedule domain is invalid. | Invalid scheduling domain name | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.InstanceConfig.ScheduleDomainGtmForbidden | schedule domain gtm forbidden. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Instance.ScheduleDomainExcessMaxCount | schedule domain excess max count . | The number of access domain names under the instance exceeds the limit. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.instanceConfig.addressPoolReferenceSerialNumberInvalid | address pool serial number is invalid . | Invalid address pool sequence number | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.ScheduleDomainConflictWithAuthorityNsRecord | GTM scheduling domain name conflicts with authoritative NS record. | The GTM scheduling domain name conflicts with an authoritative NS record. | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Monitor.TemplateResponseContextInvalid | gtm monitorTemplate responseContext is invalid. | Error configuring the Response Content parameter of the probe template | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.ValueIpv4FormatInvalid | the IPv4 address value format is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | CloudGtm.Address.ValueIpv6FormatInvalid | the IPv6 address value format is invalid. | - | diagnosis |
400 | Forbidden.MteeRiskControl | | RT001, sorry, this domain name cannot be added due to security problems. You can appeal through the work order. | diagnosis |