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Data Management:Purchase the DMS service

Last Updated:Jul 04, 2024

Data Management (DMS) allows you to use the basic features for free. You can also purchase the DMS service to use advanced features such as the Stable Change mode, the Security Collaboration mode, and sensitive data protection. This topic describes how to purchase the DMS service.


If you are a RAM user, the RAM user is granted the permission to purchase the DMS service.

  • Use an Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user with the AdministratorAccess permission to create a policy that grants the permission to purchase the DMS service. For more information, see Create custom policies.

    The following policy grants the permission to purchase the DMS service:

        "Statement": [
                "Action": "dms:*",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": "*"
        "Version": "1"
  • Attach the policy to your RAM user. For more information, see Grant permissions to a RAM user.


  1. Log on to the DMS console V5.0.

  2. Move the pointer over the image icon in the top navigation bar and select DMS Order Management.

  3. In the Purchase specification details dialog box, click Go to sell to buy to go to the buy page.

  4. Set the parameters on the buy page. The following table describes the parameters.



    Billing Method

    • Subscription: For long-term use, we recommend that you select the subscription billing method, which is more cost-effective than the pay-as-you-go billing method. You can receive larger discounts for longer subscription periods.

    • Pay-As-You-Go: If you select the pay-as-you-go billing method, fees are calculated on a daily basis. If you use the advanced features of DMS for less than one day before you unsubscribe from the advanced features, the usage duration is rounded up to one day. For more information, see Pricing.


    The advanced feature that you want to purchase.

    • Control Mode: DMS provides the Flexible Management, Stable Change, and Security Collaboration control modes that you can use to manage instances. You can use the Flexible Management mode for free.

    • Sensitive Data Protection: The sensitive data protection feature of DMS helps you detect, de-identify, and manage sensitive data. For more information, see Overview.

    Control Mode

    The control mode that you want to purchase. For more information, see Control modes. Valid values:

    • Stable Change: All features supported by the Flexible Management mode are available. In addition, the quotas for various features are increased. For example, data tracking can be used without limit, and the number of rows that can be exported free of charge is increased from 1 million to 20 million.

    • Security Collaboration: All features supported by the Flexible Management and Stable Change modes are available. In addition, more features such as data access control, data change security, and DevOps can be used. You can also customize a variety of capabilities, such as R&D standards, R&D processes, and approval processes.

    Number of Instances

    The maximum number of instances for which you can enable the feature to be purchased.


    • Subscription: You can specify the subscription duration as needed.


      If you want the service to be automatically renewed before the subscription expires, select Auto-renewal below the subscription duration.

    • Pay-As-You-Go: The fees are calculated on a daily basis.

  5. Click Buy Now in the lower-right corner of the page.

    • If you select the pay-as-you-go billing method, you can purchase a feature multiple times. You can add an order to the cart and then configure another order. Then, you can place these orders in the cart at a time.

    • If you select the subscription billing method, you cannot purchase a feature multiple times. Each feature can have only one valid subscription order. If you want to increase the quota for a feature that you purchase in subscription mode, you can update the specifications. For more information, see Upgrade service specifications.