This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
User management
API | Title | Description |
DeleteUser | DeleteUser | Deletes an Alibaba Cloud account that is no longer used. |
UpdateUser | UpdateUser | Updates user information. |
DisableUser | DisableUser | Disables a user that is temporarily not used in Data Management (DMS). |
EnableUser | EnableUser | Enables a user that is disabled. |
ListUsers | ListUsers | Queries the details of users. |
GetUser | GetUser | Queries the information about a user. |
GetUserActiveTenant | GetUserActiveTenant | Queries details of the active tenant. |
ListUserTenants | ListUserTenants | Queries tenants. |
RegisterUser | RegisterUser | Adds a user of your enterprise. |
Instance management
API | Title | Description |
ListInstances | ListInstances | Queries the information about database instances. |
GetInstance | GetInstance | Queries the details of a database instance. |
DeleteInstance | DeleteInstance | Removes a database instance from Data Management (DMS). |
RegisterInstance | RegisterInstance | Registers a database instance in Data Management (DMS). |
UpdateInstance | UpdateInstance | Updates the information about a database instance and checks the connectivity of the database instance. |
Operation audit
API | Title | Description |
GetOpLog | GetOpLog | Queries the details of operation logs that are generated in a specified period of time. |
ListInstanceLoginAuditLog | ListInstanceLoginAuditLog | Queries the logon records of an instance. |
ListProxySQLExecAuditLog | ListProxySQLExecAuditLog | Queries the audit logs generated by the secure access proxy feature. |
ListSQLExecAuditLog | ListSQLExecAuditLog | Queries the audit logs of SQL statements that are executed in Data Management (DMS). |
Approval processes management
API | Title | Description |
ListWorkFlowTemplates | ListWorkFlowTemplates | Queries approval templates. |
ListWorkFlowNodes | ListWorkFlowNodes | Queries approval nodes. |
Metadata management of databases and tables
API | Title | Description |
Logic databases and tables | Logic databases and tables | |
CreateLogicDatabase | CreateLogicDatabase | Creates a logical database in Data Management (DMS). |
AddLogicTableRouteConfig | AddLogicTableRouteConfig | Adds a routing algorithm to a logical table. |
DeleteLogicDatabase | DeleteLogicDatabase | Deletes a logical database from Data Management (DMS). This operation only deletes the specified logical database but does not delete physical databases. |
DeleteLogicTableRouteConfig | DeleteLogicTableRouteConfig | Deletes a routing algorithm from a logical table. |
ListLogicDatabases | ListLogicDatabases | Queries the detailed information about logical databases. |
GetLogicDatabase | GetLogicDatabase | Queries the details of a logical database. |
ListLogicTables | ListLogicTables | Queries the details of the logical tables in a logical database. |
GetDBTopology | GetDBTopology | Queries the topologies of a logical database and its physical database shards. |
GetTableDBTopology | GetTableDBTopology | Queries the topology of a data table. |
ListLogicTableRouteConfig | ListLogicTableRouteConfig | Queries the routing algorithms of a logical table. |
EditLogicDatabase | EditLogicDatabase | Edits the information about a logical database. |
SearchDatabase | SearchDatabase | Queries the details of the databases. |
SearchTable | SearchTable | Queries detailed information about tables. |
ListDatabases | ListDatabases | Queries the databases in a database instance. |
ListTables | ListTables | Queries the tables in a database. |
ListColumns | ListColumns | Returns the column information of a table. |
ListIndexes | ListIndexes | Queries the indexes of a table. |
GetDatabase | GetDatabase | Queries details of a specific database. |
GetPhysicalDatabase | GetPhysicalDatabase | Queries the details of a physical database. |
GetTableTopology | GetTableTopology | Queries the topology of a table. |
GetMetaTableDetailInfo | GetMetaTableDetailInfo | Queries the details of columns and indexes in a table. |
GetMetaTableColumn | GetMetaTableColumn | Queries the details of columns in a table. |
SyncInstanceMeta | SyncInstanceMeta | Synchronizes the metadata of all databases in a database instance. |
SyncDatabaseMeta | SyncDatabaseMeta | Synchronizes the metadata of a database. |
Ticket management
API | Title | Description |
General operations | General operations | |
CreateOrder | CreateOrder | Creates a ticket. |
GetApprovalDetail | GetApprovalDetail | Queries the approval details of a ticket. |
ListOrders | ListOrders | Queries tickets. |
GetOrderBaseInfo | GetOrderBaseInfo | Queries the basic information about a ticket. |
SubmitOrderApproval | SubmitOrderApproval | Submits a ticket for approval. |
ApproveOrder | ApproveOrder | Reviews a ticket. |
CloseOrder | CloseOrder | Closes a ticket. |
GetOrderAttachmentFile | GetOrderAttachmentFile | Queries the download URL of the attachment of a ticket. |
Permission application | Permission application | |
GetOwnerApplyOrderDetail | GetOwnerApplyOrderDetail | Queries the details of the Database-OWNER, Table-OWNER, and Instance-OWNER tickets. |
GetPermApplyOrderDetail | GetPermApplyOrderDetail | Queries the details of a ticket that applies for permissions. |
Database and table synchronization | Database and table synchronization | |
CreateStructSyncOrder | CreateStructSyncOrder | Creates a schema synchronization ticket. |
GetStructSyncOrderDetail | GetStructSyncOrderDetail | Queries the details of a schema synchronization ticket. |
GetStructSyncJobDetail | GetStructSyncJobDetail | Queries the information of a schema synchronization task. |
GetStructSyncJobAnalyzeResult | GetStructSyncJobAnalyzeResult | Queries the analysis result of a schema synchronization task. |
GetStructSyncExecSqlDetail | GetStructSyncExecSqlDetail | Queries the SQL statements that are involved in a schema synchronization ticket. |
SubmitStructSyncOrderApproval | SubmitStructSyncOrderApproval | Submits a schema synchronization ticket for approval. |
ExecuteStructSync | ExecuteStructSync | Executes a schema synchronization task. |
Data change | Data change | |
CreateDataCorrectOrder | CreateDataCorrectOrder | Creates a ticket for changing data in Data Management (DMS). |
CreateDataCronClearOrder | CreateDataCronClearOrder | Creates a ticket for clearing historical data. |
CreateDataImportOrder | CreateDataImportOrder | Creates a ticket for importing data to Data Management (DMS). |
CreateFreeLockCorrectOrder | CreateFreeLockCorrectOrder | Creates a lock-free change ticket. |
ModifyDataCorrectExecSQL | ModifyDataCorrectExecSQL | Modifies the SQL script that is submitted by using a data change ticket. |
PauseDataCorrectSQLJob | PauseDataCorrectSQLJob | Pauses a SQL task for data change. |
GetDataCorrectTaskDetail | GetDataCorrectTaskDetail | Queries the information about a data change, lock-free data change, or data import task. |
GetDataCronClearTaskDetailList | GetDataCronClearTaskDetailList | Queries the details of a historical data cleansing ticket. |
GetDataCorrectRollbackFile | GetDataCorrectRollbackFile | Queries the download URL of the rollback attachment submitted along with a data change ticket. |
GetDataCorrectBackupFiles | GetDataCorrectBackupFiles | Obtains the download URL of the backup file for the specified ticket. |
GetDataCorrectOrderDetail | GetDataCorrectOrderDetail | Queries the information about a data change ticket in Data Management (DMS). |
GetDataCronClearConfig | GetDataCronClearConfig | Queries the scheduling configuration of a ticket for cleaning up historical data. |
GetDataCorrectSQLFile | GetDataCorrectSQLFile | Queries the download URL of the SQL script for a data change task. |
ListDataCorrectPreCheckSQL | ListDataCorrectPreCheckSQL | Queries the information about SQL statements that are involved in the precheck of a data change ticket. |
ListDataCorrectPreCheckDB | ListDataCorrectPreCheckDB | Queries the databases that are involved in the precheck of a data change ticket. |
ExecuteDataCorrect | ExecuteDataCorrect | Submits a ticket for data change. |
RetryDataCorrectPreCheck | RetryDataCorrectPreCheck | Reruns the precheck for a data change ticket. |
RestartDataCorrectSQLJob | RestartDataCorrectSQLJob | Reruns a failed SQL task for data change. |
ListDataImportSQLPreCheckDetail | ListDataImportSQLPreCheckDetail | Queries the precheck information of SQL statements used for data import in a ticket. |
ListDataImportSQLType | ListDataImportSQLType | Queries the types of SQL statements used for data import in a ticket. |
GetDataImportSQL | GetDataImportSQL | Queries the SQL statements used for data import in a ticket. |
SkipDataCorrectRowCheck | SkipDataCorrectRowCheck | Skips the verification on the number of rows in the precheck for data change. |
Schema design | Schema design | |
CreatePublishGroupTask | CreatePublishGroupTask | Executes a schema design ticket. |
ListDDLPublishRecords | ListDDLPublishRecords | Queries the publishing details of a schema design ticket. |
GetTableDesignProjectFlow | GetTableDesignProjectFlow | Queries the information about a schema design ticket, such as the current node of the ticket, whether the ticket can be returned to the schema design node, and the publishing strategy. |
GetTableDesignProjectInfo | GetTableDesignProjectInfo | Queries the information about the project and change base database of a schema design ticket, such as the state of the ticket, the ID of the user who created the ticket, and the name and ID of the change base database. |
Data export | Data export | |
CreateDatabaseExportOrder | CreateDatabaseExportOrder | Creates a database export ticket. |
CreateDataExportOrder | CreateDataExportOrder | Creates a ticket to export an SQL result set. |
ExecuteDataExport | ExecuteDataExport | Executes a data export ticket. |
GetDataExportPreCheckDetail | GetDataExportPreCheckDetail | Queries the precheck details of an SQL result set export ticket. |
GetDataExportDownloadURL | GetDataExportDownloadURL | Queries the download URL of export results for a data export ticket. |
GetDatabaseExportOrderDetail | GetDatabaseExportOrderDetail | Queries the details of a database export ticket. |
GetDataExportOrderDetail | GetDataExportOrderDetail | Queries the information about a data export ticket. |
SQL review | SQL review | |
CreateSQLReviewOrder | CreateSQLReviewOrder | Creates a SQL review ticket. |
GetSQLReviewCheckResultStatus | GetSQLReviewCheckResultStatus | Queries the result of an SQL review. |
ListSQLReviewOriginSQL | ListSQLReviewOriginSQL | Queries the details of the SQL statements that are involved in an SQL review ticket. |
GetSQLReviewOptimizeDetail | GetSQLReviewOptimizeDetail | Queries the details of optimization suggestions. The operation applies only to the tickets for the data changes and SQL review. |
Data tracking | Data tracking | |
CreateDataTrackOrder | CreateDataTrackOrder | Creates a data tracking ticket. |
GetDataTrackJobDegree | GetDataTrackJobDegree | Queries the progress of a data tracking task. |
GetDataTrackJobTableMeta | GetDataTrackJobTableMeta | Queries the metadata of tables involved in a data tracking task. |
GetDataTrackOrderDetail | GetDataTrackOrderDetail | Queries the details of a data tracking ticket. |
SearchDataTrackResult | SearchDataTrackResult | Searches for the parsing result of a data tracking task. |
DownloadDataTrackResult | DownloadDataTrackResult | Downloads the parsing result of a data tracking task. |
QueryDataTrackResultDownloadStatus | QueryDataTrackResultDownloadStatus | Queries the download and parsing progress of data tracking logs. |
File upload | File upload | |
CreateUploadFileJob | CreateUploadFileJob | Creates a task to upload an attachment file. |
CreateUploadOSSFileJob | CreateUploadOSSFileJob | Creates a task to upload an Object Storage Service (OSS) file and obtain the key of the task. |
GetUserUploadFileJob | GetUserUploadFileJob | Obtains the information of a file upload task. |
Data archiving | Data archiving | |
CreateDataArchiveOrder | CreateDataArchiveOrder | Creates a data archiving ticket to archive data to destinations such as dedicated storage space or ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances. |
GetDataArchiveOrderDetail | GetDataArchiveOrderDetail | Queries the details of a data archiving ticket, including the time when the ticket was created, the scheduling information of the data archiving task, the logs of the data archiving task, and the database to which data is archived. |
GetDataArchiveCount | GetDataArchiveCount | Queries the statistics on the number of data archiving tickets, including the number of tickets of successful data archiving, failed data archiving,and in-progress data archiving, and the total number of data archiving tickets. |
SQL task management
API | Title | Description |
ListDBTaskSQLJob | ListDBTaskSQLJob | Queries a list of SQL tasks. |
ListDBTaskSQLJobDetail | ListDBTaskSQLJobDetail | Queries the details of an SQL task. |
GetDBTaskSQLJobLog | GetDBTaskSQLJobLog | Queries the log that records the scheduling details of an SQL task. |
GetOnlineDDLProgress | GetOnlineDDLProgress | Queries the details and progress of an OnlineDDL task. |
Permission management
API | Title | Description |
SetOwners | SetOwners | Configures the owner of an instance, a database, or a table. |
ListInstanceUserPermissions | ListInstanceUserPermissions | Queries the permissions of a user on an instance. |
ListDatabaseUserPermssions | ListDatabaseUserPermssions | Queries the permissions of users on a database. |
ListUserPermissions | ListUserPermissions | Queries the permissions of a user on databases and tables. |
GrantUserPermission | GrantUserPermission | Grants permissions on an instance, a database, or a table to a user. |
RevokeUserPermission | RevokeUserPermission | Revokes the permissions on instances, databases, and tables from a user. |
Security management
API | Title | Description |
Security rule set management | Security rule set management | |
CreateStandardGroup | CreateStandardGroup | Creates a security rule set. |
ListStandardGroups | ListStandardGroups | Queries security rule sets. |
UpdateStandardGroup | UpdateStandardGroup | Modifies the name and description of a specific security rule set. |
Sensitive field management | Sensitive field management | |
AddDesensitizationRule | AddDesensitizationRule | Adds a masking rule. |
ListDesensitizationRule | ListDesensitizationRule | Queries a list of masking rules. |
ModifyDesensitizationStrategy | ModifyDesensitizationStrategy | Modifies the masking rule bound to a specified field. |
ListClassificationTemplates | ListClassificationTemplates | Queries the classification templates. |
ListSensitiveDataAuditLog | ListSensitiveDataAuditLog | Queries the audit logs for sensitive information. |
ListSensitiveColumns | ListSensitiveColumns | Queries sensitive fields in a table of a database. |
ListSensitiveColumnsDetail | ListSensitiveColumnsDetail | Queries the details of a sensitive field. |
ChangeColumnSecLevel | ChangeColumnSecLevel | Adjusts the sensitivity level of fields. |
ListSensitivityLevel | ListSensitivityLevel | Queries the sensitivity levels of a classification template. |
Secure access proxy | Secure access proxy | |
CreateProxy | CreateProxy | Enables the secure access proxy feature for a database instance. |
DeleteProxy | DeleteProxy | You can call this operation to disable the data security protection proxy of a DB instance. |
ListProxies | ListProxies | Queries the proxies that are generated by the secure access proxy feature. |
GetProxy | GetProxy | Queries the details of a secure access proxy. |
CreateProxyAccess | CreateProxyAccess | Grants a user the permissions to access a database instance by using the secure access proxy feature. |
DeleteProxyAccess | DeleteProxyAccess | Revokes the permissions to access a database instance by using the secure access proxy feature from a user. |
ListProxyAccesses | ListProxyAccesses | Queries information about users that are authorized to access a database instance by using the secure access proxy feature. |
InspectProxyAccessSecret | InspectProxyAccessSecret | You can call this operation to obtain the authorization password of the security protection agent InspectProxyAccessSecret. |
GetProxyAccess | GetProxyAccess | Queries the authorization information about the secure access proxy feature. |
Authority template | Authority template | |
GrantTemplateAuthority | GrantTemplateAuthority | Grants permissions on resources to users by using a permission template. |
RevokeTemplateAuthority | RevokeTemplateAuthority | Revokes permissions on resources from Data Management (DMS) users by using a permission template. |
CreateAuthorityTemplate | CreateAuthorityTemplate | Creates a permission template |
UpdateAuthorityTemplate | UpdateAuthorityTemplate | Modifies a permission template. |
GetAuthorityTemplateItem | GetAuthorityTemplateItem | Queries the resources in a permission template. |
GetAuthorityTemplate | GetAuthorityTemplate | Queries the information about a permission template. |
Data query
API | Title | Description |
ExecuteScript | ExecuteScript | Executes SQL statements. |
Data development
API | Title | Description |
Task orchestration | Task orchestration | |
UpdateTaskFlowConstants | UpdateTaskFlowConstants | Updates the constants for a specified task flow. |
DeleteTaskFlow | DeleteTaskFlow | Deletes a task flow. |
OfflineTaskFlow | OfflineTaskFlow | Unpublishes a published task flow in Data Management (DMS). |
ListTaskFlow | ListTaskFlow | Queries a list of task flows. |
GetTaskInstanceRelation | GetTaskInstanceRelation | Queries the task nodes of a task flow instance. |
ListTaskFlowInstance | ListTaskFlowInstance | Queries the execution records of a task flow. |
ListDAGVersions | ListDAGVersions | Queries the published versions of a task flow. |
ReDeployLhDagVersion | ReDeployLhDagVersion | Redeploys the published versions of a task flow. |
UpdateScenario | UpdateScenario | Updates the name and description of the business scenario for a specified task flow. |
ResumeTaskFlowInstance | ResumeTaskFlowInstance | Resumes a suspended task flow instance. |
UpdateTaskContent | UpdateTaskContent | Updates tasks in a task flow. |
ListTaskFlowsByPage | ListTaskFlowsByPage | Queries the details of task flows by page. |
ListScenarios | ListScenarios | Queries business scenarios. |
UpdateTaskConfig | UpdateTaskConfig | Updates the advanced configuration of a task node. |
ListTaskFlowConstants | ListTaskFlowConstants | Queries the constants for a task flow. |
BackFill | BackFill | Backfills data for a task flow. |
UpdateTaskTimeVariables | UpdateTaskTimeVariables | Updates time variables for a task. |
ListTaskFlowTimeVariables | ListTaskFlowTimeVariables | Queries the time variables for a task flow. |
UpdateTaskFlowTimeVariables | UpdateTaskFlowTimeVariables | Updates the time variables for a task flow. |
UpdateTaskFlowCooperators | UpdateTaskFlowCooperators | Updates the IDs of the users that are involved in a task flow. |
CreateScenario | CreateScenario | Creates a business scenario to group task flows by business scenario. |
DeleteScenario | DeleteScenario | Deletes a business scenario. |
UpdateSLARules | UpdateSLARules | Updates the timeout reminder for the service level agreement (SLA) rules of a task flow. |
GetRuleNumLimitOfSLA | GetRuleNumLimitOfSLA | Queries the maximum number of custom service-level agreement (SLA) rules for task orchestration. |
GetIntervalLimitOfSLA | GetIntervalLimitOfSLA | Queries the minimum scheduling cycle of a task flow when a service level agreement (SLA) timeout rule is configured for the task flow. |
ListDefaultSLARules | ListDefaultSLARules | Queries the default service level agreement (SLA) timeout rules. |
ListTaskFlowCooperators | ListTaskFlowCooperators | Queries a list of users that are involved in a task flow. |
ListSLARules | ListSLARules | Queries the custom service level agreement (SLA) rules of a task flow. |
GetTask | GetTask | Queries the configurations, including time variables, of a specified task node based on the task node ID. |
MoveTaskFlowToScenario | MoveTaskFlowToScenario | Migrates a task flow to a specified business scenario. |
GetTaskFlowNotification | GetTaskFlowNotification | Queries the notification settings for task flows. |
UpdateTaskName | UpdateTaskName | Updates the name of a specified task. |
UpdateTaskOutput | UpdateTaskOutput | Updates the output variables for a task node. |
DeleteTaskFlowEdgesByCondition | DeleteTaskFlowEdgesByCondition | Deletes task flow edges based on multiple conditions. |
ListTaskFlowEdgesByCondition | ListTaskFlowEdgesByCondition | Queries the edges of the directed acyclic graph (DAG) for a task flow based on multiple conditions. |
AddTaskFlowEdges | AddTaskFlowEdges | Creates directed edges for the existing task nodes of a task flow. |
UpdateTaskFlowNameAndDesc | UpdateTaskFlowNameAndDesc | Updates the name and description of a task flow. |
GetTaskFlowGraph | GetTaskFlowGraph | Queries the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of a task flow. |
UpdateTaskFlowEdges | UpdateTaskFlowEdges | Updates the start node and end node of multiple edges at a time for a task flow. |
UpdateTaskFlowOwner | UpdateTaskFlowOwner | Changes the owner of a task flow. |
UpdateTaskFlowSchedule | UpdateTaskFlowSchedule | Updates the scheduling properties for a task flow. |
UpdateTaskFlowRelations | UpdateTaskFlowRelations | Fully updates the edges of a task flow. |
UpdateTaskFlowNotification | UpdateTaskFlowNotification | Updates the notification settings for a task flow. |
ListTasksInTaskFlow | ListTasksInTaskFlow | Queries the tasks in a specified task flow. |
CreateTaskFlow | CreateTaskFlow | Creates a task flow. |
SuspendTaskFlowInstance | SuspendTaskFlowInstance | Suspends a task flow instance. |
ReRunTaskFlowInstance | ReRunTaskFlowInstance | Reruns a task flow instance. |
MakeTaskFlowInstanceSuccess | MakeTaskFlowInstanceSuccess | Sets the status of a task flow to "Successful". |
DeleteTask | DeleteTask | Deletes a task in a specified task flow. |
PublishAndDeployTaskFlow | PublishAndDeployTaskFlow | Publishes and deploys a task flow. |
StopTaskFlowInstance | StopTaskFlowInstance | Stops a task flow instance. |
CreateTask | CreateTask | Creates a task node for a task flow. |
Data warehouse development | Data warehouse development | |
CreateLakeHouseSpace | CreateLakeHouseSpace | Creates a workspace for data warehouse development in Data Management (DMS). |
GetLhSpaceByName | GetLhSpaceByName | Queries the information about a workspace based on the workspace name in Data Management (DMS). |
DeleteLakeHouseSpace | DeleteLakeHouseSpace | Deletes a workspace. |
ListLhTaskFlowAndScenario | ListLhTaskFlowAndScenario | Queries the information about task flows in the business scenarios of a workspace in Data Management (DMS). |
AddLhMembers | AddLhMembers | Adds a workspace administrator, a workspace member, or a task flow developer in Data Management (DMS). |
DeleteLhMembers | DeleteLhMembers | Removes a workspace member or a task flow developer in Data Management (DMS). |
ChangeLhDagOwner | ChangeLhDagOwner | Transfers the ownership of a task flow in a workspace of Data Management (DMS). |
API | Title | Description |
ListEffectiveOrders | ListEffectiveOrders | Queries valid orders. |
RefundPayAsYouGoOrder | RefundPayAsYouGoOrder | Unsubscribes from a pay-as-you-go Data Management (DMS) resource. |