This guide provides detailed operation procedures of Alibaba Cloud DirectMail.
Region Explanation
The domain names and sending addresses of different regions cannot communicate with each other. A sending address created in one region can only send letters through Console, API, or SMTP service of the corresponding region.
Sending Preparation
Before you send emails using DirectMail service, you must complete some necessary configurations in the DirectMail Console:
Email domains are the “identity” of emails you send. You must set up a domain for your account.
Sender addresses are the “From” addresses in emails. You can set an SMTP password for a sender address to enable the SMTP email send feature for the address.
Email tags are used to classify email batches.
Recipient lists are used when you send batch emails using the DirectMail console or the API: BatchSendMail.
Email templates are used when you send batch emails using the DirectMail console or the API: BatchSendMail.
Set up asynchronous notifications.
Asynchronous notifications provide you with the delivery results.
IP protection can enhance the security when sending emails using SMTP and APIs.
Sending Emails
Three methods for sending emails: