DataWorks Data Integration provides MetaQ Reader for you to read data from Message Queue. This topic describes the capabilities of synchronizing data from MetaQ data sources.

Supported MetaQ versions

MetaQ Reader subscribes to real-time data from Message Queue by using Message Queue SDK for Java of the following version:


Data types

The following table provides the support status of main data types in MetaQ.
Data typeMetaQ Reader for batch data read
Data typeMetaQ Reader for batch data read
The following table lists the data type mappings based on which MetaQ Reader converts data types.
Data Integration data typeMessage Queue data type
Data Integration data typeMessage Queue data type

Develop a data synchronization node

Appendix: Code and parameters

Appendix: Configure a batch synchronization node by using the code editor

If you use the code editor to configure a batch synchronization node, you must configure parameters for the reader and writer of the related data source based on the format requirements in the code editor. For more information about the format requirements, see Configure a batch synchronization node by using the code editor. The following information describes the configuration details of parameters for the reader and writer in the code editor.

Code for MetaQ Reader

    "job": {
        "content": [
                "reader": {
                    "name": "metaqreader",
                    "parameter": {
                        "accessId": "<yourAccessKeyId>",
                        "accessKey": "<yourAccessKeySecret>",
                        "consumerId": "Test01",
                        "topicName": "test",
                        "subExpression": "*",
                        "onsChannel": "ALIYUN",
                        "domainName": "***",
                        "contentType": "singlestringcolumn",
                        "beginOffset": "lastRead",
                        "nullCurrentOffset": "begin",
                        "fieldDelimiter": ",",
                        "column": [
                        "fieldDelimiter": ","
                "writer": {
                    "name": "streamwriter",
                    "parameter": {
                        "print": false

Parameters in code for MetaQ Reader

accessIdThe AccessKey ID that you use to access Message Queue. Yes
accessKeyThe AccessKey secret that you use to access Message Queue. Yes
consumerIdThe consumer ID. A consumer is also known as a message subscriber, which receives and consumes messages.

The consumer ID is the identifier of a type of consumer. In most cases, the consumers that have the same consumer ID receive and consume the same type of message and use the same consumption logic.

topicNameThe topic of the messages that you want to consume. A topic is used to classify messages. It is the primary classifier. Yes
subExpressionThe subtopic of the messages. Yes
onsChannelThe channel that is used for authentication when MetaQ Reader connects to Message Queue. Yes
unitNameThe destination unit that receives messages. Valid values:
  • sh: center
  • unsz: unit in the China (Shenzhen) region
  • us: United States of America
  • en-us: Europe
  • rg-ru: Russia
  • zbyk: Youku in the China (Zhangjiakou) region
  • unzbyun: Alibaba Cloud in the China (Zhangjiakou) region
  • unshyun: Alibaba Cloud in the China (Shanghai) region
  • lazada-sg: Lazada in Singapore
  • lazada-my: Lazada in Malaysia
  • lazada-vn: Lazada in Vietnam
  • lazada-ph: Lazada in Philippines
  • lazada-th: Lazada in Thailand
  • lazada-id: Lazada in Indonesia
instanceNameThe name of the consumer instance. No
domainNameThe endpoint that you use to connect to Message Queue. Yes
contentTypeThe type of the messages. Valid values: singlestringcolumn, text, and json. Yes
beginOffsetThe offset from which MetaQ Reader starts to read data. Valid values: begin and lastRead. No
nullCurrentOffsetThe offset from which MetaQ Reader starts to read data if the last offset is null. Valid values: begin and current. Yes
fieldDelimiterThe column delimiter that is used to separate message strings, such as commas (,). Control characters are supported. Example: \u0001. Yes
columnThe names of the fields from which you want to read data in the messages. Yes
beginDateTimeThe start time of data consumption. This parameter specifies the left boundary of a left-closed, right-open interval.

The value of the beginDateTime parameter is a time string in the yyyyMMddHHmmss format. This parameter can be used together with the scheduling parameters in DataWorks.

The beginDateTime and endDateTime parameters must be used in pairs.
endDateTimeThe end time of data consumption. This parameter specifies the right boundary of a left-closed, right-open interval.

The value of the endDateTime parameter is a time string in the yyyyMMddHHmmss format. This parameter can be used together with the scheduling parameters in DataWorks.