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Member permission management

Updated at: 2024-12-04 08:47

DataWorks provides a comprehensive permission management system for you to manage product-level permissions and module-level permissions. The module-level permissions are classified into permissions to perform operations in the DataWorks console and permissions to use DataWorks service modules. DataWorks allows you to use RAM policies to manage product-level permissions and the permissions to perform operations in the DataWorks console. DataWorks also allows you to use role-based access control (RBAC) to manage permissions on service modules. This topic describes the DataWorks permission management system.


The following figure shows the structure of the DataWorks permission management system based on management granularities.


Permission management method

Authorization method

Effective scope in DataWorks


Permission management method

Authorization method

Effective scope in DataWorks


RAM policy-based authorization

Attach a policy to a user (RAM user or RAM role) to grant the user the permissions that are defined in the policy.

  • User: A user can be a RAM user or a RAM role.

  • Policy: A policy can be a built-in policy or a custom policy.

  • Product-level permissions: Manage DataWorks, purchase resources, and activate DataWorks services. For example, you can activate DataWorks services of an advanced edition.

  • Module-level permissions: Manage workspaces, resource groups, and alert contacts in the DataWorks console.

RAM policy-based authorization


Assign a role to a user (RAM user or RAM role) to authorize the user to perform operations in specific DataWorks service modules.

  • User: A user can be a RAM user or a RAM role.

  • Role: A role can be a workspace-level or global-level role.

  • Permission: Permissions to access and use DataWorks workspace-level service modules and permissions to access and manage DataWorks global-level service modules.

  • DataWorks global-level service modules

  • DataWorks workspace-level service modules


This topic describes the basic information about the DataWorks permission management system. For information about fine-grained permission management for users in different scenarios, see Best practices for managing permissions of RAM users.


By default, Alibaba Cloud accounts and RAM users to which the AdministratorAccess policy is attached have higher permissions.

Product-level permission management

DataWorks allows you to use RAM policies to manage product-level permissions. You can attach a built-in policy or a custom policy to a RAM user to implement DataWorks permission management.

Permission management method

Operation type



Permission management method

Operation type



RAM policy-based authorization


You can attach the following system policies that are provided by DataWorks to RAM users:

  • AliyunDataWorksFullAccess. After this policy is attached to a RAM user, the RAM user can manage DataWorks services on behalf of the Alibaba Cloud account, but the RAM user cannot purchase services.

  • AliyunBSSOrderAccess. After this policy is attached to a RAM user, the RAM user can perform various operations in the DataWorks console. For example, the RAM user can purchase resources, activate services, or renew a service.

Use system policies and custom policies to manage permissions on the DataWorks services


You can create a custom policy and attach the policy to a specified RAM user. Permission management scope:

  • Prohibit RAM users from performing operations in DataWorks.

  • Prohibit RAM users from calling API operations.

  • Prohibit RAM users from accessing DataWorks service modules.

Module-level permission management: Permissions to perform operations in the DataWorks console

DataWorks allows you to use RAM policies to manage the permissions to perform operations in the DataWorks console.

Permission management method

Managed entity



Permission management method

Managed entity



RAM policy-based authorization


You can perform various operations such as creating, disabling, or deleting a workspace on the Workspaces page.

Use custom policies to manage permissions on the entities in the DataWorks console in a fine-grained manner

Exclusive resource group

You can perform various operations such as creating an exclusive resource group and configuring the network of the exclusive resource group on the Resource Groups page.


You can perform various operations such as configuring information about an alert contact on the Alerts page.

Module-level permission management: Permissions to use DataWorks service modules

DataWorks service modules are classified into global- and workspace-level service modules based on their usage scope. DataWorks provides global- and workspace-level roles that you can use to manage permissions on the global- and workspace-level service modules. For more information, see Appendix 1: Division of global-level roles and workspace-level roles. DataWorks allows you to use RBAC to manage permissions on service modules.

Permission management method

Managed entity



Permission management method

Managed entity




Workspace-level service modules

  • Allow a user to perform operations in workspace-level service modules. After a user (RAM user or RAM role) is assigned a workspace-level role, the user is authorized to perform operations in specific DataWorks workspace-level service modules.

  • Prohibit a user from accessing specific workspace-level service modules, such as the data development module DataStudio.


DataWorks provides built-in workspace-level roles that are granted fixed permissions. DataWorks also allows you to create custom workspace-level roles.

Manage permissions on workspace-level services

Global-level service modules

  • Allow a user to perform operations in global-level service modules. After a user (RAM user or RAM role) is assigned a global-level role, the user is authorized to perform operations in specific DataWorks global-level service modules.

  • Prohibit a user from accessing specific global-level service modules, such as Data Map or Data Security Guard.


DataWorks provides built-in global-level roles. DataWorks also allows you to create custom global-level roles to control whether a specific role has the data read and write permissions on a specific global-level service module.

Manage permissions on global-level services

Appendix 1: Division of global-level roles and workspace-level roles

DataWorks provides built-in global-level and workspace-level roles. You can assign these built-in roles to users to grant the users the required permissions on specific service modules. You can also create custom global-level or workspace-level roles based on your business requirements. The following figure shows the relationship among users, roles, and permissions.RBAC权限模型

  • Among all types of roles, only the tenant administrator role, which is a global-level role, has permissions on all service modules.

  • The tenant member role is automatically assigned to all RAM users that belong to an Alibaba Cloud account.

  • A custom global-level role has a higher permission priority than the tenant member role.

For example, RAM User A that belongs to an Alibaba Cloud account is automatically assigned the tenant member role, and can access Data Map. If the tenant administrator creates a custom global-level role that does not have permissions on Data Map, and assigns the custom global-level role to RAM User A, RAM User A cannot access Data Map.

Appendix 2: Distinguish between workspace-level service modules and global-level service modules

If a drop-down list from which you can select a workspace is displayed after you enter a page of a service module, the module is a workspace-level service module. For example, Data Integration and DataStudio are workspace-level service modules.DataStudio

If no drop-down list from which you can select a workspace is displayed after you enter a page of a service module, the module is a global-level module. For example, Data Security Guard and Data Map are global-level service modules.数据地图

  • On this page (1, M)
  • Overview
  • Precautions
  • Product-level permission management
  • Module-level permission management: Permissions to perform operations in the DataWorks console
  • Module-level permission management: Permissions to use DataWorks service modules
  • Appendix 1: Division of global-level roles and workspace-level roles
  • Appendix 2: Distinguish between workspace-level service modules and global-level service modules
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