If a large number of nodes must be run in parallel, exclusive computing resources are required to ensure that the nodes are run as scheduled. In this case, we recommend that you use exclusive resource groups for scheduling. This topic provides an overview of an exclusive resource group for scheduling.
- You have a high requirement for the timeliness of data output. If you use the shared resource group for scheduling, node scheduling may be delayed due to resource preemption.
- You want to adjust the size of a resource group.
- You want to access a data source that is deployed on the Internet, in a virtual private cloud (VPC), or in a data center.
- You want to control access to a data source by using an IP address whitelist.
- Specific types of DataWorks nodes, such as E-MapReduce (EMR) nodes, CDH nodes, AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL nodes, and AnalyticDB for MySQL nodes, can be run by using only exclusive resource groups.
- An exclusive resource group for scheduling is charged based on the subscription billing method. You cannot delete or release an exclusive resource group for scheduling before the resource group expires. An exclusive resource group for scheduling is suspended and released at the specified points in time after it expires.
- An exclusive resource group for scheduling cannot be shared across regions. For example, an exclusive resource group for scheduling in the China (Shanghai) region can be used only by workspaces in the China (Shanghai) region.
- You can purchase a maximum of 20 Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances for each exclusive resource group, and the ECS instances must be of the same specifications.
- You cannot run a yum command on an exclusive resource group for scheduling.
Performance metrics
Specifications | Maximum number of parallel instances |
4c8g | 16 |
8c16g | 32 |
12c24g | 48 |
16c32g | 64 |
24c48g | 96 |
Billing and related operations
(1) Billing
An exclusive resource group for scheduling is charged based on the subscription billing method. You can purchase an exclusive resource group for scheduling of appropriate specifications based on your business requirements. For more information, see Billing of exclusive resource groups for scheduling (subscription).
(2) Scaling
You can purchase an exclusive resource group for scheduling based on your business requirements. When you purchase an exclusive resource group for scheduling, you can specify the specifications and number of ECS instances that you need to use. After the purchase is complete, you can scale out or scale in the resource group. For more information about how to scale out and scale in a resource group, see Scale out or in a resource group.
(3) Specification change (specification upgrade or downgrade)
If the specifications of your exclusive resource group for scheduling no longer meet your business requirements, you can change the specifications of the resource group. After you change the specifications of the resource group, the specifications of all ECS instances in the resource group are changed. For more information about how to change the specifications of a resource group and the related precautions, see Change the specifications of a resource group.
(4) Renewal, suspension, and release of an exclusive resource group for scheduling
You can renew an exclusive resource group for scheduling when the resource group is about to expire. If you do not renew the resource group before it expires, the resource group is suspended upon expiration and automatically released. For more information, see Expiration and renewal.
Use an exclusive resource group for scheduling
- Create an exclusive resource group for scheduling.
- Associate the exclusive resource group for scheduling with a workspace.
- (Optional) Associate the exclusive resource group for scheduling with a VPC.
- (Optional) Add the EIP of the exclusive resource group for scheduling or the CIDR block of the vSwitch with which the resource group is associated to the IP address whitelist of the data source that the resource group needs to access.
- Use the created exclusive resource group for scheduling.
Network connectivity solutions
- Network connectivity solutions
Network environment Network connectivity solution The data source is deployed on the Internet. The exclusive resource group for Data Integration that is deployed in a VPC can directly access the data source. The data source is deployed in a VPC and resides in the same region as the exclusive resource group for Data Integration. We recommend that you associate the exclusive resource group for Data Integration with the VPC in which the data source is deployed and with a vSwitch that belongs to the VPC. Then, the system adds a route for the exclusive resource group for Data Integration. This way, the exclusive resource group for Data Integration can access the data source. The data source is deployed in a VPC and resides in a different region from the exclusive resource group for Data Integration. Use Express Connect circuits or VPN gateways to connect the data source to the VPC with which the exclusive resource group for Data Integration is associated, and add a route that points to the IP address of the database you want to access to ensure the network connection between the data source and resource group. The data source is deployed in a data center. Use Express Connect circuits or VPN gateways to connect the data source to the VPC with which the exclusive resource group for Data Integration is associated, and add a route that points to the IP address of the database you want to access to ensure the network connection between the data source and resource group. The data source is deployed in the classic network. Exclusive resource groups are deployed in VPCs of Alibaba Cloud. If your data source is deployed in the classic network of Alibaba Cloud, your exclusive resource group cannot access the data source. In this case, we recommend that you migrate the data source to the VPC in which your exclusive resource group is deployed. - Whitelist settings
If an IP address whitelist is configured for the data source that you want to access, you must add the EIP of your exclusive resource group for Data Integration or the CIDR block of the vSwitch with which the resource group is associated to the whitelist. For more information, see Add the EIP or CIDR block of an exclusive resource group for Data Integration to the whitelist of a data source.
For information about FAQ about exclusive resource groups, see Exclusive resource groups.