The asset search feature allows you to quickly retrieve the assets to be used based on the asset name. This improves the efficiency of visual application development. This topic describes the asset search feature of DataV.


A visualization application project is created. For more information, see Use a template to create a a project.

Background information

Currently, you can only search for component assets in the Assets panel.


  1. On the Projects page, click Edit above the project that you created.
  2. On the Canvas Editor page, click the Supported business components icon in the upper-left corner to expand the Components list.
    In the Components section, the All Available Components section is displayed. Widgets pane
  3. In the Search for Components field below All Available Components, enter the name of the component that you want to search for.

    After the input is completed, the system automatically searches for components that meet the specified conditions (fuzzy match is supported) and displays them in the Components section.

    Search for a widget