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Database Autonomy Service:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Dec 23, 2024
This product(DAS/2020-01-16) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Connect to instances

AddHDMInstanceAddHDMInstanceAdds a database instance to Database Autonomy Service (DAS).

Inspection and scoring

GetInstanceInspectionsGetInstanceInspectionsQueries the result of an inspection that is performed on a database instance by using the inspection and scoring feature.

Event notification

SetEventSubscriptionSetEventSubscriptionConfigures the event subscription settings for a database instance.
GetEventSubscriptionGetEventSubscriptionQueries the event subscription settings of a database instance.
GetAutonomousNotifyEventContentGetAutonomousNotifyEventContentQueries the details of notification events of a database instance.
GetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeGetAutonomousNotifyEventsInRangeQueries the notification events of one or more urgency levels within a period.

Diagnostic report

CreateDiagnosticReportCreateDiagnosticReportCreates a diagnostic report.
DescribeDiagnosticReportListDescribeDiagnosticReportListQueries diagnostics reports.
GetDBInstanceConnectivityDiagnosisGetDBInstanceConnectivityDiagnosisQueries the diagnosis of network connectivity when a user accesses a specific database instance by specifying an IP address.

Cache analysis

CreateCacheAnalysisJobCreateCacheAnalysisJobCreates a cache analysis task.
DescribeCacheAnalysisJobDescribeCacheAnalysisJobQueries the details of a cache analysis task.
DescribeCacheAnalysisJobsDescribeCacheAnalysisJobsQueries a list of cache analysis tasks.

SQL throttling

EnableSqlConcurrencyControlEnableSqlConcurrencyControlEnables SQL throttling to control the numbers of database access requests and concurrent SQL statements.
DisableSqlConcurrencyControlDisableSqlConcurrencyControlDisables a throttling rule.
DisableAllSqlConcurrencyControlRulesDisableAllSqlConcurrencyControlRulesDisables all throttling rules that are in effect.
GetRunningSqlConcurrencyControlRulesGetRunningSqlConcurrencyControlRulesQueries the throttling rules that are in effect.
GetSqlConcurrencyControlRulesHistoryGetSqlConcurrencyControlRulesHistoryQueries the throttling rules that are being executed or have been triggered.
GetSqlConcurrencyControlKeywordsFromSqlTextGetSqlConcurrencyControlKeywordsFromSqlTextGenerates a throttling keyword string based on an SQL statement.

SQL diagnostics

CreateRequestDiagnosisCreateRequestDiagnosisInitiates an SQL statement diagnostics request.
GetRequestDiagnosisResultGetRequestDiagnosisResultQueries the results of an SQL diagnostics task.
GetRequestDiagnosisPageGetRequestDiagnosisPageQueries SQL diagnostics records by pages.

Intelligent stress testing

CreateCloudBenchTasksCreateCloudBenchTasksCreates stress testing tasks.
RunCloudBenchTaskRunCloudBenchTaskRuns a stress testing task.
DeleteCloudBenchTaskDeleteCloudBenchTaskDeletes a stress testing task.
DeleteStopGatewayDeleteStopGatewayDeletes the metadata of a stopped DBGateway.
DescribeCloudbenchTaskConfigDescribeCloudbenchTaskConfigQueries the configurations of a stress testing task.
DescribeCloudbenchTaskDescribeCloudbenchTaskQueries a stress testing task.
DescribeCloudBenchTasksDescribeCloudBenchTasksQueries stress testing tasks.

Key analysis

DescribeHotBigKeysDescribeHotBigKeysQueries the hot keys and the large keys in the memory in real time.
DescribeTopHotKeysDescribeTopHotKeysQueries the top 100 hotkeys over a period of time.
DescribeTopBigKeysDescribeTopBigKeysQueries the top 100 large keys over a period of time.
DescribeHotKeysDescribeHotKeysQueries the hot keys of an ApsaraDB for Redis instance.

Query governance

CreateQueryOptimizeTagCreateQueryOptimizeTagAdds a tag to a SQL template.
GetQueryOptimizeExecErrorStatsGetQueryOptimizeExecErrorStatsQueries SQL templates that failed to be executed.
GetQueryOptimizeExecErrorSampleGetQueryOptimizeExecErrorSampleQueries the failed SQL statements under a SQL template.
GetQueryOptimizeSolutionGetQueryOptimizeSolutionQueries suggestions provided by query governance for optimizing an SQL template.
GetQueryOptimizeRuleListGetQueryOptimizeRuleListQueries the tags added by the query governance feature to specified database instances.
GetQueryOptimizeDataTrendGetQueryOptimizeDataTrendQueries query governance trend data.
GetQueryOptimizeDataTopGetQueryOptimizeDataTopQueries information about the best-performing and worst-performing instances based on query governance data.
GetQueryOptimizeDataStatsGetQueryOptimizeDataStatsQueries information about SQL templates based on query governance data.
GetQueryOptimizeTagGetQueryOptimizeTagQueries the tags of a SQL statement.
GetQueryOptimizeShareUrlGetQueryOptimizeShareUrlQueries a share URL provided by the query governance feature.

SQL explorer

GetErrorRequestSampleGetErrorRequestSampleAsynchronously queries information about failed SQL queries in SQL Explorer data. You can query up to 20 failed SQL queries within the specific time range.
GetAsyncErrorRequestStatResultGetAsyncErrorRequestStatResultAsynchronously obtains the number of failed executions of SQL templates based on SQL Explorer data.
GetAsyncErrorRequestListByCodeGetAsyncErrorRequestListByCodeAsynchronously queries the IDs of SQL statements that generate a MySQL error code in the SQL Explorer results of a database instance.
GetAsyncErrorRequestStatByCodeGetAsyncErrorRequestStatByCodeAsynchronously queries the MySQL error codes in SQL Explorer data and the number of SQL queries corresponding to each error code.
GetFullRequestOriginStatByInstanceIdGetFullRequestOriginStatByInstanceIdCollects the full request statistics in the SQL Explorer results of a database instance by access source.
GetFullRequestStatResultByInstanceIdGetFullRequestStatResultByInstanceIdAsynchronously collects the full request statistics in the SQL Explorer results of a database instance by SQL ID.
GetFullRequestSampleByInstanceIdGetFullRequestSampleByInstanceIdQueries sample SQL statements in the SQL Explorer data of a database instance by SQL ID. You can query up to 20 sample SQL statements.

Manage DAS professional edition

DescribeSqlLogConfigDescribeSqlLogConfigQueries the configurations of Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition that is enabled for a database instance.
ModifySqlLogConfigModifySqlLogConfigEnables or configures Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition for a database instance.
DescribeSqlLogStatisticDescribeSqlLogStatisticQueries the statistics of Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition.
GetDasSQLLogHotDataGetDasSQLLogHotDataQueries the hot data of audit logs.
CreateSqlLogTaskCreateSqlLogTaskCreates an offline task for Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition.
DescribeSqlLogTaskDescribeSqlLogTaskQueries the details of an offline task in Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition.
DescribeSqlLogTasksDescribeSqlLogTasksQueries the audit log tasks of a database instance.

Session management

GetRedisAllSessionGetRedisAllSessionQueries the current session on an ApsaraDB for Redis instance.
GetMongoDBCurrentOpGetMongoDBCurrentOpQueries the current sessions of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB (MongoDB) instance.
KillInstanceAllSessionKillInstanceAllSessionTerminates all sessions on an instance.
CreateKillInstanceSessionTaskCreateKillInstanceSessionTaskCreates a task that terminates sessions.
GetKillInstanceSessionTaskResultGetKillInstanceSessionTaskResultQueries the results of a task that terminates sessions.
GetMySQLAllSessionAsyncGetMySQLAllSessionAsyncAsynchronously queries the sessions of an instance and collects statistics on the sessions based on dimensions.

Storage analysis

CreateStorageAnalysisTaskCreateStorageAnalysisTaskCreates a storage analysis task to query the usage details of one or more databases and tables.
GetStorageAnalysisResultGetStorageAnalysisResultQueries the status and results of a storage analysis task.
GetAutoIncrementUsageStatisticGetAutoIncrementUsageStatisticQueries the usage of auto-increment table IDs.

Lock optimization

GetDeadLockDetailListGetDeadLockDetailListQueries the deadlock details of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.
GetBlockingDetailListGetBlockingDetailListQueries the blocking data of an ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance.

Index diagnosis

GetInstanceMissingIndexListGetInstanceMissingIndexListQueries the details of all missing indexes of an instance.

Automatic SQL throttling

UpdateAutoThrottleRulesAsyncUpdateAutoThrottleRulesAsyncAsynchronously configures parameters related to the automatic SQL throttling feature for multiple database instances at a time.
DisableAutoThrottleRulesDisableAutoThrottleRulesDisables the automatic SQL throttling feature for multiple database instances at a time.
GetAutoThrottleRulesGetAutoThrottleRulesQueries the automatic SQL throttling rules of a database instance.

Automatic SQL optimization

UpdateAutoSqlOptimizeStatusUpdateAutoSqlOptimizeStatusEnables, modifies, or disables the automatic SQL optimization feature for multiple database instances at a time.
GetSqlOptimizeAdviceGetSqlOptimizeAdviceQueries optimization suggestions that are generated by the SQL diagnostics feature of Database Autonomy Service (DAS).
GetInstanceSqlOptimizeStatisticGetInstanceSqlOptimizeStatisticQueries statistics on automatic SQL optimization events within a period of time, such as the total number of optimization events and the maximum improvement.

Automatic space optimization

UpdateAutoResourceOptimizeRulesAsyncUpdateAutoResourceOptimizeRulesAsyncAsynchronously configures parameters related to the automatic fragment recycling feature for multiple database instances at a time.
DisableAutoResourceOptimizeRulesDisableAutoResourceOptimizeRulesDisables the automatic tablespace fragment recycling feature for database instances at a time.
GetAutoResourceOptimizeRulesGetAutoResourceOptimizeRulesQueries the automatic fragment recycling rules of database instances.

Auto scaling

ModifyAutoScalingConfigModifyAutoScalingConfigModifies the auto scaling configurations of an instance.
DescribeAutoScalingConfigDescribeAutoScalingConfigQueries the configurations of the auto scaling feature for an instance.
DescribeAutoScalingHistoryDescribeAutoScalingHistoryQueries the auto scaling history of an instance.
DisableInstanceDasConfigDisableInstanceDasConfigDisables the auto scaling feature for a database instance.


GetPartitionsHeatmapGetPartitionsHeatmapQueries access frequency statistics and hot data on partitions of a PolarDB-X 2.0 instance.

New performance insight

GetPfsSqlSampleGetPfsSqlSampleQueries the SQL sample data for the new version of the performance insight feature of a database instance.
GetPfsMetricTrendsGetPfsMetricTrendsQueries the trend of a metric for the new version of the performance insight feature of a database instance.
GetPfsSqlSummariesGetPfsSqlSummariesQueries the full request data generated by the new version of the performance insight feature of a database instance based on the SQL ID.


DescribeSqlLogRecordsDescribeSqlLogRecordsQueries the log details of a database instance for which Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition is enabled.
EnableDasProEnableDasProActivates Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Professional Edition.
DisableDasProDisableDasProDeactivates Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Professional Edition.
DescribeInstanceDasProDescribeInstanceDasProQueries whether Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition V1 or V2 is enabled for a database instance.
GetDasProServiceUsageGetDasProServiceUsageQueries the storage usage of a database instance for which Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition V1 or V2 is enabled.