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Content Moderation:Introduction to Image Moderation 2.0 and its billing method

Last Updated:Dec 17, 2024

This topic describes the features and billing method of Image Moderation 2.0.

1. Introduction to Image Moderation 2.0

Feature introduction

You can call the Image Moderation 2.0 API to identify whether an image contains content or elements that violate relevant regulations on network content dissemination, affect the content order on a specific platform, or impact the user experience. Image Moderation 2.0 supports over 40 content risk labels and over 40 risk control items. Image Moderation 2.0 of Content Moderation allows you to develop further moderation or governance measures for specific image content based on business scenarios, platform-specific content governance rules, or rich risk labels and scores of confidence levels returned by API calls.

Version comparison

Compared with Image Moderation 1.0, Image Moderation 2.0 provides more risk types and richer risk labels, and supports more flexible console configurations.

Comparison item

Image Moderation 2.0

Image Moderation 1.0

Default QPS



Supported scope of risk moderation

  • Common baseline moderation: moderates pornographic content (including pornographic text in images), suggestive content, terrorist content (including terrorism text in images), prohibited content (including prohibited text in images), special flags, undesirable scenes, abusive content, and special elements.

  • AI-generated image identification: checks whether images are generated by AI.

Pornographic content, terrorist content, prohibited text in images, undesirable scenes, special logos, and QR codes.

Supported labels for risk moderation



For more information about returned labels, see Descriptions of risk labels.



For more information about returned labels, see label.


  1. Supports settings of moderation items.

  2. Supports settings of custom image libraries.

  3. Supports settings of custom term libraries.

  4. Supports replication of services (meeting multiple business needs).

  5. Supports query of moderation results within the last 30 days.


    For more information about features, see Console guide.

  1. Supports settings of moderation items.

  2. Supports settings of custom image libraries.

  3. Supports query of moderation results within the last 7 days.

Supported image formats




You are charged by service. Each service detects multiple risks simultaneously.

Fees = Number of moderated images × Number of services

You are separately charged for the following services:

  • Common baseline moderation

  • AI-generated image identification

You are charged based on risk scenes.

Fees = Number of moderated images × Number of risk scenes

You are separately charged based on the following risk scenes:

  • Pornographic content

  • Terrorist content

  • Prohibited text in images

  • Undesirable scenes

  • Special logos

  • QR codes

Service description

The following table describes the services supported by Image Moderation 2.0.



Content to be moderated

Use scenario

Common scenarios

Common baseline moderation (baselineCheck_global)

Risky content in images including graphic content and text content, such as pornographic content, suggestive content, terrorist content, prohibited content, special flags, undesirable content, abusive content, and special elements (Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Malay, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Arabic, Filipino, Hindi, Turkish, Russian, Italian, and Dutch are supported). For more information about the items that can be moderated, see the Content Moderation console.

To detect prohibited or inappropriate content in images. We recommend that you perform moderation on all images that are accessible over the Internet.

AI-generated content (AIGC) scenarios

AI-generated image identification (aigcDetector_global)

This service checks whether images specified in service calls are generated by AI.

To check whether images are generated by AI in various scenarios. We recommend that you use this service when you need to identify sources of images. For more information, see AI-generated image identification service of Image Moderation 2.0.

2. Billing method


After you activate the Image Moderation 2.0 service, the default billing method is pay-as-you-go. You are not charged if you do not call the service. The following table describes the billing rules for Image Moderation 2.0.

Moderation type

Supported business scenario (service)

Unit price

Common image moderation (image_standard)

  • Common baseline moderation: baselineCheck_global

  • AI-generated image identification: aigcDetector_global

USD 0.6 per thousand calls


You are charged every time you call the common baseline moderation service. For example, you are charged USD 0.06 if you call the common baseline moderation service 100 times.


Bills for Content Moderation 2.0 in pay-as-you-go mode are generated every 24 hours. In the billing details, moderationType corresponds to the moderation type column in the preceding table. For more information, visit the Bill Details page.

3. Usage notes


You can call the Image Moderation 2.0 service by using SDKs or HTTP requests:

Operations in the console

  • We recommend that you modify the image moderation policy in the Content Moderation console before you use the Image Moderation 2.0 service for the first time.

  • You can modify the image moderation scope, configure differentiated policies for different services, configure custom image libraries and custom term libraries, view call results, and query service usage in the console.

For more information, see Console guide.