After you activate Cloud Config, you can view the list of resources aggregated from different cloud services that belong to your Alibaba Cloud account and are deployed across regions. You can also search for a resource and view the details of the resource.
Background information
Only cloud services and resource types that Cloud Config supports are displayed in the resource list. For more information, see Alibaba Cloud services and resource types supported by Cloud Config.
Log on to the Cloud Config console.
Optional. In the upper-left corner, select an account group.
This operation is required only if you are using a management account of a resource directory. Otherwise, you do not need to perform the operation.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
On the Global Resources page, you can view the following information about the resources.
Parameter | Description |
Resource ID / Resource Name | The unique ID and name of the resource. |
Resource Type | The type of the resource. A resource type is a category of resources, Example: Ecs Instance or Oss Bucket. |
Owner | The name and ID of the account to which the resource belongs. Note This parameter is displayed only on the tab of each account group. |
Tags | The tags attached to the resource. If no tag is attached to the resource, this parameter is empty. |
Region | The region in which the resource resides. Example: China (Hangzhou). |
Created At | The time when the resource was created. |
Resource Status | The status of the resource. Valid values: Active If the resource is available, Active is displayed. By default, the resource list displays the resources that are in the Active state. Deleted If a resource is deleted, Deleted is displayed in the resource list. You can set filter conditions to view the resources that are in the Deleted state.
Actions | The operations that you can perform on the resource. Find the resource on which you want to perform operations and click Manage in the Actions column. On the page that appears for you to manage the resource in the console of the corresponding Alibaba Cloud service, you can perform the required operations on the resource. Note This parameter is displayed only if Active is displayed in the Resource Status column. |