List of operations by function

Updated at: 2025-03-27 05:46
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Account Groups

CreateAggregatorCreateAggregatorCreates an account group.
UpdateAggregatorUpdateAggregatorThe management account or delegated administrator account of a resource directory can be used to modify the name and description of an account group. The management account or delegated administrator account can also be used to add or remove members from the account group.
DeleteAggregatorsDeleteAggregatorsThe management account or delegated administrator account of a resource directory can delete an account group.
ListAggregatorsListAggregatorsQueries all account groups within the current management account or delegated administrator account.
GetAggregatorGetAggregatorQueries the details of an account group. You can query the name, creation time, member, and type of an account group.


ListDiscoveredResourcesListDiscoveredResourcesObtains a list of resources aggregated across regions within an Alibaba Cloud account.
GetDiscoveredResourceGetDiscoveredResourceQueries the details of a specific resource.
ListResourceRelationsListResourceRelationsQueries a list of resources that associate with a specific resource.
GetResourceConfigurationTimelineGetResourceConfigurationTimelineQueries the configuration timeline of a resource.
GetResourceComplianceTimelineGetResourceComplianceTimelineQueries the compliance timeline of a resource. The compliance timeline of a resource indicates the compliance evaluation record of the resource. A compliance timeline includes points and the content on the compliance timeline.
ListResourcesByAdvancedSearchListResourcesByAdvancedSearchObtains resources based on the fields in the resource properties by using a SELECT statement.
CreateAdvancedSearchFileCreateAdvancedSearchFileCreates a downloadable resource file for the current Alibaba Cloud account.
GetAdvancedSearchFileGetAdvancedSearchFileObtains the last resource advanced search file that is generated within the current account. You can call this operation to obtain the URL of the resource advanced search file.
GenerateResourceInventoryGenerateResourceInventoryGenerates a resource inventory for global resources.
GetResourceInventoryGetResourceInventoryObtains the last resource inventory that is generated within the current Alibaba Cloud account.
GetDiscoveredResourceCountsGroupByRegionGetDiscoveredResourceCountsGroupByRegionQueries the statistics on resources by region.
GetDiscoveredResourceCountsGroupByResourceTypeGetDiscoveredResourceCountsGroupByResourceTypeQueries the statistics on resources by resource type.
GetResourceComplianceGroupByResourceTypeGetResourceComplianceGroupByResourceTypeQueries compliance evaluation results of resources based on a rule and displays the evaluation results grouped by resource type.
GetResourceComplianceGroupByRegionGetResourceComplianceGroupByRegionQueries compliance evaluation results of resources based on a rule and displays the evaluation results grouped by region.
ListAggregateDiscoveredResourcesListAggregateDiscoveredResourcesObtains a list of resources aggregated across regions within all member accounts of a specific account group.
GetAggregateDiscoveredResourceGetAggregateDiscoveredResourceQueries the details of a specific resource in an account group.
ListAggregateResourceRelationsListAggregateResourceRelationsQueries a list of the resources of a specific resource in an account group.
GetAggregateResourceConfigurationTimelineGetAggregateResourceConfigurationTimelineQueries the configuration timeline of a resource in an account group.
GetAggregateResourceComplianceTimelineGetAggregateResourceComplianceTimelineQueries the compliance timeline of a resource in an account group.
ListAggregateResourcesByAdvancedSearchListAggregateResourcesByAdvancedSearchObtains resources in a specific account group based on the fields in the resource properties by using a SELECT statement.
CreateAggregateAdvancedSearchFileCreateAggregateAdvancedSearchFileCreates a downloadable resource file for an account group.
GetAggregateAdvancedSearchFileGetAggregateAdvancedSearchFileObtains the most recently generated resource advanced search file within a specific account group.
GenerateAggregateResourceInventoryGenerateAggregateResourceInventoryGenerates a downloadable inventory for global resources in an account group.
GetAggregateResourceInventoryGetAggregateResourceInventoryObtains the last resource inventory that is generated on the Global Resources page within the current account group.
GetAggregateResourceCountsGroupByRegionGetAggregateResourceCountsGroupByRegionQueries the statistics on the resources in an account group by region.
GetAggregateResourceCountsGroupByResourceTypeGetAggregateResourceCountsGroupByResourceTypeQueries the statistics on the resources in an account group by resource type.
GetAggregateResourceComplianceGroupByRegionGetAggregateResourceComplianceGroupByRegionQueries the evaluation results grouped by resource type for an account group rule.
GetAggregateResourceComplianceGroupByResourceTypeGetAggregateResourceComplianceGroupByResourceTypeQueries the evaluation results grouped by resource type for an account group rule.
GetSupportedResourceRelationConfigGetSupportedResourceRelationConfigQueries the resource relationships supported by a resource type.
ListSupportedProductsListSupportedProductsQueries the cloud services and resource types that are supported by Cloud Config.


CreateConfigRuleCreateConfigRuleCreates a rule for the current account.
UpdateConfigRuleUpdateConfigRuleModifies the description, input parameters, and risk level of a rule.
ListConfigRulesListConfigRulesQueries the rules of the current account.
GetConfigRuleGetConfigRuleQueries the details of a rule.
ListConfigRuleEvaluationResultsListConfigRuleEvaluationResultsQueries the compliance evaluation results of resources based on a rule.
ListResourceEvaluationResultsListResourceEvaluationResultsQueries the compliance evaluation results of resources.
DeleteConfigRulesDeleteConfigRulesDeletes rules.
DeactiveConfigRulesDeactiveConfigRulesDisables a rule. After a rule is disabled, the resource in the rule is no longer evaluated. The compliance evaluation results before the rule is disabled are still displayed.
ActiveConfigRulesActiveConfigRulesEnables a rule in Cloud Config. After a rule is enabled, Cloud Config automatically evaluates the compliance of a resource based on the trigger mechanism of the rule.
StartConfigRuleEvaluationStartConfigRuleEvaluationRe-evaluates the compliance of resources based on a rule or based on all rules in a compliance package.
IgnoreEvaluationResultsIgnoreEvaluationResultsIgnores the evaluation results of some resources based on a specific rule. You can also specify a time period for ignoring the evaluation results. After the period elapses, the evaluation results of the resources based on the rule are automatically displayed.
RevertEvaluationResultsRevertEvaluationResultsRe-evaluates resources that are evaluated based on a rule after the evaluation results on some resources of an ignored rule are resumed.
GenerateConfigRulesReportGenerateConfigRulesReportGenerates a compliance evaluation report for a rule.
GetConfigRulesReportGetConfigRulesReportDownloads the compliance evaluation report in the Excel format to your on-premises machine. This allows you to assign tasks and modify incompliant resource configurations.
GetConfigRuleSummaryByRiskLevelGetConfigRuleSummaryByRiskLevelQueries the compliance summary based on the risk level of a rule.
GetResourceComplianceByConfigRuleGetResourceComplianceByConfigRuleQueries the compliance summary based on the compliance evaluation result of a rule.
GetComplianceSummaryGetComplianceSummaryQueries the summary of compliance statistics within the current account.
ListConfigRuleEvaluationStatisticsListConfigRuleEvaluationStatisticsQueries the statistics of compliance evaluation results of the current Alibaba Cloud account.
CreateAggregateConfigRuleCreateAggregateConfigRuleCreates a rule for an account group.
UpdateAggregateConfigRuleUpdateAggregateConfigRuleModifies the description, input parameters, and risk level of a rule in a specific account group.
ListAggregateConfigRulesListAggregateConfigRulesQueries a list of rules in an account group.
GetAggregateConfigRuleGetAggregateConfigRuleQueries the details of a rule in an account group.
ListAggregateConfigRuleEvaluationResultsListAggregateConfigRuleEvaluationResultsQueries the compliance evaluation results of resources based on a rule in an account group.
ListAggregateResourceEvaluationResultsListAggregateResourceEvaluationResultsQueries the compliance evaluation results of resources based on a rule in an account group.
DeleteAggregateConfigRulesDeleteAggregateConfigRulesDeletes one or more rules from an account group. You can delete a rule in the Cloud Config console. After you delete the rule, the configurations of the rule are deleted.
DeactiveAggregateConfigRulesDeactiveAggregateConfigRulesDisables one or more rules in an account group. After a rule is disabled, the resource in the rule is no longer evaluated. The compliance evaluation results before the rule is disabled are still displayed.
ActiveAggregateConfigRulesActiveAggregateConfigRulesEnables one or more rules in an account group. After a rule is enabled, the rule continues to automatically evaluate resources based on the trigger mechanism.
StartAggregateConfigRuleEvaluationStartAggregateConfigRuleEvaluationRe-evaluates the compliance of resources based on a rule or based on all rules in a compliance package in a specific account group.
IgnoreAggregateEvaluationResultsIgnoreAggregateEvaluationResultsIgnores the evaluation results of some resources in an account group based on a specific rule. You can also specify a time period for ignoring the evaluation results. After the period elapses, the evaluation results of the resources based on the rule are automatically displayed.
RevertAggregateEvaluationResultsRevertAggregateEvaluationResultsRe-evaluates resources that are evaluated based on a rule after the evaluation results on some resources of an ignored rule in an account group are resumed.
GenerateAggregateConfigRulesReportGenerateAggregateConfigRulesReportGenerates a compliance evaluation report for the rules in a specified account group.
GetAggregateConfigRulesReportGetAggregateConfigRulesReportDownloads the compliance evaluation report in the Excel format to your on-premises machine. This allows you to assign tasks and modify incompliant resource configurations.
GetAggregateConfigRuleSummaryByRiskLevelGetAggregateConfigRuleSummaryByRiskLevelQueries the summary of compliance evaluation results by rule risk level in an account group.
GetAggregateResourceComplianceByConfigRuleGetAggregateResourceComplianceByConfigRuleQueries compliance evaluation results based on the rules in a compliance package in an account group.
GetAggregateComplianceSummaryGetAggregateComplianceSummaryQueries the compliance statistics of an account group.
ListAggregateConfigRuleEvaluationStatisticsListAggregateConfigRuleEvaluationStatisticsQueries the statistics of compliance evaluation results of an account group.
CopyConfigRulesCopyConfigRulesReplicates rules.
ListManagedRulesListManagedRulesQueries a list of managed rules supported by Cloud Config.
GetManagedRuleGetManagedRuleQueries the details of a specific managed rule.
PutEvaluationsPutEvaluationsSubmits the evaluation results of a rule from Function Compute.
ListPreManagedRulesListPreManagedRulesQueries a list of evaluation rules supported by Cloud Config.
EvaluatePreConfigRulesEvaluatePreConfigRulesExecutes evaluation rules to evaluate resources.

Compliance Package

CreateCompliancePackCreateCompliancePackCreates a compliance package for the current account.
UpdateCompliancePackUpdateCompliancePackModifies the configurations of a specific compliance package in the current account.
ListCompliancePacksListCompliancePacksQueries a list of compliance packages.
GetCompliancePackGetCompliancePackQueries the details of a compliance package.
DeleteCompliancePacksDeleteCompliancePacksDeletes one or more compliance packages.
GenerateCompliancePackReportGenerateCompliancePackReportGenerates a compliance evaluation report based on a compliance package.
GetCompliancePackReportGetCompliancePackReportQueries the compliance evaluation report that is generated based on a compliance package.
GetConfigRuleComplianceByPackGetConfigRuleComplianceByPackQueries compliance evaluation results based on the rules in a compliance package.
GetResourceComplianceByPackGetResourceComplianceByPackQueries the compliance evaluation results of resources evaluated based on a compliance package.
AttachConfigRuleToCompliancePackAttachConfigRuleToCompliancePackAdds one or more rules to a compliance package.
DetachConfigRuleToCompliancePackDetachConfigRuleToCompliancePackRemoves one or more rules from a compliance package.
CreateAggregateCompliancePackCreateAggregateCompliancePackCreates a compliance package for an account group.
UpdateAggregateCompliancePackUpdateAggregateCompliancePackModifies the configurations of a compliance package in an account group.
ListAggregateCompliancePacksListAggregateCompliancePacksQueries a list of compliance packages in an account group.
GetAggregateCompliancePackGetAggregateCompliancePackQueries the details of a compliance package in an account group.
DeleteAggregateCompliancePacksDeleteAggregateCompliancePacksDeletes the compliance packages of an account group.
GenerateAggregateCompliancePackReportGenerateAggregateCompliancePackReportGenerates a compliance evaluation report based on a compliance package in an account group.
GetAggregateCompliancePackReportGetAggregateCompliancePackReportQueries the compliance evaluation report that is generated based on a compliance package of an account group.
GetAggregateResourceComplianceByPackGetAggregateResourceComplianceByPackQueries the compliance evaluation results of resources evaluated based on a compliance package of an account group.
GetAggregateConfigRuleComplianceByPackGetAggregateConfigRuleComplianceByPackQueries compliance evaluation results based on the rules in a compliance package in an account group.
GetAggregateAccountComplianceByPackGetAggregateAccountComplianceByPackQueries the compliance evaluation results of member accounts for which a compliance package takes effect in an account group.
AttachAggregateConfigRuleToCompliancePackAttachAggregateConfigRuleToCompliancePackAdds one or more rules in an account group to a compliance package.
DetachAggregateConfigRuleToCompliancePackDetachAggregateConfigRuleToCompliancePackRemoves one or more rules in an account group from a compliance package.
CopyCompliancePacksCopyCompliancePacksReplicates compliance packages.
ListCompliancePackTemplatesListCompliancePackTemplatesQueries all compliance package templates provided by Cloud Config and the details of the compliance package templates.

Remediation templates

CreateRemediationCreateRemediationCreates a remediation template for a rule.
UpdateRemediationUpdateRemediationUpdates a remediation template for a rule.
ListRemediationsListRemediationsQueries the information about the execution of remediation templates.
DeleteRemediationsDeleteRemediationsDeletes one or more configured remediation templates that are associated with a rule.
StartRemediationStartRemediationPerforms a remediation operation based on a rule.
ListRemediationExecutionsListRemediationExecutionsQueries the remediation records of a rule.
DescribeRemediationDescribeRemediationThis topic provides an example on how to query the details of a remediation configuration whose ID is crr-f381cf0c1c2f004e\\*\\*\\*\\*.
CreateAggregateRemediationCreateAggregateRemediationCreates a remediation template for a rule in an account group.
UpdateAggregateRemediationUpdateAggregateRemediationModifies a remediation template for a rule in an account group.
ListAggregateRemediationsListAggregateRemediationsQueries a list of remediation templates for a rule in an account group.
DeleteAggregateRemediationsDeleteAggregateRemediationsDeletes one or more remediation templates from a rule in an account group.
StartAggregateRemediationStartAggregateRemediationPerforms a remediation operation by using a rule in an account group.
ListAggregateRemediationExecutionsListAggregateRemediationExecutionsQueries the remediation records of a rule in an account group.
ListRemediationTemplatesListRemediationTemplatesQueries a list of remediation templates for a managed rule.
GetRemediationTemplateGetRemediationTemplateQueries the details of an automatic remediation template.


CreateConfigDeliveryChannelCreateConfigDeliveryChannelCreates a delivery channel.
UpdateConfigDeliveryChannelUpdateConfigDeliveryChannelModifies a delivery channel by using the current account.
DeleteConfigDeliveryChannelDeleteConfigDeliveryChannelDeletes a delivery channel.
ListConfigDeliveryChannelsListConfigDeliveryChannelsQueries a list of delivery channels.
GetConfigDeliveryChannelGetConfigDeliveryChannelQueries the information about a delivery channel.
CreateDeliveryChannelCreateDeliveryChannelCreates a delivery channel.
UpdateDeliveryChannelUpdateDeliveryChannelModifies a delivery channel.
CreateAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelCreateAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelCreates a delivery channel for an account group.
UpdateAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelUpdateAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelModifies a delivery channel in an account group.
DeleteAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelDeleteAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelDeletes a delivery channel from an account group.
ListAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelsListAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelsQueries the information about all delivery channels in an account group.
GetAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelGetAggregateConfigDeliveryChannelQueries the information about a delivery channel in an account group.


ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to a resource in Cloud Config.
TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds tags to a rule, an account group, and a compliance package of Cloud Config.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from a resource in Cloud Config.

Service integration

GetIntegratedServiceStatusGetIntegratedServiceStatusQueries the integration status of a specific cloud service.
UpdateIntegratedServiceStatusUpdateIntegratedServiceStatusEnables or disables the integration of a cloud service.
ListIntegratedServiceListIntegratedServiceQueries a list of cloud services that are integrated with Cloud Config and the status of each cloud service.

Service settings

GetConfigurationRecorderGetConfigurationRecorderQueries the activation status and resource monitoring scope of Cloud Config for the current account.
StartConfigurationRecorderStartConfigurationRecorderEnables Cloud Config to monitor the resources of your Alibaba Cloud account.
UpdateConfigurationRecorderUpdateConfigurationRecorderModifies the resource monitoring scope of the current account.
StopConfigurationRecorderStopConfigurationRecorderDeactivates Cloud Config.
  • On this page (1)
  • Account Groups
  • Resources
  • Rules
  • Compliance Package
  • Remediation templates
  • Deliveries
  • Tags
  • Service integration
  • Service settings
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