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Cloud Enterprise Network:Enable ECS instances to access OSS across regions over VPC connections

Last Updated:Jan 03, 2025

This topic describes how to use Enterprise Edition transit routers to enable Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances that are deployed in virtual private clouds (VPCs) to access Object Storage Service (OSS) across regions over VPC connections.


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As shown in the figure above, a company has deployed VPC1 in the China (Shanghai) region with services running on ECS instances. The company has activated OSS in the China (Hangzhou) region and wants to enable ECS instances in VPC1 to access the OSS service in the China (Hangzhou) region.

To address this issue, the company can create a VPC (VPC2) in the China (Hangzhou) region, in which OSS is deployed, and connect VPC1 and VPC2 to the Enterprise Edition transit routers in the China (Shanghai) and China (Hangzhou) regions. The Enterprise Edition transit routers allow VPC1 and VPC2 to communicate with each other over inter-region connections. This way, the ECS instances in VPC1 can access OSS in VPC2.


To allow ECS instances in a VPC to access OSS in a different region by using Enterprise Edition transit routers, at least one VPC must be deployed in the region where OSS is activated. In this example, if a VPC exists in the China (Hangzhou) region, the company does not need to create VPC2 and can connect the existing VPC to the Enterprise Edition transit router. The ECS instances in the China (Shanghai) region can access OSS through any VPC in the China (Hangzhou) region.

Network planning


When you assign CIDR blocks, make sure that the CIDR blocks of the VPCs do not overlap.


VPC region

CIDR block and IP address


China (Shanghai)

Primary CIDR block:

  • CIDR block of vSwitch 1: vSwitch 1 is deployed in Zone M.

  • CIDR block of vSwitch 2: vSwitch 1 is deployed in Zone N.

  • ECS IP address: The ECS instance is deployed in vSwitch 1.


China (Hangzhou)

Primary CIDR block:

  • CIDR block of vSwitch 1: vSwitch 1 is deployed in Zone J.

  • CIDR block of vSwitch 2: vSwitch 2 is deployed in Zone K.


This topic provides two configuration methods: console and Terraform. Choose the method that suits your needs.



Before you begin, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • OSS has been activated in the China (Hangzhou) region. For more information, see Get started with OSS.

  • VPC1 has been created in the China (Shanghai) region, with services deployed on the ECS instances. For more information, see Create an IPv4 VPC.

  • VPC2 has been established in the China (Hangzhou) region. For more information, see Create and manage a VPC.

    Sufficient vSwitches are deployed in each VPC in the zones of the Enterprise Edition transit router. Each vSwitch has at least one idle IP address.

    • If the Enterprise Edition transit router is deployed in a region that supports only one zone, for example, China (Nanjing - Local Region), the VPC must have at least one vSwitch in the zone.

    • If the Enterprise Edition transit router is deployed in a region that supports multiple zones, for example, China (Shanghai), the VPC must have at least two vSwitches in the zones. The vSwitches must be in different zones.

    For more information, see How a VPC connection works.

  • You have knowledge of the security group rules for VPC1 and VPC2. The security group rules allow the ECS instances in VPC1 to access OSS through VPC2. For more information, see Query security group rules and Add security group rules.

  • A Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance has been created. For more information, see Create a CEN instance.

  • Enterprise Edition transit routers have been deployed in both the China (Shanghai) and China (Hangzhou) regions. For more information, see Create a transit router instance.

    When you create Enterprise Edition transit routers, use the default settings.

Step 1: Create a VPC connection

Connect VPC1 to the Enterprise Edition transit router in the China (Shanghai) region, and VPC2 to the Enterprise Edition transit router in the China (Hangzhou) region.

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. Navigate to the Instances page, find the target CEN instance, and click its ID.

    In this example, the CEN instance mentioned in the Preparations section is used.

  3. On the Basic Information > Transit Router tab, find a transit router instance and click Create Connection in the Actions column.

  4. On the Connect with Peer Network Instance page, set the following parameters, and click OK.

    Configure the parameters to connect VPC1 to the Enterprise Edition transit router in the China (Shanghai) region and VPC2 to that in the China (Hangzhou) region by referring to the following table:





    Network Type

    Select the type of network instance that you want to connect.

    Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

    Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)


    Select the region where the network instance is deployed.

    China (Shanghai)

    China (Hangzhou)

    Transit Router

    The ID of the transit router in the selected region is automatically displayed.

    Resource Owner ID

    Select the Alibaba Cloud account to which the instance belongs.

    Current Account

    Current Account

    Billing Method

    The default value is Pay-As-You-Go.

    Attachment Name

    Enter a name for the network connection.

    VPC1 connection

    VPC2 connection

    Network Instance

    Select the ID of the network instance.

    Select VPC1

    Select VPC2


    Select a vSwitch in a zone of the transit router.

    If each zone of the transit router has a vSwitch, you can select multiple zones and select a vSwitch in each of the zones to enable zone-disaster recovery.

    • Shanghai Zone F: Select vSwitch 1

    • Shanghai Zone G: Select vSwitch 2

    • Hangzhou Zone H: Select vSwitch 1

    • Hangzhou Zone I: Select vSwitch 2

    Advanced Settings

    Use the default settings for VPC1 and VPC2. All advanced features are enabled for the VPCs.

Step 2: Create an inter-region connection

The Enterprise Edition transit routers for VPC1 and VPC2 are in different regions, so by default, VPC1 and VPC2 cannot communicate. Create an inter-region connection between the China (Hangzhou) and China (Shanghai) regions to enable cross-region communication between VPC1 and VPC2.

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.

  3. Navigate to the Basic Information > Transit Router tab, select a transit router instance, and click Create Connection in the Actions column.

  4. On the Connection with Peer Network Instance page, configure the following parameters, and then click OK.

    The table below lists the parameters that are closely related to the example. Other parameters are kept at their default values. For more information, see Create an inter-region connection using Enterprise Edition transit routers.



    Instance Type

    Select Inter-region Connection.


    Select one of the regions to be connected.

    In this example, China (Shanghai) is selected.

    Peer Region

    Select the peer region that you want to connect.

    In this example, China (Hangzhou) is selected.

    Bandwidth Allocation Mode

    Select the method that is used to allocate bandwidth to the inter-region connection.

    In this example, Pay-By-Data-Transfer is selected. The system charges you based on the actual traffic of the inter-region connection.


    Specify a bandwidth value for the inter-region connection. Unit: Mbps.

    In the Pay-By-Data-Transfer bandwidth allocation mode, this parameter specifies the maximum bandwidth value for the inter-region connection.

    Default Line Type

    Select a line type for the inter-region connection.

    In this example, the default value is used. For more information, see Line types.

    Advanced Settings

    In this example, the default settings are retained with all three advanced features enabled.

Step 3: Add routes that point to OSS in the VPC

With the inter-region connection established, VPC1 and VPC2 can now communicate using the Enterprise Edition transit router. However, ECS instances in VPC1 still cannot access OSS in VPC2. You must routes that point to OSS in the route table of VPC1 to direct traffic from VPC1 to the transit router.

  1. Log on to the VPC console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region where VPC1 is deployed.

    For this example, choose China (Shanghai).

  3. Click Route Tables in the left-side navigation pane.

  4. On the Route Tables page, find the route table for VPC1 and click its ID.

    In this example, VPC1 has only one system route table. If your VPC has multiple route tables, select the one that is associated with the vSwitch in which the ECS instances are deployed.

  5. Navigate to the Route Entry List tab, choose the Custom Route tab, and then click Add Route Entry.

  6. In the Add Route Entry panel, configure the following parameters and click OK:

    Add routes that point to all CIDR blocks of OSS in the China (Hangzhou) region to the route table of VPC1. The following table describes the parameters.

    For more information about the CIDR blocks of the OSS service in the China (Hangzhou) region, see Internal OSS endpoints and VIP ranges.



    Route 1

    Route 2

    Route 3

    Route 4


    Enter a name for the custom route.

    OSS CIDR block 1

    OSS CIDR block 2

    OSS CIDR block 3

    OSS CIDR block 4

    Destination CIDR Block

    Enter the destination CIDR block.

    Next Hop Type

    Select a next hop type and select a next hop for the custom route.

    Select Transit Router and then select VPC1 connection.

    Select Transit Router and then select VPC1 connection.

    Select Transit Router and then select VPC1 connection.

    Select Transit Router and then select VPC1 connection.

Step 4: Add routes that point to OSS in the transit router

You need to add routes that point to OSS to the route table of the Enterprise Edition transit router in the China (Hangzhou) region. When requests from the ECS instances in VPC1 reach the Enterprise Edition transit router, the Enterprise Edition transit router forwards the requests to VPC2 based on the routing policy of OSS. Then, the ECS instances can access OSS through VPC2.

  1. Log on to the CEN console.

  2. Go to the CEN Instance page, find the target CEN instance, and click its ID.

  3. On the Basic Information > Transit Router tab, find the transit router instance in the China (Hangzhou) region, and click its ID.

  4. On the details page of the transit router instance, click the Route Table tab. In the left-side navigation pane, select the target route table.

    By default, VPC1 and VPC2 are associated with the default tables of the Enterprise Edition transit routers because they have advanced settings enabled. Therefore, the default route table (system route table) of the transit router is selected in this example.

  5. On the Route Entry tab, click Add Route Entry.

  6. In the Add Route Entry dialog box, enter the following parameters and click Confirm.

    Add routes that point to the CIDR blocks of OSS in the China (Hangzhou) region to the route table of the transit router.



    Route 1

    Route 2

    Route 3

    Route 4


    Enter a name for the route.

    OSS CIDR block 1

    OSS CIDR block 2

    OSS CIDR block 3

    OSS CIDR block 4

    Destination CIDR Block

    Enter a destination CIDR block for the route.

    Blackhole Route

    Specify whether the route is a blackhole route.

    • Yes: specifies that the route is a blackhole route. All traffic destined for this route is dropped.

    • No: specifies that the route is not a blackhole route. In this case, you must specify a next hop for the route.

    Select No

    Select No

    Select No

    Select No

    Next Hop

    Select a next hop for the route.

    Select VPC2 connection

    Select VPC2 connection

    Select VPC2 connection

    Select VPC2 connection

Step 5: Test network connectivity

After you complete these steps, the ECS instances in VPC1 can access OSS across regions over VPC connections. In this example, ECS1 is used to download an image from OSS to check whether the ECS instances in VPC1 can access OSS.

  1. Log on to ECS1 in VPC1. For more information, see ECS remote connection guide.

  2. Use ECS1 to download an image named OSStest.jpg from OSS.


    Ensure the ECS instance has read/write permissions for the image file before testing. For more information, see Access control.

    # "" is the domain name of OSS.
    # "OSStest.jpg" is the name of the image file.

    For information about OSS domain names, see OSS domain name usage rules.

    The following response indicates that ECS1 can access OSS over VPC connections.ECS访问跨地域OSS-测试连通性


You can use Terraform to set up the environment in this topic. For details on installing and configuring Terraform, see Install Terraform.

The steps below show how to run Terraform v1.9.8 on a Linux host. Make sure you have completed the Authentication.


Note that specific resources in this example may incur costs. Release or unsubscribe from the resources when they are no longer needed.

Step 1: Create resources

  1. Create a directory for the scenario and navigate to it.

    mkdir tf-cen-oss && cd tf-cen-oss
  2. Create a file to define the required resources.

  3. Open the file, paste the following code into the file, and save the changes. This file includes all the necessary resources and configurations.

    variable "pname" {
      description = "The prefix name for resources"
      type        = string
      default     = "tf-cen-oss"
    variable "region_id_hangzhou" {
      description = "The region id of hangzhou"
      type        = string
      default     = "cn-hangzhou"
    variable "region_id_shanghai" { #
      description = "The region id of shanghai"
      type        = string
      default     = "cn-shanghai"
    variable "az_hangzhou" {
      description = "List of availability zones to use"
      type        = list(string)
      default     = ["cn-hangzhou-j", "cn-hangzhou-k"]
    variable "az_shanghai" {
      description = "List of availability zones to use"
      type        = list(string)
      default     = ["cn-shanghai-m", "cn-shanghai-n"]
    variable "cidr_list" {
      description = "List of VPC CIDR block"
      type        = list(string)
      default     = ["", "", ""]
    # --- provider ---
    provider "alicloud" { # default region hangzhou
      region = var.region_id_hangzhou
    provider "alicloud" {
      alias  = "hangzhou"
      region = var.region_id_hangzhou
    provider "alicloud" {
      alias  = "shanghai"
      region = var.region_id_shanghai
    # ---  oss ---
    resource "random_uuid" "default" {
    resource "alicloud_oss_bucket" "bucket1" {
      provider = alicloud.hangzhou
      bucket   = substr("${var.pname}-${replace(random_uuid.default.result, "-", "")}", 0, 32)
    resource "alicloud_oss_bucket_policy" "default" {
      provider = alicloud.hangzhou
      policy   = jsonencode({ "Version" : "1", "Statement" : [{ "Action" : ["oss:GetObject"], "Effect" : "Allow", "Resource" : ["acs:oss:*:*:${alicloud_oss_bucket.bucket1.bucket}"] }] })
      bucket   = alicloud_oss_bucket.bucket1.bucket
    resource "alicloud_oss_bucket_object" "obj1" {
      provider = alicloud.hangzhou
      bucket   = alicloud_oss_bucket.bucket1.bucket
      key      = "example.txt"                     # Name of the file in the bucket
      content  = "this is example text content \n" # Content of the file
      acl      = "public-read"
    # --- vpc ---
    resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc1" {
      provider   = alicloud.shanghai
      vpc_name   = "${var.pname}-1"
      cidr_block = ""
    resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc2" {
      provider   = alicloud.hangzhou
      vpc_name   = "${var.pname}-2"
      cidr_block = ""
    resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vsw1-1" {
      provider     = alicloud.shanghai
      vpc_id       =
      cidr_block   = ""
      zone_id      = var.az_shanghai[0]
      vswitch_name = "${var.pname}-vsw1-1"
    resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vsw1-2" {
      provider     = alicloud.shanghai
      vpc_id       =
      cidr_block   = ""
      zone_id      = var.az_shanghai[1]
      vswitch_name = "${var.pname}-vsw1-2"
    resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vsw2-1" {
      provider     = alicloud.hangzhou
      vpc_id       =
      cidr_block   = ""
      zone_id      = var.az_hangzhou[0]
      vswitch_name = "${var.pname}-vsw2-1"
    resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vsw2-2" {
      provider     = alicloud.hangzhou
      vpc_id       =
      cidr_block   = ""
      zone_id      = var.az_hangzhou[1]
      vswitch_name = "${var.pname}-vsw2-2"
    # --- cen ---
    # cen
    resource "alicloud_cen_instance" "cen1" {
      cen_instance_name = "${var.pname}-cen1"
    # tr
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router" "tr1" {
      provider            = alicloud.shanghai
      transit_router_name = "${var.pname}-tr1"
      cen_id              =
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router" "tr2" {
      provider            = alicloud.hangzhou
      transit_router_name = "${var.pname}-tr2"
      cen_id              =
    data "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables" "tr1" { # get tr sys table
      transit_router_id               = alicloud_cen_transit_router.tr1.transit_router_id
      transit_router_route_table_type = "System"
    data "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables" "tr2" {
      transit_router_id               = alicloud_cen_transit_router.tr2.transit_router_id
      transit_router_route_table_type = "System"
    # tr-peer
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_peer_attachment" "peer" {
      provider                      = alicloud.shanghai
      cen_id                        =
      transit_router_id             = alicloud_cen_transit_router.tr1.transit_router_id
      peer_transit_router_region_id = var.region_id_hangzhou
      peer_transit_router_id        = alicloud_cen_transit_router.tr2.transit_router_id
      bandwidth_type                = "DataTransfer"
      bandwidth                     = 1
      auto_publish_route_enabled    = true # default is false
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_association" "ass_peer1" {
      transit_router_route_table_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr1.tables[0].id
      transit_router_attachment_id  = alicloud_cen_transit_router_peer_attachment.peer.transit_router_attachment_id
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_propagation" "propa_peer1" {
      transit_router_route_table_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr1.tables[0].id
      transit_router_attachment_id  = alicloud_cen_transit_router_peer_attachment.peer.transit_router_attachment_id
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_association" "ass_peer2" {
      transit_router_route_table_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr2.tables[0].id
      transit_router_attachment_id  = alicloud_cen_transit_router_peer_attachment.peer.transit_router_attachment_id
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_propagation" "propa_peer2" {
      transit_router_route_table_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr2.tables[0].id
      transit_router_attachment_id  = alicloud_cen_transit_router_peer_attachment.peer.transit_router_attachment_id
    # attach1  
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment" "attach1" {
      provider          = alicloud.shanghai
      cen_id            =
      transit_router_id = alicloud_cen_transit_router.tr1.transit_router_id
      vpc_id            =
      zone_mappings {
        zone_id    = var.az_shanghai[0]
        vswitch_id =
      zone_mappings {
        zone_id    = var.az_shanghai[1]
        vswitch_id =
      transit_router_vpc_attachment_name = "attach1"
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_association" "ass1" {
      transit_router_route_table_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr1.tables[0].id
      transit_router_attachment_id  = alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.attach1.transit_router_attachment_id
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_propagation" "propa1" {
      transit_router_route_table_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr1.tables[0].id
      transit_router_attachment_id  = alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.attach1.transit_router_attachment_id
    resource "alicloud_route_entry" "vpc1_to_tr1" {
      provider              = alicloud.shanghai
      count                 = 3
      route_table_id        = alicloud_vpc.vpc1.route_table_id
      destination_cidrblock = var.cidr_list[count.index]
      nexthop_type          = "Attachment"
      nexthop_id            = alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.attach1.transit_router_attachment_id
    # attach2
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment" "attach2" {
      provider          = alicloud.hangzhou
      cen_id            =
      transit_router_id = alicloud_cen_transit_router.tr2.transit_router_id
      vpc_id            =
      zone_mappings {
        zone_id    = var.az_hangzhou[0]
        vswitch_id =
      zone_mappings {
        zone_id    = var.az_hangzhou[1]
        vswitch_id =
      transit_router_vpc_attachment_name = "attach2"
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_association" "ass2" {
      transit_router_route_table_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr2.tables[0].id
      transit_router_attachment_id  = alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.attach2.transit_router_attachment_id
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_table_propagation" "propa2" {
      transit_router_route_table_id = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr2.tables[0].id
      transit_router_attachment_id  = alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.attach2.transit_router_attachment_id
    resource "alicloud_route_entry" "vpc2_to_tr2" {
      provider              = alicloud.hangzhou
      count                 = 3
      route_table_id        = alicloud_vpc.vpc2.route_table_id
      destination_cidrblock = var.cidr_list[count.index]
      nexthop_type          = "Attachment"
      nexthop_id            = alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.attach2.transit_router_attachment_id
    # oss_cidr
    variable "oss_cidr" {
      description = "The OSS CIDR block"
      type        = list(string)
      default     = ["", "", "", ""]
    # vpc entry
    resource "alicloud_route_entry" "entry" {
      provider              = alicloud.shanghai
      count                 = 4
      route_table_id        = alicloud_vpc.vpc1.route_table_id
      destination_cidrblock = var.oss_cidr[count.index]
      nexthop_type          = "Attachment"
      nexthop_id            = alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.attach1.transit_router_attachment_id
    # tr entry 
    resource "alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_entry" "tr2_rt1_entry1" {
      count                                             = 4
      transit_router_route_table_id                     = data.alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables.tr2.tables[0].id
      transit_router_route_entry_destination_cidr_block = var.oss_cidr[count.index]
      transit_router_route_entry_next_hop_type          = "Attachment"
      transit_router_route_entry_next_hop_id            = alicloud_cen_transit_router_vpc_attachment.attach2.transit_router_attachment_id
    # --- ecs ---
    resource "alicloud_instance" "main" {
      provider             = alicloud.shanghai
      depends_on           = [alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_entry.tr2_rt1_entry1]
      instance_name        = "${var.pname}-ecs"
      instance_type        = "ecs.e-c1m1.large"
      security_groups      = []
      vswitch_id           =
      image_id             = "aliyun_3_x64_20G_qboot_alibase_20230727.vhd"
      system_disk_category = "cloud_essd"
      private_ip           = ""
      instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
      user_data = base64encode(<<-EOT
        curl  https://${alicloud_oss_bucket.bucket1.bucket}.${alicloud_oss_bucket.bucket1.intranet_endpoint}/${alicloud_oss_bucket_object.obj1.key}  > /root/curl.txt
    # sg
    resource "alicloud_security_group" "default" {
      provider = alicloud.shanghai
      name     = var.pname
      vpc_id   =
    resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "allow_inbound_ssh" {
      provider          = alicloud.shanghai
      type              = "ingress"
      ip_protocol       = "tcp"
      nic_type          = "intranet"
      policy            = "accept"
      port_range        = "22/22"
      priority          = 1
      security_group_id =
      cidr_ip           = ""
    resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "allow_inbound_icmp" {
      provider          = alicloud.shanghai
      type              = "ingress"
      ip_protocol       = "icmp"
      nic_type          = "intranet"
      policy            = "accept"
      port_range        = "-1/-1"
      priority          = 1
      security_group_id =
      cidr_ip           = ""
    # --- output ---
    output "ecs_login_address" {
      value = "${var.region_id_shanghai}&instanceId=${}"
    output "test_command" {
      value = "curl ${alicloud_oss_bucket.bucket1.bucket}.${alicloud_oss_bucket.bucket1.intranet_endpoint}/${alicloud_oss_bucket_object.obj1.key}"
  4. Initialize the folder to complete Terraform setup.

    terraform init
  5. Create resources. Terraform will preview the resources to be created. After verification, enter yes to initiate the creation process.

    terraform apply

Step 2: Test the connectivity

  1. Log on to the ECS instance named tf-cen-oss-ecs.

    The logon address for the ECS instance can be found in the Terraform Outputs. Copy this address to a browser and select Temporary SSH Key-based as the authentication method.


  2. In the Outputs section, copy the curl command:


  3. Run the curl command in the ECS instance.



    If the text content can be retrieved as shown in the figure, it indicates a successful access.

Step 3: Release resources

When verification is complete and you no longer need the resources, run the command below to release them and stop billing.

terraform destroy --auto-approve


In this topic, the default routing configuration is used to create the VPC and inter-region connections. When the default routing configuration is used, CEN automatically learns and advertises routes for VPC1 and VPC2 to communicate with each other. The following sections describe the default routing configuration:

VPC instance

If you use the default routing configuration (with all advanced features enabled) when you create a VPC connection, the system automatically applies the following routing configuration to the VPC:

  • Associate with Default Route Table of Transit Router

    After this feature is enabled, the VPC connection is automatically associated with the default route table of the transit router. The transit router forwards the traffic of the VPC based on the default route table.

  • Propagate System Routes to Default Route Table of Transit Router

    After this feature is enabled, the system routes of the VPC are advertised to the default route table of the transit router. This way, the VPC can communicate with other network instances that are connected to the transit router.

  • Automatically Create Route That Points to Transit Router and Adds to All Route Tables of Current VPC

    After this feature is enabled, the system automatically adds the following routes to all route tables of the VPC:,, and The routes point to the VPC connection.

Inter-region connection

If you use the default routing configuration (with all advanced features enabled) when you create an inter-region connection, the system automatically applies the following routing configuration to the inter-region connection:

  • Associate with Default Route Table of Transit Router

    After this feature is enabled, the inter-region connection is automatically associated with the default route table of the transit router. The transit router uses the default route table to forward network traffic across regions.

  • Propagate System Routes to Default Route Table of Transit Router

    After this feature is enabled, the inter-region connection is associated with the default route tables of the transit routers in the connected regions.

  • Automatically Advertise Routes to Peer Region

    After this feature is enabled, the routes in the route table of the transit router in the current region are automatically advertised to the route table of the peer transit router for cross-region communication. The route tables of the transit routers refer to the route tables that are associated with the inter-region connection.

View routes

You can check the routes within the Alibaba Cloud Management Console: