1. Create an Alibaba Cloud account
If you do not have an Alibaba Cloud account, log on to Alibaba Cloud official website and click Register in the upper right corner to create an Alibaba Cloud account.
2. Sign up Batch Compute service
Use the registered Alibaba Cloud account to log on to the system. Choose Products > Elastic Computing > Batch Compute, enter the product homepage, and activate the Batch Compute service.
3. Create AccessKeyID and AccessKeySecret.
Go forward to the AccessKey management page to obtain the AccessKeySecret. For more information, see Create an AccessKey.
4. Understand basic concepts
To better continue with the subsequent operations, you can first understand some concepts about Batch Compute.
5. Learn OSS
Batch Compute uses OSS for storage by default. Therefore, it has benefits if you have learned about the OSS.
6. Select a tool
Batch Compute provides HTTP-based APIs. Some tools are developed based on these APIs. You can use these tools to submit and manage jobs.
Use cli tool if you are new to Batch Compute. The tool supports automatic packing programs, uploading programs, and submitting jobs. You can manage jobs and clusters without learning about the JSON format of Batch Compute. For more information, see Quick start using the Batch Compute-cli tool.
Use management console if you are new to or familiar with to Batch Compute. If you manage jobs and clusters by using the Web GUI, you must know the deployment logic of program package and JSON format of Batch Compute. For more information, see Quick start using the console.
Use language-specific SDK if you know one or more programming languages and are familiar with Batch Compute. For more information, see Quick start using the Java SDK and Quick start using the Python SDK.
Use the rendering tailored cloud rendering management system for your rendition need.