This topic describes the common parameters about Trace Explorer.
For information about the data model, see Tracing data model of OpenTelemetry.
Parameter | Description |
attributes | The attribute used for indexing. |
duration | The time duration. Unit: nanoseconds. |
event | The event, which contains unindexed fields such as timestamp, name, and attribute. |
hostname | The hostname. |
ip | The IP address of the host. |
kind | The type of the span. Spans have the following types: 0: No SPAN_KIND_UNSPECIFIED (unspecified) 1: SPAN_KIND_INTERNAL (internal method) 2: SPAN_KIND_SERVER (server) 3: SPAN_KIND_CLIENT (client) 4: SPAN_KIND_PRODUCER (producer) 5: SPAN_KIND_CONSUMER (consumer)
links | The relationship between the current span and one or more traces. |
parentSpanId | The ID of the parent span, which specifies the relationship among multiple spans. |
resources | The resource information about the span, including the process ID and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) version number. |
serviceName | The service name, which is used for multitenancy. |
spanId | The ID of the span, which specifies the relationship among multiple spans. |
spanName | The name of the span. |
startTime | The start time. Unit: nanoseconds. |
statusCode | The status of the span. Spans can be in the following states: 0: STATUS_CODE_UNSET. The span is not configured. 1: STATUS_CODE_OK. The span is running as expected. 2: STATUS_CODE_ERROR. A span error has occurred.
statusMessage | The status message. |
traceId | The unique identifier of the trace. |
serviceType | The unique identifier of the framework that generates the span. 1010: Tomcat 1030: Jetty Server 1035: Jetty Client 1040: Akka HTTP 1060: WebSphere 1080: WebLogic 1090: Undertow 1101: Grpc Server 1110: Dubbo Provider 1111: HSF Provider 1142: Reactor Netty HTTP Client 1301: SchedulerX 1302: XXL-JOB 1303: Spring Scheduled 1304: Quartz 1305: ElasticJob 2100: MySQL 2150: MariaDB 2300: Oracle 2500: PosgreSQL 2510: PPAS 2520: SQL Server 2650: MongoDB 2700: OceanBase 2780: Clickhouse 2800: InfluxDB 2900: Cassandra 2910: Lindrom 5053: Spring Webflux 5510: MyBatis 6060: Hikaricp 6062: Druid 72: ElasticSearch 8050: Memcached 8200: Jedis 8201: Lettuce 8203: Redisson 8410: RocketMQ Producer 8420: RocketMQ Consumer 8660: Kafka Producer 8670: Kafka Consumer 9050: Apache HTTP Client 3 9052: Apache HTTP Client 4 9054: Google HTTP Client 9055: JDK HttpURLConnection 9056: AsyncHttpClient 9058: OkHttpClient 9101: gRPC Client 9110: Dubbo Consumer 9111: HSF Consumer 9130: Vertx HTTP Client 9150: Netty 9151: Netty Client 9153: Spring Webflux Client