If the system policies of ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ do not meet your business requirements, you can create custom policies to implement the principle of least privilege. Custom policies help you manage permissions in a fine-grained manner and improve resource access security. This topic describes the scenarios in which custom policies of ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ are used. This topic also provides sample custom policies.
What is a custom policy?
Resource Access Management (RAM) policies are classified into system policies and custom policies. You need to maintain custom policies.
After you create a custom policy, you need to attach it to a RAM user, a user group, or a RAM role so that the permissions specified in the policy can be granted to the principal.
You can delete a RAM policy that is not attached to a principal. If the RAM policy is attached to a principal, you must detach the RAM policy from the principal before you can delete the RAM policy.
Custom policies support version control. You can manage custom policy versions based on the version management mechanism provided by RAM.
Custom policies
The following table describes the custom policies supported by ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ.
Permission description for client API operations
Client API operation | Action | Resource | Description |
exchange.declare (passive=false) | amqp:CreateExchange | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/* | Declares an exchange and checks whether the exchange exists.
exchange.declare (passive=true) | amqp:GetExchange | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/$exchangeName | Declares an exchange and checks whether the exchange exists.
exchange.bind | amqp:GetExchange (source exchange) | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/$exchangeName (source exchange) | Binds a source exchange to a destination exchange. |
amqp:CreateExchange (destination exchange) | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/* (destination exchange) | ||
exchange.unbind | amqp:GetExchange (source exchange) | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/$exchangeName (source exchange) | Unbinds a source exchange from a destination exchange. |
amqp:CreateExchange (destination exchange) | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/* (destination exchange) | ||
queue.declare (passive=false) | amqp:CreateQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/* | Declares a queue and checks whether the queue exists.
queue.declare (passive=true) | amqp:CreateQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName | Declares a queue and checks whether the queue exists.
queue.declare (dead-letter exchange configured) | amqp:CreateQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/* | Declares a queue for which a dead-letter exchange is configured. |
amqp:GetQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName | ||
amqp:CreateExchange (dead-letter exchange) | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceName/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/$exchangeName (dead-letter exchange) | ||
queue.bind | amqp:CreateQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/* | Binds a queue to an exchange. |
amqp:GetExchange | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceName/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/$exchangeName | ||
queue.unbind | amqp:CreateQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/* | Unbinds a queue from an exchange. |
amqp:GetExchange | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceName/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/$exchangeName | ||
BasicRecover | amqp:BasicRecover | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/* | Redelivers the messages that are not acknowledged by consumers. |
BasicCancel | amqp:BasicCancel | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Cancels a subscription. |
BasicPublish | amqp:BasicPublish | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/$exchangeName/messages/* | Publishes a message to a topic. |
BasicConsume | amqp:BasicConsume | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Starts a consumer. |
BasicAck | amqp:BasicAck | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Acknowledges one or more messages. |
BasicNack | amqp:BasicNack | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Negatively acknowledges one or more messages. |
BasicReject | amqp:BasicReject | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Rejects a message. |
BasicGet | amqp:BasicGet | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Queries messages in a queue. |
Permission description for console API operations and features
Console API operation or feature | Action | Resource | Description |
ListInstances | amqp:ListInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/* | Queries the list of instances. |
CreateInstance | amqp:CreateInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/* | Creates an instance. The policy of this API operation supports the following fields. For more information, see Condition.
DeleteInstance | amqp:DeleteInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId | Deletes an instance. |
GetInstance | amqp:GetInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId | Queries the details of an instance. |
ListVhost | amqp:ListVhost | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/* | Queries the list of vhosts. |
CreateVhost | amqp:CreateVhost | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/* | Creates a vhost. |
DeleteVhost | amqp:DeleteVhost | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName | Deletes a vhost. To perform this operation, you must also grant permissions on the GetInstance operation to the Resource Access Management (RAM) user. |
amqp:GetInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId | ||
ListExchange | amqp:ListExchange | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/* | Queries the list of exchanges. To perform this operation, you must also grant permissions on the GetInstance operation to the RAM user. |
amqp:GetInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId | ||
CreateExchange | amqp:CreateExchange | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/* | Creates an exchange. |
DeleteExchange | amqp:DeleteExchange | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/exchanges/$exchangeName | Deletes an exchange. |
ListQueue | amqp:ListQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/* | Queries the list of queues. To perform this operation, you must also grant permissions on the GetInstance operation to the RAM user. |
amqp:GetInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId | ||
CreateQueue | amqp:CreateQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/* | Creates a queue. |
DeleteQueue | amqp:DeleteQueue | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName | Deletes a queue. |
QueuePurge | amqp:QueuePurge | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Clears messages in a queue. |
ListStaticAccounts | amqp:ListStaticAccounts | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/staticAccount/* | Queries a pair of static username and password. To perform this operation, you must also grant permissions on the GetInstance operation to the RAM user. |
amqp:GetInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId | ||
FetchStaticAccount | amqp:FetchStaticAccount | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/staticAccount/* | Creates a pair of static username and password. To perform this operation, you must also grant permissions on the GetInstance operation to the RAM user. |
amqp:GetInstance | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId | ||
DeleteStaticAccount | amqp:DeleteStaticAccount | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/staticAccount/* | Deletes a pair of static username and password. |
Message query by queue | amqp:BasicGet | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Queries messages by queue. |
Message query by message ID | amqp:BasicGet | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Queries messages by message ID. |
Message resending |
| acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Resends messages. |
Message sending | amqp:BasicPublish | acs:amqp:$region:$accountid:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/queues/$queueName/messages/* | Sends messages. |
Sample custom policies
When you create a custom policy, you must specify the following parameter values based on your actual situation:
$region: the ID of the region where the resource resides. For more information, see Endpoints.
$accountid: the ID of the Alibaba Cloud Account to which the authorized object belongs.
$instanceId: the ID of the ApsaraMQ for RabbitMQ instance.
$vhostName: the vhost name.
$queueName: the queue name.
$exchangeName: the exchange name.
Example 1: A policy that can be used to grant a RAM user permissions to publish and subscribe to messages on in a vhost
{ "Version":"1", "Statement":[ { "Action":[ "amqp:GetInstance", "amqp:ListVhost", "amqp:GetVhost" ], "Resource":[ "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId", "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName", "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/*" ], "Effect":"Allow" }, { "Action":[ "amqp:ListExchange", "amqp:CreateExchange", "amqp:DeleteExchange", "amqp:ListQueue", "amqp:DeleteQueue", "amqp:CreateQueue", "amqp:BasicRecover", "amqp:BasicCancel", "amqp:BasicPublish", "amqp:BasicConsume", "amqp:BasicAck", "amqp:BasicNack", "amqp:BasicReject", "amqp:QueuePurge", "amqp:BasicGet", "amqp:GetExchange" ], "Resource":"acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/*", "Effect":"Allow" }, { "Action":[ "amqp:ListStaticAccounts", "amqp:FetchStaticAccount", "amqp:DeleteStaticAccount" ], "Resource":"acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/staticAccount/*", "Effect":"Allow" } ] }
Example 2: A policy that can be used to grant a RAM user permissions to publish messages
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "amqp:GetInstance" ], "Resource": [ "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId", "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Action": [ "amqp:CreateExchange", "amqp:CreateQueue", "amqp:BasicRecover", "amqp:BasicPublish", "amqp:BasicAck", "amqp:BasicNack" ], "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/*", "Effect": "Allow" } ] }
Example 3: A policy that can be used to grant a RAM user permissions to subscribe to messages
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "amqp:GetInstance", "amqp:GetVhost" ], "Resource": [ "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId", "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Action": [ "amqp:CreateExchange", "amqp:CreateQueue", "amqp:BasicRecover", "amqp:BasicCancel", "amqp:BasicConsume", "amqp:BasicAck", "amqp:BasicNack", "amqp:BasicReject", "amqp:QueuePurge", "amqp:BasicGet" ], "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/*", "Effect": "Allow" } ] }
Example 4: A policy that can be used to grant a RAM user permissions to publish and subscribe to messages
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "amqp:GetInstance", "amqp:GetVhost" ], "Resource": [ "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId", "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Action": [ "amqp:ListExchange", "amqp:CreateExchange", "amqp:DeleteExchange", "amqp:ListQueue", "amqp:DeleteQueue", "amqp:CreateQueue", "amqp:BasicRecover", "amqp:BasicCancel", "amqp:BasicPublish", "amqp:BasicConsume", "amqp:BasicAck", "amqp:BasicNack", "amqp:BasicReject", "amqp:QueuePurge", "amqp:BasicGet" ], "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/$vhostName/*", "Effect": "Allow" } ] }
Example 5: A policy that can be used to grant a RAM user permissions to manage usernames and passwords
{ "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "amqp:ListStaticAccounts", "amqp:FetchStaticAccount", "amqp:DeleteStaticAccount" ], "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/staticAccount/*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "amqp:GetInstance", "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId" } ], "Version": "1" }
Example 6: A policy that can be used to grant a RAM user permissions to create instances
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "amqp:CreateInstance", "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:$accountid:/instances/*", } ] }
Example 7: A policy that can be used to grant a RAM user permissions to create Enterprise Platinum Edition instances that do not support EIPs
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "amqp:CreateInstance", "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:$accountid:/instances/*", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "amqp:InstanceType": [ "vip" ], "amqp:SupportEIP": [ "false" ] } } } ] }
Example 8: A policy that can be used to grant a RAM user permissions to perform all operations on an instance
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": "amqp:ListInstance", "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/*", "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Action": "amqp:*", "Resource": [ "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId", "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/vhosts/*" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Action": [ "amqp:ListStaticAccounts", "amqp:FetchStaticAccount", "amqp:DeleteStaticAccount" ], "Resource": "acs:amqp:*:*:/instances/$instanceId/staticAccount/*", "Effect": "Allow" } ] }