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Anti-DDoS:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Dec 13, 2024
This product(ddoscoo/2020-01-01) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


ReleaseInstanceReleaseInstanceReleases an expired Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
ModifyInstanceRemarkModifyInstanceRemarkModifies the description of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
ModifyElasticBandWidthModifyElasticBandWidthModifies the burstable protection bandwidth of a specified Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland) instance.
DescribeInstanceIdsDescribeInstanceIdsThe description of the instance.
DescribeInstanceStatusDescribeInstanceStatusQueries the status of a specified Anti-DDoS Proxy instance.
DescribeElasticBandwidthSpecDescribeElasticBandwidthSpecQueries the available burstable protection bandwidths of an Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland) instance.
DescribeInstanceStatisticsDescribeInstanceStatisticsQueries the statistics on one or more Anti-DDoS Proxy instances, such as the numbers of protected domain names and ports.
DescribeInstanceSpecsDescribeInstanceSpecsQueries the specifications of Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances.
DescribeInstanceDetailsDescribeInstanceDetailsQueries the IP addresses and Internet service provider (ISP) lines of Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances.
ModifyElasticBizQpsModifyElasticBizQpsConfigures the burstable QPS and mode of an Anti-DDoS Proxy instance.
ModifyQpsModeModifyQpsModeSwitches between the metering methods of the burstable clean bandwidth feature.
DescribeInstanceExtDescribeInstanceExtQueries the information about Anti-DDoS Pro and Anti-DDoS Premium instances.

Website configuration

CreateWebRuleCreateWebRuleCreates a forwarding rule for a website.
DeleteWebRuleDeleteWebRuleDeletes a forwarding rule of a website.
ModifyWebRuleModifyWebRuleModifies the forwarding rule of a website.
ModifyTlsConfigModifyTlsConfigModifies the Transport Layer Security (TLS) policy configuration for the forwarding rule of a website.
ModifyHttp2EnableModifyHttp2EnableEnables or disables HTTP/2 for the forwarding rule of a website.
ModifyWebAccessModeModifyWebAccessModeChanges the mode in which a website service is added to Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.
ModifyCnameReuseModifyCnameReuseEnables or disables CNAME reuse for a website.
DescribeWebRulesDescribeWebRulesQuery Configuration of Website Business Forwarding Rules.
DescribeWebInstanceRelationsDescribeWebInstanceRelationsQueries the information about Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances to which a website service is added.
DescribeCertsDescribeCertsQueries information about all certificates that can be associated with the current domain name instead of the certificate currently in use. To query the information about the certificate that is currently in use, you can call the DescribeWebRules operation and view the values of the CertName and CertRegion response parameters.
DescribeWebCustomPortsDescribeWebCustomPortsQueries the supported custom ports of a website.
DescribeWebAccessModeDescribeWebAccessModeQueries the mode in which a website service is added to Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.
DescribeCnameReusesDescribeCnameReusesQueries the CNAME reuse information about websites.
DescribeL7RsPolicyDescribeL7RsPolicyQueries the back-to-origin policies for the forwarding rule of a website.
AssociateWebCertAssociateWebCertAssociates an SSL certificate with the forwarding rule of a website.
ConfigL7RsPolicyConfigL7RsPolicyConfigures a back-to-origin policy for the forwarding rule of a website.
ModifyOcspStatusModifyOcspStatusSpecifies whether to enable the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) feature.
ConfigL7UsKeepaliveConfigL7UsKeepaliveConfigures the settings for back-to-origin persistent connections for a domain name.
DescribeL7UsKeepaliveDescribeL7UsKeepaliveQueries the configuration of back-to-origin persistent connections of a domain name.
ModifyHeadersModifyHeadersModifies the custom header of a domain name that is added to an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
DescribeDomainH2FingerprintDescribeDomainH2FingerprintQueries the information about HTTP/2 fingerprints of a website.
DescribeDomainTopRefererDescribeDomainTopRefererQueries the information about top N referers of a website.
DescribeDomainTopUserAgentDescribeDomainTopUserAgentQueries the information about top user agents of a website.
DescribeDomainTopFingerprintDescribeDomainTopFingerprintQueries the information about the fingerprints of top N clients that access a website.
DescribeDomainBpsDescribeDomainBpsQueries the bandwidths of a website.
DescribeDomainTopHttpMethodDescribeDomainTopHttpMethodQueries the information about top N HTTP methods of a website.


CreateAsyncTaskCreateAsyncTaskCreates an asynchronous export task to export forwarding rules for websites, port forwarding rules, session persistence and health check settings, DDoS mitigation policies, the IP address blacklist, or the IP address whitelist.
DeleteAsyncTaskDeleteAsyncTaskDeletes an asynchronous export task.

Network forwarding rules

CreateNetworkRulesCreateNetworkRulesCreates a port forwarding rule.
DeleteNetworkRuleDeleteNetworkRuleDeletes a port forwarding rule. You can delete only one port forwarding rule at a time.
ModifyHealthCheckConfigModifyHealthCheckConfigModifies the Layer 4 or Layer 7 health check configuration of a port forwarding rule.
DescribeNetworkRulesDescribeNetworkRulesQueries port forwarding rules.
DescribeHealthCheckStatusDescribeHealthCheckStatusQueries the health status of an origin server.
ConfigNetworkRulesConfigNetworkRulesModifies the IP addresses of the origin server that is configured in a port forwarding rule.

Sec-Traffic manager

CreateSchedulerRuleCreateSchedulerRuleCreates a scheduling rule for Sec-Traffic Manager.
DeleteSchedulerRuleDeleteSchedulerRuleDeletes a scheduling rule of Sec-Traffic Manager.
ModifySchedulerRuleModifySchedulerRuleModifies the scheduling rule of Sec-Traffic Manager.
DescribeSchedulerRulesDescribeSchedulerRulesQueries the scheduling rules of Sec-Traffic Manager.
SwitchSchedulerRuleSwitchSchedulerRuleSwitches service traffic to an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance for scrubbing or switches service traffic back to the associated cloud resources.

Protection for infrastructure

AddAutoCcBlacklistAddAutoCcBlacklistAdds IP addresses to the IP address blacklist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
AddAutoCcWhitelistAddAutoCcWhitelistAdds IP addresses to the IP address whitelist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
DeleteAutoCcBlacklistDeleteAutoCcBlacklistRemoves IP addresses from the IP address blacklist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
DeleteAutoCcWhitelistDeleteAutoCcWhitelistRemoves IP addresses from the IP address whitelist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
ModifyBlackholeStatusModifyBlackholeStatus Deactivates blackhole filtering that is triggered on an instance.
ModifyBlockStatusModifyBlockStatusModifies the Diversion from Origin Server configuration of an Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland) instance.
DescribeAutoCcListCountDescribeAutoCcListCountQueries the numbers of IP addresses in the IP address whitelist and IP address blacklist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
DescribeAutoCcBlacklistDescribeAutoCcBlacklistQueries IP addresses in the IP address blacklist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
DescribeAutoCcWhitelistDescribeAutoCcWhitelistQueries IP addresses in the IP address whitelist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
DescribeUnBlackholeCountDescribeUnBlackholeCountQueries the total quota and remaining quota that allow you to deactivate blackhole filtering.
DescribeBlackholeStatusDescribeBlackholeStatusQueries the blackhole filtering status of one or more Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances.
DescribeNetworkRegionBlockDescribeNetworkRegionBlockQueries the blocked locations that are configured for an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
DescribeBlockStatusDescribeBlockStatusQueries the Diversion from Origin Server configurations of one or more Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland) instances.
DescribeUnBlockCountDescribeUnBlockCountQueries the total number and the remaining number of times that you can enable the near-origin traffic diversion feature.
EmptyAutoCcBlacklistEmptyAutoCcBlacklistClears the IP address blacklist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
EmptyAutoCcWhitelistEmptyAutoCcWhitelistClears the IP address whitelist of an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
ConfigNetworkRegionBlockConfigNetworkRegionBlockConfigures blocked locations for an Anti-DDoS Proxy instance.
DescribeUdpReflectDescribeUdpReflectQueries the source ports of UDP traffic that are filtered out by the filtering policies for UDP reflection attacks on an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.
ConfigUdpReflectConfigUdpReflectAdds the filtering policies for UDP reflection attacks on an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance to filter out the source ports of UDP traffic.

Protection for website services

CreateWebCCRuleCreateWebCCRuleCreates a custom frequency control rule for a website.
DeleteWebCCRuleDeleteWebCCRuleDeletes a custom frequency control rule of a website.
DeleteWebPreciseAccessRuleDeleteWebPreciseAccessRuleDeletes the accurate access control rules that are created for a website.
ModifyWebAIProtectSwitchModifyWebAIProtectSwitchEnables or disables the Intelligent Protection policy for a website.
ModifyWebAIProtectModeModifyWebAIProtectModeChanges the mode of the intelligent protection feature for a website.
ModifyWebIpSetSwitchModifyWebIpSetSwitchEnables or disables the Black Lists and White Lists (Domain Names) policy for a domain name.
EnableWebCCEnableWebCCEnables the Frequency Control policy for a website.
DisableWebCCDisableWebCCDisables frequency control for a website.
EnableWebCCRuleEnableWebCCRuleEnables custom frequency control rules for a website.
DisableWebCCRuleDisableWebCCRuleDisables custom frequency control rules for a website.
ModifyWebCCRuleModifyWebCCRuleModifies the custom frequency control rule of a website.
ModifyWebPreciseAccessSwitchModifyWebPreciseAccessSwitchEnables or disables accurate access control for a website.
ModifyWebPreciseAccessRuleModifyWebPreciseAccessRuleCreates or modifies an accurate access control rule of a website.
ModifyWebAreaBlockSwitchModifyWebAreaBlockSwitchEnables or disables the Location Blacklist (Domain Names) policy for a domain name.
ModifyWebAreaBlockModifyWebAreaBlockModifies the blocked locations that are configured in the Location Blacklist (Domain Names) policy for a website.
DescribeWebCcProtectSwitchDescribeWebCcProtectSwitchQueries the status of each mitigation policy for a website.
DescribeWebCCRulesDescribeWebCCRulesQueries the custom frequency control rules that are created for a website.
DescribeWebPreciseAccessRuleDescribeWebPreciseAccessRuleQueries the accurate access control rules that are created for websites.
DescribeWebAreaBlockConfigsDescribeWebAreaBlockConfigsQueries the Location Blacklist (Domain Names) configurations for websites.
ConfigWebIpSetConfigWebIpSetConfigures the IP address whitelist and blacklist for a website.
ConfigWebCCTemplateConfigWebCCTemplateConfigures the mode of the Frequency Control policy for a website.
DeleteWebCCRuleV2DeleteWebCCRuleV2Deletes custom frequency control rules of a website.
DescribeWebCCRulesV2DescribeWebCCRulesV2Queries the custom frequency control rules that are created for a website.
ModifyWebCCGlobalSwitchModifyWebCCGlobalSwitchEnables or disables the HTTP flood mitigation feature for a website.

Protection for non-website services

ModifyPortAutoCcStatusModifyPortAutoCcStatusModifies the Intelligent Protection configuration of a non-website service.
ModifyNetworkRuleAttributeModifyNetworkRuleAttributeModifies the session persistence and DDoS mitigation policy settings of a port forwarding rule.
DescribePortAutoCcStatusDescribePortAutoCcStatusQueries the configurations of the Intelligent Protection policy for non-website services.
DescribeDomainsDescribeDomainsQueries domain names for which forwarding rules are created.
DescribeHealthCheckListDescribeHealthCheckListQueries the Layer 4 or Layer 7 health check configurations of a port forwarding rule.
DescribeNetworkRuleAttributesDescribeNetworkRuleAttributesQueries the mitigation settings of the port forwarding rule for a non-website service. The mitigation settings include session persistence and DDoS mitigation policies.

Custom policies

CreateSceneDefensePolicyCreateSceneDefensePolicyCreates a scenario-specific custom policy.
DeleteSceneDefensePolicyDeleteSceneDefensePolicyDeletes a scenario-specific custom policy.
ModifySceneDefensePolicyModifySceneDefensePolicyModifies a scenario-specific custom policy.
AttachSceneDefenseObjectAttachSceneDefenseObjectAdds an object to a scenario-specific custom policy for protection.
DetachSceneDefenseObjectDetachSceneDefenseObjectRemoves a protected object from a scenario-specific custom policy.
EnableSceneDefensePolicyEnableSceneDefensePolicyEnables a scenario-specific custom policy.
DisableSceneDefensePolicyDisableSceneDefensePolicyDisables a scenario-specific custom policy.
DescribeSceneDefensePoliciesDescribeSceneDefensePoliciesQueries the configurations of a scenario-specific custom policy.
DescribeSceneDefenseObjectsDescribeSceneDefenseObjectsQueries the protected objects of a scenario-specific custom policy.

Static page caching

DeleteWebCacheCustomRuleDeleteWebCacheCustomRuleDeletes the custom rules of the Static Page Caching policy for a website.
ModifyWebCacheSwitchModifyWebCacheSwitchEnables or disables the Static Page Caching policy for a website.
ModifyWebCacheModeModifyWebCacheModeChanges the cache mode of the Static Page Caching policy for a website.
ModifyWebCacheCustomRuleModifyWebCacheCustomRuleModifies the custom rule of the Static Page Caching policy for a website.
DescribeWebCacheConfigsDescribeWebCacheConfigsQueries the Static Page Caching configuration of websites.

Attack analysis

DescribeDDosEventMaxDescribeDDosEventMaxQueries the peaks of volumetric attacks (bit/s), connection flood attacks (CPS), and resource exhaustion attacks on websites (QPS).
DescribeDDosEventAreaDescribeDDosEventAreaQueries the source region from which a volumetric attack is initiated.
DescribeDDosEventAttackTypeDescribeDDosEventAttackTypeQueries the attack type details of a volumetric attack.
DescribeDDosEventIspDescribeDDosEventIspQueries the Internet service provider (ISP) information about a volumetric attack.
DescribeDDosEventSrcIpDescribeDDosEventSrcIpQueries the source IP address from which a volumetric attack is initiated.
DescribeBackSourceCidrDescribeBackSourceCidrQueries the back-to-origin CIDR blocks of Anti-DDoS Proxy.
DescribeDDosAllEventListDescribeDDosAllEventListQuery DDoS attacks by IP address.
DescribeDDoSEventsDescribeDDoSEventsQueries the attack events launched against one or more Anti-DDoS Proxy instances.
DescribeSlaEventListDescribeSlaEventListQueries the destination rate limit events.
DescribeDomainAttackEventsDescribeDomainAttackEventsQueries the attack events launched against a website.
DescribeDefenseCountStatisticsDescribeDefenseCountStatisticsQueries the statistics on advanced mitigation sessions of an Anti-DDoS Proxy (Outside Chinese Mainland) instance.
DescribeAttackAnalysisMaxQpsDescribeAttackAnalysisMaxQpsQueries the peak QPS of DDoS attacks within the specific period of time.
DescribeDestinationPortEventDescribeDestinationPortEventQueries the number of request packets received by the destination ports of the attacked IP address that is protected by Anti-DDoS Proxy.

Monitoring reports

DescribePortFlowListDescribePortFlowListQueries the traffic data of one or more Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances.
DescribePortConnsListDescribePortConnsListQueries the connections established over the ports of one or more Anti-DDoS Proxy instances.
DescribePortConnsCountDescribePortConnsCountThe statistics on the connections established over the ports of one or more Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances are queried.
DescribePortMaxConnsDescribePortMaxConnsQueries the maximum number of connections that can be established over the ports of one or more Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances.
DescribePortAttackMaxFlowDescribePortAttackMaxFlowQueries the peak attack traffic bandwidth and peak attack traffic packet rates of one or more Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances within a specified period of time.
DescribePortViewSourceCountriesDescribePortViewSourceCountriesQueries the areas and countries from which requests are sent to one or more Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances within the specified period of time.
DescribePortViewSourceIspsDescribePortViewSourceIspsQueries the Internet service providers (ISPs) from which requests are sent to one or more Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances within the specified period of time.
DescribePortViewSourceProvincesDescribePortViewSourceProvincesQueries the administrative regions in China from which requests are sent to one or more Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instances within a specified period of time.
DescribeDomainQPSListDescribeDomainQPSListQueries the statistics on the queries per second (QPS) of a website.
DescribeDomainStatusCodeListDescribeDomainStatusCodeListQueries the statistics on HTTP status codes of a website.
DescribeDomainOverviewDescribeDomainOverviewQueries the attack overview of a website, such as the peak HTTP and HTTPS traffic.
DescribeDomainStatusCodeCountDescribeDomainStatusCodeCountQueries the statistics on HTTP status codes of a website within a specified period of time.
DescribeDomainTopAttackListDescribeDomainTopAttackListQueries the peak queries per second (QPS) information about a website, such as the attack QPS and total QPS, within a specific period of time.
DescribeDomainViewSourceCountriesDescribeDomainViewSourceCountriesQueries the areas and countries from which requests are sent to a website within a specified period of time.
DescribeDomainViewSourceProvincesDescribeDomainViewSourceProvincesQueries the administrative regions in China from which requests are sent to a website within a specified period of time.
DescribeDomainViewTopCostTimeDescribeDomainViewTopCostTimeQueries the top N URLs that require the longest time to respond to requests within a specified period of time.
DescribeDomainViewTopUrlDescribeDomainViewTopUrlQueries the top N URLs that receive the most requests within a specified period of time.

Log analysis

EnableWebAccessLogConfigEnableWebAccessLogConfigEnables the log analysis feature for a website.
ModifyFullLogTtlModifyFullLogTtlModifies the log storage duration for Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.
DisableWebAccessLogConfigDisableWebAccessLogConfigDisables the log analysis feature for a website.
DescribeWebAccessLogDispatchStatusDescribeWebAccessLogDispatchStatusChecks whether the log analysis feature is enabled for all domain names.
DescribeWebAccessLogStatusDescribeWebAccessLogStatusQueries the information about the Log Analysis feature for a website, such as the feature status and the Log Service project and Logstore that are used.
DescribeLogStoreExistStatusDescribeLogStoreExistStatusChecks whether a Logstore is created for Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.
DescribeOpEntitiesDescribeOpEntitiesQueries the operation logs of Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland).
DescribeSlsAuthStatusDescribeSlsAuthStatusQueries whether Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium is authorized to access Log Service.
DescribeSlsLogstoreInfoDescribeSlsLogstoreInfoQueries the information about the Logstore of the Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance, such as the log storage capacity and log storage duration.
DescribeSlsOpenStatusDescribeSlsOpenStatusChecks whether Log Service is activated.
DescribeWebAccessLogEmptyCountDescribeWebAccessLogEmptyCountQueries the remaining quota that allows you to clear the Logstore.
DescribeDefenseRecordsDescribeDefenseRecordsQueries the advanced mitigation logs of Anti-DDoS Premium.
EmptySlsLogstoreEmptySlsLogstoreClears the Logstore of Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium.

System configuration and logs

DescribeStsGrantStatusDescribeStsGrantStatusQueries whether Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium is authorized to access other cloud services.
DescribeAsyncTasksDescribeAsyncTasksQueries the details of asynchronous export tasks, such as the IDs, start time, end time, status, parameters, and results.
DescribeSystemLogDescribeSystemLogQueries the details of the bills for the burstable clean bandwidth.
DescribeElasticQpsDescribeElasticQpsQueries the line chart of the bills for the burstable QPS of an Anti-DDoS Proxy instance.
DescribeElasticQpsRecordDescribeElasticQpsRecordQueries the burstable QPS details of an Anti-DDoS Proxy instance.


CreateTagResourcesCreateTagResourcesAdds tags to multiple Anti-DDoS Proxy instances at a time.
DeleteTagResourcesDeleteTagResourcesRemoves tags from Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland) instances.
DescribeTagKeysDescribeTagKeysQueries all tag keys and the number of Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland) instances to which each tag key is added.
DescribeTagResourcesDescribeTagResourcesQueries the information about the tags that are added to an Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland) instance.


CreatePortCreatePortCreates a port forwarding rule.
DeletePortDeletePortDeletes the specified port forwarding rule.
ModifyPortModifyPortModifies a port forwarding rule.
DescribePortDescribePortQueries the port forwarding rules that are created for an Anti-DDoS Pro or Anti-DDoS Premium instance.


CreateDomainResourceCreateDomainResourceCreates a forwarding rule for a website.
DeleteDomainResourceDeleteDomainResourceDeletes a specified forwarding rule of a website.
DescribeDomainResourceDescribeDomainResourceQueries the configurations of a forwarding rule.
ModifyDomainResourceModifyDomainResourceModifies the forwarding rule of a website.
ConfigLayer4RemarkConfigLayer4RemarkAdds a description to a port forwarding rule.
ConfigLayer4RuleBakModeConfigLayer4RuleBakModeEnables or disables the origin redundancy mode for a port forwarding rule.
ConfigLayer4RulePolicyConfigLayer4RulePolicyConfigures the IP addresses of the primary and secondary origin servers for a port forwarding rule.
DescribeLayer4RulePolicyDescribeLayer4RulePolicyQueries the back-to-origin settings of a port forwarding rule.