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AnalyticDB:Purchase, configuration change, and upgrade

Last Updated:Apr 17, 2024

This topic provides answers to some frequently asked questions about purchase, configuration change, and upgrade in AnalyticDB for MySQL.


If no edition is specified in a question, the question applies only to AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) clusters.

FAQ overview

What are the differences between AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) and Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0)?

By leveraging the high-performance real-time analysis of Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0), Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0) provides cost-effective batch processing and machine learning capabilities to help process large amounts of data, decouple computing and storage, and reduce costs. The data lakehouse architecture prevents consistency and timeliness issues that may be caused by data synchronization. For more information, see Editions.

What are the differences between AnalyticDB for MySQL in elastic mode and Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) in reserved mode?

  • The billing methods of storage resources are different in the two modes.

    • In reserved mode, you must specify the required storage capacity when you create a cluster. You are charged based on the specified storage capacity.

    • In elastic mode, you do not need to specify the storage capacity when you create a cluster. You are charged based on the storage usage.

      For example, if you purchase a pay-as-you-go cluster and the storage usage on a specific day is 100 GB, you are charged for the storage resources based on the following formula: 100 GB × Usage duration. In elastic mode, AnalyticDB for MySQL imposes a minimum charge based on 20 GB of storage. You are charged for 20 GB of data storage even if the storage usage is less than 20 GB.

  • In elastic mode, computing resources are separated from storage resources. Computing resources are used to process and compute data. Storage resources are used to read and write data. This way, you can identify whether performance bottlenecks of your workloads are caused by computing resources or storage resources, and scale your resources accordingly to reduce costs.

What are the purposes of elastic I/O resources?

Elastic I/O resources are bundled into units and sold as elastic I/O units (EIUs) to measure the storage performance of AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters. Real-time data and hot data are stored in EIUs to support high workloads that are caused by data import and index building. For more information, see Scale up elastic I/O resources.

Why am I charged pay-as-you-go fees for my subscription cluster?

The fees for a subscription AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster include fees for basic computing resources and elastic I/O resources. However, you may require additional storage and elastic resources to store your data and scale up resources. These resources are billed on a pay-as-you-go basis and are reflected in your bills. For more information about billing rules, see Billable items of Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) and Billable items of Data Lakehouse Edition (V3.0).

Can I shut down an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster?

No, you cannot shut down an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster. To reduce costs, you can purchase storage plans and ACU-hour plans to offset the storage costs and resources that are consumed by clusters. The resources include reserved computing resources, reserved storage resources, and elastic resources. For information about storage plans and ACU-hour plans, see Storage plans and ACU-hour plans.

What do I do if my AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster is locked?

If your AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) cluster in elastic mode for Cluster Edition is locked because the amount of hot data that is stored in an EIU exceeds 8 TB, scale up your elastic I/O resources at the earliest opportunity. For more information, see Scale a Data Warehouse Edition cluster.

In what scenarios may the availability of an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster be affected?

The availability of an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster may be affected when failures occur on the cluster or when the cluster undergoes configuration changes or version upgrades.

How do I query the minor version of an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster?

  1. Connect to the cluster whose minor version you want to query.

  2. Execute the following statement:

    select adb_version();
  3. Obtain the minor version of the cluster from the query result.

    Sample result:

    | source_version | rpm_version    | build_date          | revision_id | revision_date       |
    |       | 20210809205222 | 2021-08-09 20:52:22 | 97b631a     | 2021-08-09 20:32:04 |

How long does it take to complete an upgrade in AnalyticDB for MySQL? Does an upgrade affect my business?

In most cases, an upgrade requires approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete. The required time varies based on the cluster specifications and the data volume. Your business may encounter transient connections during the upgrade. Make sure that your application is configured to automatically reconnect to your cluster. If your business requires a high success rate for queries, we recommend that you perform upgrades during nighttime or off-peak hours.

Does a configuration change on an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster affect the number of shards?

A configuration change on an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster does not affect the number of shards.