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:Scale a Data Warehouse Edition cluster

Last Updated:Jun 04, 2024

If the resources that are selected when you purchase an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) cluster cannot meet your business requirements or are far more than required, you can scale the cluster.


  • Your Alibaba Cloud account does not have unpaid renewal orders.

  • The cluster is in the Running state.

Background information

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to scale a cluster. For clusters in reserved mode, you can individually change the number of node groups or the storage capacity or change both of them. For clusters in elastic mode, you can individually change the amount of computing resources or the amount of elastic I/O resources or change both of them.

Usage notes

  • When you scale a cluster, you cannot execute the SUBMIT JOB statement to submit asynchronous jobs. If your business requires asynchronous jobs, perform scaling during appropriate periods.

  • When you scale a cluster, data in the cluster is migrated for redistribution. The amount of time that is required to migrate data is proportional to the data volume.

  • When you downgrade cluster specifications, data migration may require up to dozens of hours to complete. Proceed with caution especially if your cluster contains a large amount of data.

  • When the scaling process is about to end, transient connections may occur. We recommend that you scale your cluster during off-peak hours or make sure that your application is configured to automatically reconnect to your cluster.

  • When you change the performance level of Enterprise SSDs (ESSDs), take note of the following items:

    • If you change the ESSD performance level, you cannot change other configurations.

    • When you change the ESSD performance level from PL1, PL2, or PL3 to PL0, you cannot execute the SUBMIT JOB statement to submit asynchronous jobs. If your business requires asynchronous jobs, perform scaling during appropriate periods.

    • When you change the ESSD performance level from PL1, PL2, or PL3 to PL0, data in the cluster is migrated for redistribution. The amount of time that is required to migrate data is proportional to the data volume.

    • When you change the ESSD performance level to a higher level, data is not redistributed and your business is not affected.

Billing rules

For information about the billing rules, see Billing of configuration changes.


Scale a cluster in elastic mode

  1. Log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console. In the upper-left corner of the console, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters. On the Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) tab, find the cluster that you want to manage and click Scale Up or choose More > Scale Down in the Actions column.

  2. On the Upgrade/Downgrade or Downgrade page, configure the parameters that are described in the following table.




    The edition and version of the cluster. This parameter is automatically set to Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0). You do not need to configure this parameter.


    The mode of the cluster. This parameter is automatically set to Elastic Mode. You do not need to configure this parameter.


    The edition of the cluster. This parameter is automatically set to Cluster Edition. You do not need to configure this parameter.


    The specifications of the cluster. This parameter is automatically set to E32. You do not need to configure this parameter.

    Computing Resources

    The Computing Resources of the cluster. You can use computing resources to compute data. The increase in the computing resources can accelerate data queries. We recommend that you select more CPU cores for computing resources than those for storage resources.

    EIU Specifications

    The single-node specifications of an elastic I/O unit (EIU) for the cluster. Each EIU consists of three nodes.

    Elastic I/O resources are bundled into units and sold as EIUs. You can use EIUs to scale out storage resources for AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL clusters in elastic mode for Cluster Edition. For more information, see Scale out elastic I/O resources.

    After you scale out elastic I/O resources, the amount of hot data that is locked by each EIU increases. For more information, see the "EIU-based storage performance metrics" section of the Scale out elastic I/O resources topic. If you want to scale in the elastic I/O resources, you must make sure that the amount of hot data in your cluster is less than the amount of hot data that can be supported by the elastic I/O resources after scale-in. If the preceding requirements cannot be met, we recommend that you migrate part of the data to cold storage before you scale in the elastic I/O resources.


    The number of EIUs.


    This parameter takes effect only when the Mode parameter is set to Elastic Mode and the Computing Resources parameter is set to 32 cores and 128 GB or more.

    ESSD Performance Level

    The ESSD performance level of the cluster. ESSD performance levels provide the following capacities:

    • PL0: 20 GiB to 65536 GiB.

    • PL1: 20 GiB to 65536 GiB.

    • PL2: 461 GiB to 65536 GiB.

    • PL3: 1261 GiB to 65536 GiB.

    • When you change the ESSD performance level, you cannot change other configurations.

    • When you change the ESSD performance level, the amount of hot data in your cluster must reach the minimum capacity that can be provided by the selected performance level.

    • The hot storage fee varies based on the ESSD performance level. You can calculate the hot storage fee by using the following formula: Unit storage price of an ESSD performance level × Hot storage size × Duration. For information about the unit storage price of each ESSD performance level, see Pricing for Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0).

  3. For a subscription cluster, read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now. Confirm the order and the payment method, and then click Subscribe. For a pay-as-you-go cluster, read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now.

Scale a cluster in reserved mode

  1. Log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console. In the upper-left corner of the console, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters. On the Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0) tab, find the cluster that you want to manage and click Scale Up or choose More > Scale Down in the Actions column.

  2. On the Upgrade/Downgrade or Downgrade page, configure the parameters that are described in the following table.




    The edition and version of the cluster. This parameter is automatically set to Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0). You do not need to configure this parameter.


    The edition of the cluster. This parameter is automatically set to Cluster Edition. You do not need to configure this parameter.


    The specifications of the cluster.

    Node Groups

    The number of node groups. By default, each node group consists of three nodes.


    The storage of a single node group. If you purchase multiple node groups, you can use the following formula to calculate the total storage capacity of the cluster: Total storage capacity = Storage capacity of a single node group × Number of node groups.

    ESSD Performance Level

    The ESSD performance level of the cluster. ESSD performance levels provide the following capacities:

    • PL0: 20 GiB to 65536 GiB.

    • PL1: 20 GiB to 65536 GiB.

    • When you change the ESSD performance level, you cannot change other configurations.

    • When you change the ESSD performance level, the amount of hot data in your cluster must reach the minimum capacity that can be provided by the selected performance level.

    • The hot storage fee varies based on the ESSD performance level. You can calculate the hot storage fee by using the following formula: Unit storage price of an ESSD performance level × Hot storage size × Duration. For information about the unit storage price of each ESSD performance level, see Pricing for Data Warehouse Edition (V3.0).

  3. For a subscription cluster, read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now. Confirm the order and the payment method, and then click Subscribe. For a pay-as-you-go cluster, read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now.