Problem Description:
When you use Alibaba Mail, the corresponding email data is automatically stored in the Alibaba Mail you use, that is, the Alibaba Cloud email server.
All the email data will be automatically saved in the mailbox by default. Please visit and enter the Webmail to view all emails;
The capacity of Alibaba Mail account is different for each version.
When the capacity of the email account is full, the existing emails will continue to be stored in the mailbox. The new emails cannot be saved or collected. Please pay attention to cleaning up the space of the mailbox on a regular basis, and Alibaba Mail will send system reminders according to the usage.
If there is a relevant email receiving rule that is automatically deleted emails after receiving, or the email is automatically deleted after receiving through POP protocol in the third-party email client, or the email is manually deleted after being synchronized to the local email client by IMAP protocol, the deleted emails under these 3 circumstances are deleted synchronously in the Webmail;
After the email account is deleted, the email will be completely deleted from the email server, so please be careful to delete the email account.
In the Webmail, the deleted emails are saved in the Deleted Items folder and can be checked. If the emails are deleted permanently, then they are not saved in any folders in Webmail.
For completely deleted emails, the email admin can find and recover the emails by Email Recycle function in the domain management page. For more information, please check Email Loss or Accidental Deletion Recovery Process.