This topic describes the terms of domain names, DNS, and domain name resolution.
1. Domain Name
Domain name is the name of a computer or group of computers on the Internet composed of a string of names separated by dots. It is used to identify the electronic position of the computer when Data Transmission Service (sometimes also referred to as geographic location).
When you purchase the Alibaba Mail, you need to bind a domain name. This domain name is displayed as the suffix of your email address. For example, if the bound domain name is, your email address is displayed as a***
If you do not have a domain name, click to register a domain name.
The tel domain name and Chinese domain name cannot be used as the email suffix domain name.
If you have opened an email address with the same domain name on Alibaba Cloud, you are not allowed to apply again.
If you use mail.domain name or www.domain name to bind the email service, the status will be automatically refreshed and displayed as the resolution has taken effect after setting the corresponding email resolution for this secondary domain name. At that time, the suffix of email address will be @mail.domain name or @www.domain name.
Alibaba Mail Bound Domain Name Replacement
If you want to change the domain name bound to the email service, please refer to Change the Domain Name of Alibaba Mail.
Domain Name Validity Query
If the domain name expires, the usage of your email service will be affected. You can query the validity period of the domain name through the whois system. Please note that the whois system does not obtain the latest information in real time. Therefore, if you encounter this situation, click Get the latest information to query.
The following figure shows the query result:

2. DNS
DNS is the abbreviation of Domain Name System, which is a service of the Internet. As a distributed database of domain name and IP address mapping, it can make people more convenient to access the Internet.
To configure domain name resolution, you must add it to the DNS where the domain name is located. Therefore, you need to know the DNS service provider where the domain name is located. DNS service providers are vendors that provide DNS authoritative DNS resolution services for your domain names. Domain name registrar refers to the place where your domain names are registered and managed. You can use the Network Diagnostic Analysis platform to query the DNS service provider where your domain names are located.
The following figure shows the query result:

3. Domain Name Resolution
Domain name resolution is a service that points a domain name to the website space IP so that people can easily access the website through the registered domain name. An IP address is a digital address that identifies a site on the network. To facilitate memory, a domain name is used instead of an IP address to identify a site address. Domain name resolution is the conversion process from domain name to IP address. The resolution of domain names is completed by the DNS server.
After you purchase Alibaba Mail products, in addition to the email settings first, the most important thing is to resolve the domain name bound to the email address, add the corresponding MX record settings and the resolution takes effect before Alibaba Mail can send and receive emails normally.
If you are using an Alibaba Cloud domain name, please refer to How to Setup DNS Resolution of Alibaba Cloud Domain Name for Alibaba Mail?.
If you use a non-Alibaba Cloud domain name, please refer to How to Setup DNS Resolution of Non-Alibaba Cloud Domain Name for Alibaba Mail?.