A Contain Registry Enterprise Edition instance is created. The Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance must be of the Advanced Edition. For more information, see Create a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance.
A virtual private cloud (VPC) is configured. If you need the ACK cluster to access a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance over a VPC. For more information, see Configure a VPC ACL. Access over the Internet is enabled and the IP address of the cluster is added to the whitelist if you need the ACK cluster to access a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance over the Internet. For more information, see Configure access over the Internet.
Step 1: Grant read permissions on Container Registry resources
If the ACK cluster is a serverless Kubernetes cluster, you must grant read permissions on Container Registry resources to the P2P component.
If the ACK cluster is a managed or dedicated Kubernetes cluster, you do not need to grant read permissions on Container Registry resources to the P2P component. By default, the permissions are granted.
Create a RAM role.
Grant permissions to the RAM role.
Step 2: View the ID of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance
- Log on to the Container Registry console.
- In the top navigation bar, select a region.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.
- On the Instances page, click the Enterprise Edition instance that you want to manage.
View the ID of the Container Registry instance in the upper-left corner of the Overview page.
Step 3: Install the P2P component
Log on to the ACK console.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose .
On the App Catalog page, search for the ack-acr-acceleration-p2p component. After the ack-acr-acceleration-p2p component is found, click the card of the component.
On the page that appears, click Deploy.
In the Deploy wizard, select a cluster and namespace, and then click Next.
In the Parameters step, set the registryInstances parameter to the Container Registry instance ID that you obtained in Step 2.
If multiple Container Registry instances are used, separate the instance IDs with commas (,) when you set the registryInstances parameter.
By default, the P2P component uses port 65001 on nodes. If port 65001 has been used by another component, change the port that is used by the P2P component based on your business requirements.
# Port of P2P Agent in host network
port: 65001
# Id of ACR registry instances, support multi, e.g. "cri-xxx,cri-yyy"
registryInstances: <ACR instance Id>
Optional:Set the controller.ramRole parameter to the name of the RAM role that you created in Step 1.
The controller.ramRole parameter is required only for ACK Serverless clusters. You can skip this step for other clusters.
# ACK Serverless cluster setting, in order to accessing ACR OpenAPI(Get*, List*) for ECS
ramRole: <your ram role name>
Optional:If you want to specify the upper limit of the total bandwidth for uploading and downloading by using the P2P component, set the ratelimit parameter. The default value is 512 MB/s. You can specify a value based on the bandwidth of nodes.
# Total net rate limit (MBytes/s) for uploading and downloading
ratelimit: "512M"
In the Deploy pane, select a cluster and click Create.
Step 4: Enable P2P acceleration
You can add the P2P acceleration label to workloads such as pods and Deployments to enable P2P acceleration for these workloads. You can also add the P2P acceleration label to a namespace in your ACK cluster. This way, P2P acceleration is enabled for all workloads that meet acceleration conditions in this namespace. You do not need to modify the YAML files of specific workloads to enable P2P acceleration. Select a method to add the P2P acceleration label based on your business requirements.
The name of the P2P acceleration label is
and the value is p2p
Verify P2P acceleration
After P2P acceleration is enabled for a pod, the P2P component automatically adds P2P-related information to the YAML file of the pod. The information includes P2P-related annotations, the address of the P2P-accelerated image, and the Secret for pulling the P2P-accelerated image.
The only difference between the Secret that is used to pull a P2P-accelerated image and the Secret that is used to pull the original image is the domain name of the image repository. If the user information is invalid in the Secret for pulling the original image, the P2P-accelerated image also fails to be pulled.
Run the following command to view the YAML file of the pod:
kubectl get po <Pod name> -oyaml
The expected output:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
# inject p2p-annotations automatically p2p '...'
# inject image to p2p endpoint
- image:
- name: test-registry
# inject image pull secret for p2p endpoint
- name: acr-credential-test-registry-p2p
If P2P-related annotations, the address of the P2P-accelerated image, and the Secret for pulling the P2P-accelerated image exist in the YAML file, P2P acceleration is enabled.