) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Artifact Subscription Management
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
UpdateArtifactSubscriptionRule | UpdateArtifactSubscriptionRule | Updates an artifact subscription rule. |
DeleteArtifactSubscriptionRule | DeleteArtifactSubscriptionRule | Deletes an artifact subscription rule. |
ListArtifactSubscriptionTask | ListArtifactSubscriptionTask | Lists artifact subscription tasks. |
GetArtifactSubscriptionRule | GetArtifactSubscriptionRule | Queries the information about an artifact subscription rule. |
GetArtifactSubscriptionTaskResult | GetArtifactSubscriptionTaskResult | Queries the details of an artifact subscription task. |
CreateArtifactSubscriptionRule | CreateArtifactSubscriptionRule | Creates an artifact subscription rule. |
ListArtifactSubscriptionRule | ListArtifactSubscriptionRule | Lists the subscription rules of artifacts. |
GetArtifactSubscriptionTask | GetArtifactSubscriptionTask | Queries an artifact subscription task. |
CreateArtifactSubscriptionTask | CreateArtifactSubscriptionTask | Creates an artifact subscription task. |
ArtifactLifecycle Management
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
UpdateArtifactLifecycleRule | UpdateArtifactLifecycleRule | Updates a lifecycle management rule of an artifact. |
ListArtifactLifecycleRule | ListArtifactLifecycleRule | Queries the lifecycle management rules of an artifact. |
GetArtifactLifecycleRule | GetArtifactLifecycleRule | Queries the lifecycle management rules of an artifact. |
DeleteArtifactLifecycleRule | DeleteArtifactLifecycleRule | Deletes an artifact lifecycle management rule. |
CreateArtifactLifecycleRule | CreateArtifactLifecycleRule | Creates a lifecycle management rule for an artifact. |
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
TagResources | TagResources | Adds tags to resources. Instance resources are supported. |
UntagResources | UntagResources | Removes tags from resources. Instance resources are supported. |
ListTagResources | ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to cloud resources. Instance resources are supported. |
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
GetInstance | GetInstance | The ID of the resource group to which the instance belongs. |
GetInstanceUsage | GetInstanceUsage | Queries the quota usage of an instance. |
ListInstanceRegion | ListInstanceRegion | Queries regions in which you can create Container Registry instances. |
ListInstance | ListInstance | Queries Container Registry instances. |
GetInstanceCount | GetInstanceCount | Queries the number of instances. |
Instance endpoints
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateInstanceVpcEndpointLinkedVpc | CreateInstanceVpcEndpointLinkedVpc | Associates a virtual private cloud (VPC) with a Container Registry instance. |
CreateInstanceEndpointAclPolicy | CreateInstanceEndpointAclPolicy | Creates a whitelist policy for the public endpoint of the instance. |
DeleteInstanceEndpointAclPolicy | DeleteInstanceEndpointAclPolicy | Deletes a whitelist policy for the public endpoint of an instance. |
DeleteInstanceVpcEndpointLinkedVpc | DeleteInstanceVpcEndpointLinkedVpc | Disassociates a virtual private cloud (VPC) from an instance. |
UpdateInstanceEndpointStatus | UpdateInstanceEndpointStatus | Updates the status of an instance endpoint. |
GetInstanceEndpoint | GetInstanceEndpoint | Queries an endpoint of an instance. |
ListInstanceEndpoint | ListInstanceEndpoint | Queries the endpoints of an instance. |
GetInstanceVpcEndpoint | GetInstanceVpcEndpoint | Queries the endpoints of the virtual private clouds (VPCs) in which a Container Registry instance is deployed. |
Instance replication
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateRepoSyncTaskByRule | CreateRepoSyncTaskByRule | Creates an image replication task based on a manual replication rule. |
CreateRepoSyncRule | CreateRepoSyncRule | Creates an image synchronization rule for an image repository. |
CreateRepoSyncTask | CreateRepoSyncTask | Manually creates an image synchronization task. |
DeleteRepoSyncRule | DeleteRepoSyncRule | Deletes an image replication rule of an image repository. |
ListRepoSyncTask | ListRepoSyncTask | Indicates whether automatic link is used. |
ListRepoSyncRule | ListRepoSyncRule | Queries image replication rules of a repository. |
GetRepoSyncTask | GetRepoSyncTask | Queries an image synchronization task in an instance. |
CancelRepoSyncTask | CancelRepoSyncTask | Cancels a single replication task. |
Image namespaces
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateNamespace | CreateNamespace | Creates a namespace of image repositories. |
DeleteNamespace | DeleteNamespace | Deletes a namespace. |
UpdateNamespace | UpdateNamespace | Updates a namespace. |
GetNamespace | GetNamespace | Queries the information about a namespace. |
ListNamespace | ListNamespace | cri-94klsruryslx\*\*\*\* |
Image repositories
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateRepository | CreateRepository | Creates an image repository. |
DeleteRepository | DeleteRepository | Deletes an image repository. |
UpdateRepository | UpdateRepository | The ID of the request. |
ListRepository | ListRepository | Queries image repositories. |
GetRepository | GetRepository | Queries details about an image repository. |
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateRepoTag | CreateRepoTag | Creates an image tag based on an existing image tag in an image repository. |
DeleteRepoTag | DeleteRepoTag | Deletes an image tag. |
ListRepoTag | ListRepoTag | Queries image tags in a repository. |
GetRepoTag | GetRepoTag | Queries the information about an image tag. |
Image security
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateRepoTagScanTask | CreateRepoTagScanTask | Creates an image scan task. |
GetRepoTagScanStatus | GetRepoTagScanStatus | Queries the scanning status of an image tag. |
GetRepoTagScanSummary | GetRepoTagScanSummary | Queries the number of vulnerabilities for each severity level. These vulnerabilities are detected in a security scan that is created for an image version. |
ListRepoTagScanResult | ListRepoTagScanResult | Queries the results of a security scan that is created for an image tag. |
ListScanBaselineByTask | ListScanBaselineByTask | Queries the baseline risks of a scan task by page. |
ListScanMaliciousFileByTask | ListScanMaliciousFileByTask | Queries the malicious files of a scan task by page. |
Image building
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateBuildRecordByRule | CreateBuildRecordByRule | Creates an image building record based on a rule. |
CreateRepoBuildRule | CreateRepoBuildRule | Creates an image building rule for a repository. |
CreateRepoSourceCodeRepo | CreateRepoSourceCodeRepo | Binds a source code repository to an image repository. |
DeleteRepoBuildRule | DeleteRepoBuildRule | Deletes an image building rule of a repository. |
CancelRepoBuildRecord | CancelRepoBuildRecord | Cancels an image building task of a repository. |
UpdateRepoBuildRule | UpdateRepoBuildRule | Updates an image building rule for a repository. |
UpdateRepoSourceCodeRepo | UpdateRepoSourceCodeRepo | Updates the URL of the source code repository that is bound to an image repository. |
ListRepoBuildRecordLog | ListRepoBuildRecordLog | Queries the log of an image building record. |
ListRepoBuildRule | ListRepoBuildRule | Queries image building rules of an image repository. |
ListRepoBuildRecord | ListRepoBuildRecord | Queries image building records of an image repository. |
GetRepoBuildRecordStatus | GetRepoBuildRecordStatus | Queries the status of an image building task. |
GetRepoBuildRecord | GetRepoBuildRecord | Queries the information about image building records of a repository. |
GetRepoSourceCodeRepo | GetRepoSourceCodeRepo | Queries the information about the source code repository that is bound to an image repository. |
Image building triggers
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateRepoTrigger | CreateRepoTrigger | Creates a trigger for a repository. |
DeleteRepoTrigger | DeleteRepoTrigger | Deletes a trigger of an image repository. |
UpdateRepoTrigger | UpdateRepoTrigger | Updates a trigger of an image repository. |
ListRepoTrigger | ListRepoTrigger | Queries the triggers of a repository. |
Helm chart namespaces
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateChartNamespace | CreateChartNamespace | Creates a chart namespace in an instance. |
DeleteChartNamespace | DeleteChartNamespace | Deletes a chart namespace from an instance. |
UpdateChartNamespace | UpdateChartNamespace | Updates a chart namespace. |
GetChartNamespace | GetChartNamespace | Queries a chart namespace in an instance. |
ListChartNamespace | ListChartNamespace | Queries the chart namespaces of a Container Registry instance. |
Helm chart repositories
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateChartRepository | CreateChartRepository | Creates a chart repository. |
DeleteChartRepository | DeleteChartRepository | Deletes a chart repository from an instance. |
UpdateChartRepository | UpdateChartRepository | Updates a chart repository of a Container Registry instance. |
ListChartRepository | ListChartRepository | Queries the chart repositories of a Container Registry instance. |
GetChartRepository | GetChartRepository | Queries the information about a chart repository. |
Helm chart versions
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
DeleteChartRelease | DeleteChartRelease | Deletes a chart version from a chart repository. |
ListChartRelease | ListChartRelease | Queries the versions of a chart in a chart repository. |
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
GetAuthorizationToken | GetAuthorizationToken | Queries a temporary username and a token that you can use to log on to a Container Registry instance. |
ResetLoginPassword | ResetLoginPassword | Resets the logon password of a Container Registry instance. |
Artifact building
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CancelArtifactBuildTask | CancelArtifactBuildTask | Cancels an artifact building task. |
GetArtifactBuildTask | GetArtifactBuildTask | Queries the details of an artifact building task. |
CreateArtifactBuildRule | CreateArtifactBuildRule | Create image repository acceleration rules for image building. |
ListArtifactBuildTaskLog | ListArtifactBuildTaskLog | Queries the log entries of an artifact building task. |
Cloud-native delivery chains
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
CreateChain | CreateChain | Creates a delivery chain. |
DeleteChain | DeleteChain | Deletes a delivery chain. |
UpdateChain | UpdateChain | Updates the information about a delivery chain, such as the node execution sequence of the delivery chain. |
GetChain | GetChain | Obtains the information of a delivery chain to understand the node execution sequence of the delivery chain. |
ListChain | ListChain | Queries delivery chains. |
ListChainInstance | ListChainInstance | Queries execution records of delivery chains. |
Event notification
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
DeleteEventCenterRule | DeleteEventCenterRule | Deletes an event notification rule. |
UpdateEventCenterRule | UpdateEventCenterRule | Updates an event rule. |
ListEventCenterRecord | ListEventCenterRecord | Queries the historical events of an event rule. |
ListEventCenterRuleName | ListEventCenterRuleName | Queries the name of an event rule. |
API | Title | Description |
API | Title | Description |
ChangeResourceGroup | ChangeResourceGroup | Changes the resource group to which a resource belongs. |