Permission (Action) | Description |
ecs:RunInstances | Starts an ECS instance. |
ecs:RenewInstance | Renews an ECS instance. |
ecs:Create* | Creates ECS resources, such as ECS instances and disks. |
ecs:AllocatePublicIpAddress | Assigns a public IP address to an ECS instance. |
ecs:AllocateEipAddress | Assigns an elastic IP address (EIP) to an ECS instance. |
ecs:Delete* | Deletes an ECS instance. |
ecs:StartInstance | Starts ECS resources. |
ecs:StopInstance | Stops an ECS instance. |
ecs:RebootInstance | Restarts an ECS instance. |
ecs:Describe* | Queries ECS resources. |
ecs:AuthorizeSecurityGroup | Configures inbound rules for a security group. |
ecs:RevokeSecurityGroup | Revokes security group rules. |
ecs:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress | Configures outbound rules for a security group. |
ecs:AttachDisk | Attaches a disk to an ECS instance. |
ecs:DetachDisk | Detaches a disk from an ECS instance. |
ecs:WaitFor* | Waits for the execution of a task. |
ecs:AddTags | Adds tags. |
ecs:ReplaceSystemDisk | Replaces the system disk of an ECS instance. |
ecs:ModifyInstanceAttribute | Modifies the attributes of an ECS instance. |
ecs:JoinSecurityGroup | Adds an ECS instance to a security group. |
ecs:LeaveSecurityGroup | Removes an ECS instance from a security group. |
ecs:UnassociateEipAddress | Disassociates an EIP from an ECS instance. |
ecs:ReleaseEipAddress | Releases an EIP. |
ecs:CreateKeyPair | Creates an SSH key pair. |
ecs:ImportKeyPair | Imports the public key of a Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)-encrypted key pair that is generated by a third-party tool. |
ecs:AttachKeyPair | Binds an SSH key pair to one or more Linux instances. |
ecs:DetachKeyPair | Unbinds an SSH key pair from one or more Linux-based ECS instances. |
ecs:DeleteKeyPairs | Deletes one or more SSH key pairs. |
ecs:AttachInstanceRamRole | Attaches a Resource Access Management (RAM) role to one or more ECS instances. |
ecs:DetachInstanceRamRole | Detaches a RAM role from one or more ECS instances. |
ecs:AllocateDedicatedHosts | Creates one or more pay-as-you-go or subscription dedicated hosts. |
ecs:CreateOrder | Creates an order to purchase ECS instances. |
ecs:DeleteInstance | Releases a pay-as-you-go instance or an expired subscription instance. |
ecs:CreateDisk | Creates a pay-as-you-go or subscription data disk. |
ecs:Createvpc | Creates a VPC for an ECS instance. |
ecs:Deletevpc | Deletes a VPC that is associated with an ECS instance. |
ecs:DeleteVSwitch | Deletes a vSwitch that is associated with an ECS instance. |
ecs:ResetDisk | Rolls back a disk to a specific state by using a snapshot of the disk. |
ecs:DeleteSnapshot | Deletes a snapshot. |
ecs:AllocatePublicIpAddress | Assigns a public IP address to an ECS instance. |
ecs:CreateVSwitch | Creates a vSwitch for an ECS instance. |
ecs:DeleteSecurityGroup | Deletes a security group. |
ecs:CreateImage | Creates a custom image. |
ecs:RemoveTags | Removes tags from an ECS instance. |
ecs:ReleaseDedicatedHost | Releases a pay-as-you-go dedicated host. |
ecs:CreateInstance | Creates a subscription or pay-as-you-go ECS instance. |
ecs:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress | Deletes an outbound rule of a security group. After the rule is deleted, the access control implemented by the rule is removed. |
ecs:DeleteDisk | Deletes a pay-as-you-go data disk. |
ecs:StopInstance | Stops an instance. |
ecs:CreateSecurityGroup | Creates a security group. |
ecs:RevokeSecurityGroup | Deletes an inbound rule of a security group. After the rule is deleted, the access control implemented by the rule is removed. |
ecs:DeleteImage | Deletes a custom image. |
ecs:ModifyInstanceSpec | Changes the instance type and public bandwidth of a pay-as-you-go ECS instance. |
ecs:CreateSnapshot | Creates a snapshot for a cloud disk. |
ecs:CreateCommand | Creates a Cloud Assistant command. |
ecs:InvokeCommand | Triggers a Cloud Assistant command on one or more ECS instances. |
ecs:StopInvocation | Stops the process of a Cloud Assistant command that is running on one or more ECS instances. |
ecs:DeleteCommand | Deletes a Cloud Assistant command. |
ecs:RunCommand | Creates a Cloud Assistant command of the Shell, PowerShell, or Bat type, and runs the command on one or more ECS instances. |
ecs:DescribeInvocationResults | Queries the result of running a Cloud Assistant command on an ECS instance. |
ecs:ModifyCommand | Modifies a Cloud Assistant command. |