Event Type | Event name | Description |
ObjectCreated | oss:ObjectCreated:PutObject | The PutObject operation is called to upload an object. For more information, see PutObject. |
oss:ObjectCreated:PutSymlink | The PutSymlink operation is called to create a symbolic link for a destination object in OSS. The symbolic link can be used to access the destination object. For more information, see PutSymlink. |
oss:ObjectCreated:PostObject | The PostObject operation is called to upload a file to a specified bucket by using an HTML form. For more information, see PostObject. |
oss:ObjectCreated:CopyObject | The CopyObject operation is called to copy an existing object in OSS. For more information, see CopyObject. |
oss:ObjectCreated:InitiateMultipartUpload | The InitiateMultipartUpload operation is called to initiate a multipart upload task in OSS. Before you use multipart upload to upload data, you must call the InitiateMultipartUpload operation. For more information, see InitiateMultipartUpload. |
oss:ObjectCreated:UploadPart | After the multipart upload event is initiated, you can upload data in parts based on specified object names and upload IDs. For more information, see UploadPart. |
oss:ObjectCreated:UploadPartCopy | The UploadPartCopy operation is called to copy data from an existing object to upload a part. For more information, see UploadPartCopy. |
oss:ObjectCreated:CompleteMultipartUpload | The CompleteMultipartUpload operation is called to complete the multipart upload task of an object. For more information, see CompleteMultipartUpload. |
oss:ObjectCreated:AppendObject | The AppendObject operation is called to upload an object by appending the object to an existing object. For more information, see AppendObject. |
oss:ObjectCreated:* | A function is triggered when one of the preceding ObjectCreated operations is called. |
ObjectRemoved | oss:ObjectRemoved:DeleteObject | The DeleteObject operation is called to delete an object. For more information, see DeleteObject. |
oss:ObjectRemoved:DeleteObjects | The DeleteMultipleObjects operation is called to delete multiple objects at a time. For more information, see DeleteMultipleObjects. |
oss:ObjectRemoved:AbortMultipartUpload | The AbortMultipartUpload operation is called to cancel a multipart upload task based on the specified upload ID. For more information, see AbortMultipartUpload. |
ObjectModified | oss:ObjectModified:UpdateObjectMeta | The UpdateObjectMeta operation is called to modify the attributes of an object. Note This type of event is supported in the following regions: China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Qingdao), China (Beijing), China (Zhangjiakou), China (Hohhot), China (Shenzhen), and China (Chengdu). |
ObjectReplication | oss:ObjectReplication:ObjectCreated | An object is created in a data replication task. Note The event is supported in the following regions: China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Beijing), and China (Shenzhen). |
oss:ObjectReplication:ObjectModified | An object is overwritten in a data replication task. Note The event is supported in the following regions: China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Beijing), and China (Shenzhen). |
oss:ObjectReplication:ObjectRemoved | An object is deleted in a data replication task. Note The event is supported in the following regions: China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Beijing), and China (Shenzhen). |